martes, 11 de enero de 2022

The Snow Fairy - Claude McKay

Poesías invierno en inglés para niños, Poems about the Fall Season, winter Poems for Kids

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Poems in English

Winter Poems for Kids - Poesías invierno en inglés estaciones del año

The Snow Fairy


Throughout the afternoon I watched them there,
Snow-fairies falling, falling from the sky,
Whirling fantastic in the misty air,
Contending fierce for space supremacy.
And they flew down a mightier force at night,
As though in heaven there was revolt and riot,
And they, frail things had taken panic flight
Down to the calm earth seeking peace and quiet.
I went to bed and rose at early dawn
To see them huddled together in a heap,
Each merged into the other upon the lawn,
Worn out by the sharp struggle, fast asleep.
The sun shone brightly on them half the day,
By night they stealthily had stol’n away.


And suddenly my thoughts then turned to you
Who came to me upon a winter’s night,
When snow-sprites round my attic window flew,
Your hair disheveled, eyes aglow with light.
My heart was like the weather when you came,
The wanton winds were blowing loud and long;
But you, with joy and passion all aflame,
You danced and sang a lilting summer song.
I made room for you in my little bed,
Took covers from the closet fresh and warm,
A downful pillow for your scented head,
And lay down with you resting in my arm.
You went with Dawn. You left me ere the day,
The lonely actor of a dreamy play.

By Claude McKay

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How like a winter hath my absence been

Poesías invierno en inglés para niños, Poems about the Fall Season, winter Poems for Kids

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Poems in English

Winter Poems for Kids - Poesías invierno en inglés estaciones del año

Sonnet 97: How like a winter hath my absence been

How like a winter hath my absence been
From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year!
What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen!
What old December's bareness everywhere!
And yet this time remov'd was summer's time,
The teeming autumn, big with rich increase,
Bearing the wanton burthen of the prime,
Like widow'd wombs after their lords' decease:
Yet this abundant issue seem'd to me
But hope of orphans and unfather'd fruit;
For summer and his pleasures wait on thee,
And thou away, the very birds are mute;
Or if they sing, 'tis with so dull a cheer
That leaves look pale, dreading the winter's near.

By William Shakespeare

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How to celebrate your first valentine's day?

How to celebrate your first valentine's day?

Celebrating Valentine's Day with your lover for the first time is bound to be a special occasion, so this year we're going all out!

You love love love, you love this holiday, or on the contrary you hate it but you tell yourself that it would be nice to mark your first Valentine's Day with your beloved. Well YES, you're right! And even if you don't know yet if your sweetheart loves or hates Valentine's Day, now is the time to find out...

Because yes, celebrating Valentine's Day for the first time is not only for those who are new to love, but also for those who are in a relationship with someone they have never celebrated Valentine's Day with.

You may have celebrated it over and over again; it will never be like the ones you have experienced, because every person and every situation is different.

So if you're here, you know what I mean and you're ready to plan your first perfect Valentine's Day!

How do I celebrate my first Valentine's Day?

To begin with, try to find out a little bit about your partner's view of Valentine's Day, so that you can aim for the right thing on your first Valentine's Day as a lover.

If your loved one loves this holiday, has been waiting for ages and February is their favourite month, it's time to get to work on the perfect romantic evening for your first Valentine's Day. If you also love Valentine's Day, then you'll need to give her a real treat!

For those of you who don't think of Valentine's Day as the night of the year, celebrating your first Valentine's Day is still worth making an exception! Even if we don't doubt the burning passion that drives you at the beginning of a relationship ;) know that some people appreciate a small gesture to start a relationship. It's up to you to interpret the signals when you see them!

1 - The perfect romantic evening

You both love Valentine's Day, and February 14th is a date you particularly look forward to. This year is the first time you're celebrating Valentine's Day with your loved one and you want to go all out. From the living room and bedroom decorations to your table decorations, NOTHING is left to chance, and everything is done to create the most romantic atmosphere possible for your first Valentine's Day.

So for your first Valentine's Day, you should not skimp on the means, especially if your partner adores small romantic gestures.

We try to do it a little in advance to make a perfect decoration, so that he/she remembers his/her first Valentine's Day with you. Balloons in the shape of hearts, rose petals all over the place, roses in vases all over the entrance, so that when he/she comes in, he/she will discover the magic of Valentine's Day. Be careful, the flowers must be bought the same day as they are ephemeral.

You can also place candles here and there, or LED candles for a safer touch, on your furniture and also on your table. Nothing could be simpler than to immerse yourself in a cocoon-romantic atmosphere for your first Valentine's Day. For those of you who love the slightly too much side of Valentine's Day, don't hesitate! Valentine's Day is the evening of love and romance par excellence.

Of course, once you've decorated your living room and your entrance, you' re ready to decorate your table. As for the meal, whether homemade or ordered, avoid eating ingredients that are too heavy or difficult to digest... It would be a shame to spoil your first Valentine's Day! Especially if you have spent a lot of time making a beautiful room decoration for your lover.

Finally, don't forget to put a playlist in the background to make your first Valentine's Day even more perfect!

2 - The cocooning evening - Netflix for two

Tonight is your first Valentine's Day with your sweetheart, but romance is not necessarily your thing. However, you can treat yourself to an evening that is a little out of the ordinary.

Candlelit dinners and rose petals scattered everywhere are a bit too much for you.

You are rather fond of a good meal (of course a little more elaborate than usual) by the fire (for the lucky ones who have it ), with a nice cocooning table decoration that will put you at ease.

You'll end up on your first Valentine's Day with your other half on the sofa, wrapped up in a blanket, in front of a good Netflix series, or a movie you haven't seen yet. Nice, isn't it?

3 - A romantic evening, but not too much

You're not sure if your boyfriend or girlfriend is for or against Valentine's Day, so you decide to organise a small romantic evening for your first Valentine's Day, but sparingly!

You don't need to overdo it, just a few lit candles and some roses to get you in the romantic mood will do. The aim is not to scare her, if she's not into that...

As far as the meal is concerned, you can still make a nice table decoration, it's always nice, it's your first Valentine's Day after all! This delicate attention will always please him.

The treasure hunt

Do you really want to stand out on your first Valentine's Day? Organise a treasure hunt that reveals clues to the evening you have planned for him/her.

When he/she gets home, post post-its, or hang cards on heart-shaped helium balloons, to leave messages for them. You can also make a path to follow with post-its, alternating clues to your location with words of endearment.

Of course, don't use too many, but use enough to keep the suspense of your first Valentine's Day alive. You can also hide little gifts for him/her to discover as he/she solves the clues. Perfect for your first Valentine's Day, this idea will be original and will surprise her/him.

5 - Valentine's Day picnic at home

Yes, you can also have a picnic at home, and even more so to celebrate your first Valentine's Day! All you need is a pretty tablecloth to unfold on your coffee table, a few rose petals, a few candles for romance, some nice plates and cutlery and two glasses. A brunch, easy to eat, a good playlist in the background for a cosy atmosphere and you're all set for your first Valentine's Day!

6 - Romantic dinner in a restaurant

Do you want to take her to the best restaurant in town for your first Valentine's Day? Yes, don't wait any longer to make a reservation! Places are expensive and rare on Valentine's Day, so don't wait until the last moment to make a reservation and make it at least a few weeks in advance. Show him/her that you are organised and you will score points with him/her on your first Valentine's Day.

7 - Romantic weekend in a hotel or unusual place

If Valentine's Day falls on a Friday, or during the weekend, take the opportunity to take her on a romantic weekend for your first Valentine's Day! There's nothing nicer than getting away from it all for a few days with your partner.

Choose a romantic hotel, or a night in an unusual place, an igloo, a cabin, ..., the choice is yours! Of course, don't hesitate to personalise the place where you are with romantic touches for your first Valentine's Day! She/he will remember it all her life.

8 - Relaxation day at the SPA

For your first Valentine's Day, after a hard day, offer her a moment of relaxation just for two at the SPA. There's nothing better than taking some time for yourself, to relax, while being in the company of your loved one.

If you are lucky and have a jacuzzi at home, you can decorate it with candles and rose petals. A nice romantic atmosphere for your first Valentine's Day.

9 - Go dancing!

For your first Valentine's Day, if you and your other half like to dance, it's time to go dancing together and have a fun time together!

You can also take a dance class together for your first Valentine's Day!

10 - Romantic picnic

Forget the restaurant and organise a romantic picnic to celebrate your first Valentine's Day with your partner. Take him/her to a heavenly setting if you can, with a beautiful sunset to boot.

Get out a nice tablecloth, plates and cutlery, and snuggle up together with a glass of champagne while admiring the view. Don't forget to take some candles to create a cosy-romantic atmosphere, perfect for a superb first Valentine's Day.

11 - Reliving the first date

Yes, now you can say it, it's your wife or husband! Of course it doesn't change that much, you loved him/her before he/she was, and you love him/her more every day, but this year is still your first Valentine's Day as husband and wife, so it's still symbolic.

Why not relive your first date with your husband/wife on your first Valentine's Day as husband and wife? Go back to the place where you first saw each other, or go back to the first restaurant you went to together.

Go to the place where your love story started, and relive all your memories, share your first impressions, what you felt at that moment, how you found him/her, and compare yourself to today, how your style of dress has evolved for example.

12 - Romantic bath

Your wife or husband is going to come home tired from his day. You have an hour or two before he/she gets home, so you can pamper your spouse by preparing a romantic bath for your first Valentine's Day as a couple.

To announce this surprise, you can make a path of rose petals through your house, up to your bathroom, with some candles. You can also leave her little love notes, which she/he will find along the way.

Gift ideas for Valentine's Day

Classic gifts

For Her

  • A bouquet of roses
  • A piece of jewellery
  • A perfume
  • Lingerie
  • A beauty box

For him

  • A beautiful watch
  • Personalised boxer shorts
  • Personalised socks
  • A perfume

Recursos en inglés para San Valentín

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Siberian cold expected in New England

Siberian cold expected in New England

The Siberian cold snap expected in New England over the next few days is already closing schools and could threaten power supplies.

The largest public school board in the United States, Boston's, announced Monday that schools will be closed Tuesday due to the excessively cold weather that is expected.

It will be -11 degrees Celsius on Tuesday in Boston, but the felt temperature will be -22 ℃ with the wind chill, according to the US National Weather Service. The felt temperature could be -26 ℃ in some parts of Massachusetts.

Such cold weather can cause frostbite to exposed skin in just 30 minutes. Closing schools right away is the right thing to do, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu said.

"We want to make sure that students are not at risk, whether it's the cold while they're travelling or at school because of the ventilation required by COVID-19," Wu said, noting that the school board is also facing a staffing shortage.

It could get even colder elsewhere in New England. Meteorologists are warning that it could be -40 ℃ in western Maine, and Central Maine Power said it anticipates increased electricity use Tuesday due to a reliance on space heaters.

The company encouraged customers to keep their windows well insulated and open their curtains to let the sun's heat in.

The mercury is expected to drop below -18 ℃, not including wind chill, in Burlington, Vermont, and Concord, New Hampshire.

Southern New England will not be spared, as it is also expected to be around -18 ℃ in Providence, Rhode Island.

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Things to do on valentine's day

Things to do on valentine's day

Love is something you nurture every day, not just on February 14th. Here's a little list of things to do for each other, to keep the flame alive and to love each other forever. There's no need to wait for Valentine's Day to do something nice for each other.

Here are some suggestions for sprinkling a little love into your daily life:

- Send her a romantic or "caliente" message by email or text.

- Leave a note in his bag or briefcase for him to discover at work.

- Wait for him in a nice outfit.

- Prepare a great evening for him (his favourite restaurant, a match...).

- Take a trip in a hot air balloon.

- Buying/cooking their favourite food/drink/dish (chocolate, sweets...).

- Relieve him/her of a task he/she hates.

- Invite him/her for a surprise lunch during his/her lunch break.

- Give them a massage.

- Spend the day in bed together.

- Cuddle up together after a cuddle.

- Doing an activity or signing up for a class together.

- Do something nice with his mother, his brother...

- Let him/her choose the movie of the evening.

- Welcome him/her like a prince when he/she comes home from work (a drink, a hot bath, ...).

- Offer or create a calendar or mug with your image on it.

- Plan a day dedicated entirely to him or her.

- Dream and talk together about the future (marriage, child...).

- Cover the bed with rose petals, deliver a bouquet or chocolate.

- Order a meal from your favourite caterer to be delivered to your office to give you courage when you have to work late.

- Buying a favourite perfume and placing it in the bathroom for him/her to discover.

- Set aside days to deal only with the couple.

- Introduce him/her to family/friends.

- Ask her/him to marry you.

- Organise a surprise picnic.

- Try new experiences together (bungee jumping, climbing, etc.).

- Designate a place that is part of your history (your favourite restaurant...).

- Share/exercise a keen interest in their passions from time to time, even if it's not really their cup of tea.

- Leave little notes or gifts (scented underwear, etc.) on the cushion when you are not there.

- Organise small weekends or trips for lovers.

- Go tandem riding.

- Go for a walk in nature together, watch the sunset.

Unique gift ideas to personalise for valentine's day

Valentine's Day is a unique date in the year, the perfect time to show your loved one how much you love them. But it's also the opportunity to give him or her a present that he or she will keep for life. Here are some unique Valentine's Day gift ideas for the person in your life.

  1. A blanket with photos of the two of you. All you have to do is select the photos of your fondest memories together to print them out and snuggle up in them on a winter's evening.
  2. An LED lamp with your image. Take your favourite photo, or your wedding photo, for example (if you're married), and turn it into a beautiful lamp that can light up all your romantic evenings.
  3. If you love fine wines and champagnes during your evenings together, then I have thought of the perfect gift for you. Why not adopt a vine for the two of you to taste together its nectar during the year?
  4. A great classic: the rose, yes, but under a bell so that it remains eternal like your love.

I hope this little list has inspired you, and don't hesitate to share it with your other half!

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Apricots: All their health benefits

Apricots: All their health benefits

Characteristics of the apricot

  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Rich in carotenoids
  • Rich in fibre
  • Source of vitamins A and C
  • Low in calories
  • Stimulates intestinal transit

Nutritional and caloric values of apricots

Consumed fresh, dried or in juice, apricots are rich in fibre, antioxidants and vitamin A. Dried, it is appreciated by sportsmen and women for the energy it gives them and for its high iron and copper content.

Dried apricots are sweeter?

The amount of sugar in a dried apricot is the same as in a fresh apricot. But as in all dried fruit, the sugar is more concentrated. The process of dehydrating the fruit reduces its water content, thus concentrating its sugar content, but also various nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. This makes apricots and other dried fruits nutritionally interesting.

Focus on the micronutrients contained in apricots

Among the nutrients contained in good quantities in apricots, we can mention the following:

  • Vitamin A: fresh and dried apricots are excellent sources of vitamin A.
  • Iron: dried apricots are a good source of iron for men and for women. fresh apricots are a source of iron for men.
  • Copper: dried apricots are a good source of copper. Fresh apricots are a source of copper.
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin): dried apricots are a source of vitamin B3.
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): dried apricots are a source of vitamin B5.
  • Vitamin C: fresh apricots are a source of vitamin C.
  • Vitamin K: dried apricots are a source of vitamin K for women.
  • Magnesium: dried apricots are a source of magnesium for women.
  • Phosphorus: dried apricots are a source of phosphorus.
  • Potassium: fresh and dried apricots are sources of potassium.

The benefits of apricots

Several prospective and epidemiological studies have shown that a high consumption of fruit and vegetables reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and other chronic diseases. The presence of antioxidants in fruit and vegetables may play a role in these protective effects. However, very few studies have analysed the specific health effects of apricots.

An excellent source of fibre

Apricots are a source of fibre. In addition to preventing constipation and reducing the risk of colon cancer, a high-fibre diet can help prevent cardiovascular disease, as well as control type 2 diabetes and appetite. A ½ cup (125 ml) serving of fresh apricots provides 5% and 8% of the recommended daily fibre intake for men and women aged 19 to 50 respectively. As for dried apricots, a ¼ cup (60 ml) portion meets 8% and 12% of these same intakes.

Apricots, a natural anti-inflammatory?

According to a study, the daily consumption of 3 dried or pickled Japanese apricots (umeboshi type) could reduce the severity of chronic gastritis. Chronic gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining caused by the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Japanese apricots are said to reduce the inflammatory effects of the H. pylori bacteria in the stomach. Chronic inflammation of the stomach can lead to stomach cancer in some people. However, further studies are needed to confirm whether eating Japanese apricots can reduce this risk.

Apricots are rich in antioxidants

Apricots contain various antioxidants, particularly phenolic compounds of the flavonoid family. These compounds neutralise free radicals in the body and thus prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers and various chronic diseases. The antioxidant content of dried apricots is higher than that of fresh apricots. Apricot purees, jams and juices (nectars) contain much the same antioxidant compounds, but in smaller quantities than in fresh or dried apricots.

A real wealth of carotenoids

Apricots also contain carotenoids, mainly beta-carotene, a carotenoid that contributes greatly to their orange colour, as well as a small amount of lycopene. In the body, beta-carotene has the ability to convert to vitamin A. In general, the total carotenoid content of apricot peel is 2 to 3 times higher than that of the flesh. Even though fresh apricots contain half as much beta-carotene as carrots (one of the best sources), they are still a very interesting source of beta-carotene. Dried apricots contain slightly less.

A word from the nutritionist

Carotenoids, including beta-carotene, are better absorbed by the body when a small amount of fat is consumed at the same time. It is therefore advisable to eat, for example, dried apricots with a few nuts or apricot juice with a piece of cheese.

How to prepare apricots?

Apricots in desserts

Apricots can easily be used in many desserts such as sorbets, ice creams and frozen yoghurts, pancakes and soufflés, rice pudding, cakes, clafoutis, charlottes, tarts and muffins. Don't hesitate to combine it with almonds, its ideal companion.

It can also be simply poached in maple syrup or honey, or dipped in melted chocolate.

Particularly rich in pectin, it can be used to make excellent jams in which grape juice or honey can replace sugar.

An ideal fruit for making dressings, sauces and condiments

  • Vinaigrette. Mix apricot juice with vegetable oil, cider vinegar, mustard and, if desired, a little Tabasco sauce.
  • Mustard Condiment. Mix ½ cup of apricot jam (preferably unsweetened or sweetened with fruit juice) with 2 tbsp of Dijon mustard. Serve with meat or add to a dressing.
  • Chutney sauce. Unripe apricots are particularly suitable for this dish. Puree them with coriander leaves, ginger root, chopped onions, hot pepper and lemon juice.

Apricot and poultry, always a successful combination

  • Apricot stuffing. Mix chopped dried apricots, pecans, onions, cooked wild rice and herbs;
  • Glaze poultry - or a roast - with apricot jam before cooking. Add garlic, soy sauce, olive oil and rosemary to the jam. Reserve some of the mixture as a side sauce and spread the rest over the meat. Leave to marinate for ½ hour before putting in the oven.

Apricot salad

Mix slices of fresh or dried and rehydrated shiitake mushrooms with pieces of dried apricots. Boil green beans, carrots and daikon (or another type of radish) in thinly sliced or chopped form for a few minutes. Refresh them under cold water before adding them to the first two ingredients. Serve with a sauce made from tofu, tahini (sesame paste), soy sauce, rice vinegar and mirin (a Japanese cooking wine), blended in a blender. For decoration, add a few strips of lemon peel.

Contraindications and allergies to apricots

Although apricots are excellent for the health of the body, there are certain contraindications to their consumption. Indeed, in some particularly sensitive people, it can cause digestive disorders and allergies. In case of doubt, it is imperative to consult a health professional.

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Psyllium: The health benefits

How much psyllium should I take daily?

History of psyllium

More than 10 centuries before Christ, Egyptian physicians used psyllium as a laxative and to treat inflammation of the urinary tract. It has also been known for centuries in Europe, Asia and North Africa. In India and China, psyllium was traditionally used to treat diarrhoea, haemorrhoids and hypertension.

In 1998, psyllium had its moment of glory in the United States, when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorised Kellogg to mention the therapeutic virtues of some of its products on its packaging. Food products containing at least 1.7 g of soluble fibre from psyllium are allowed to state on the packaging: "when used in combination with a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet, the soluble fibre from the psyllium seed coatings in this product may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Description of psyllium

Psyllium seeds are tiny (1,000 seeds weigh less than 2 g) and are black, brown or blond, depending on the species, hence the name, which comes from the Greek word psyllia, meaning flea. Psyllium is mainly cultivated in India, but also in several countries in Europe and the former Soviet Union, as well as in Pakistan.

Psyllium belongs to the category of so-called ballast (or bulk) laxatives, which are made up of fibres with the property of absorbing several times their weight in water.

Experts agree that psyllium, whether black or blond, owes its medicinal properties to the mucilage it contains. Mucilage is a plant substance that swells on contact with water to form a viscous liquid. Apart from the Plantago species discussed in this leaflet, it is reasonable to assume that other psyllium species have similar medicinal properties, provided they contain the same amount and type of mucilage.

Note that the food industry uses the mucilage from the husk of blond psyllium as a thickener or stabiliser in some prepared foods, including frozen dairy products.

Common names: psyllium, psyllium blond, psyllium black, ispaghul.
Botanical names: Plantago ovata (or P. ispaghula), P.afra (or P. psyllium), P. arenaria (or P. indica), P. asiatica, family Plantaginaceae.
Chinese name: Che Qian Zi (seeds).

Parts used: seed and seed coat.
Habitat and origin: blond psyllium (Plantago ovata) is native to India and Iran, while black psyllium (P. psyllium and P. indica) is native to the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East. These annual plants are tolerant of cold as well as heat and drought, and are happy with relatively poor soil.

Benefits of psyllium

  • Fights constipation; slightly reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  • Prevents cardiovascular disease.
  • Treating diarrhoea; relieving symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome; reducing blood sugar in diabetes.
  • Relieves symptoms of ulcerative colitis.
  • Treating constipation, diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease; reducing blood cholesterol and glucose levels and preventing coronary heart disease.

Psyllium dosage

When taking psyllium, it is important to drink plenty of water to avoid obstruction of the digestive tract.

When taken in the form of unprocessed seeds, they should be soaked for a few hours in lukewarm water before consumption. When taken as a powder, simply mix it with water or juice and drink it within a few minutes.

Constipation or diarrhoea

  1. Take 2.5 to 7.5 g, 3 times a day, with a large glass of water (at least 30 ml per gram of psyllium).
  2. Start with the smallest dose and increase until the desired effect is achieved. It may be necessary to continue the treatment for 2 to 3 days before an optimal laxative effect is achieved.
  3. If diarrhoea occurs, it may be necessary to increase the dose to 40 g per day (4 doses of 10 g each). Consult a doctor if diarrhoea persists beyond 3 days.


Take 10 g to 20 g per day in 2 or 3 doses.

Irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, duodenal ulcer.

Take 10 g, 2 to 3 times a day.

Diabetes (to reduce blood sugar)

Take 10 g to 20 g per day, with meals.

Warning. Self-medication in diabetes can lead to serious problems. When taking any treatment that changes your blood sugar levels, you should monitor your blood sugar levels very closely. It is also necessary to inform your doctor so that he or she can adjust the dosage of conventional glucose-lowering drugs if necessary.

Precautions with psyllium

Diabetes is a serious disease that requires medical supervision. Self-medication with diabetes can lead to serious problems. When taking a treatment that changes your blood sugar level, you should monitor your blood sugar levels very closely. It is also necessary to inform your doctor so that the dosage of conventional glucose-lowering drugs can be adjusted if necessary.


Intestinal or esophageal strictures or any other type of real or suspected gastrointestinal obstruction.

Adverse reactions

Rare cases of allergic reactions have been reported.

Interactions with psyllium

With herbs or supplements

Some experts have suggested that taking psyllium may cause vitamin and mineral deficiency.

With medication

Regular intake of psyllium may require adjustment of diabetes medication.

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