jueves, 17 de febrero de 2022

¿Cómo aprender inglés fácil y desde casa?

¿Cómo aprender inglés fácil y rápido?

¿Cómo aprender inglés, fácilmente y de forma eficaz?

Adoptar la actitud correcta

Podrás progresar y alcanzar un nivel excepcional, pero siempre habrá cosas nuevas que aprender. Siempre tendrás que trabajar el inglés y mantenerlo. En realidad, nunca se detendrá. ¡Eso es lo que lo hace emocionante!

Establecer el objetivo correcto

Así que, para ser eficaz ahora, empieza por definir tu objetivo actual. ¿Qué nivel quiere alcanzar?

Uno de los objetivos más comunes es: Alcanzar un nivel de conversación fluido, y no tener miedo a hablar en inglés nunca más.

Es un gran ejemplo de objetivo para empezar. ¿Cuál es el tuyo?

Ten en cuenta que la segunda parte de este objetivo no está directamente relacionada con tu nivel. Se trata más bien del miedo inconsciente a cometer errores y pasar vergüenza.

Pasión, entusiasmo y práctica, el disparador para aprender inglés

Una de las mejores formas de progresar en inglés es viajar al extranjero. El viaje da el impulso para hacer del inglés una pasión. También descubrir autores fascinantes de habla inglesa. Esto te obliga a leer en ese idioma. Luego viajar, vivir y trabajar en Inglaterra. Eso ayuda a mejorar aún más. Pero el detonante puede ser la pasión que despierta ese primer viaje.

No te preocupes, la pasión, el entusiasmo y la práctica es posible sin necesidad de viajar y te explico cómo.

Las tres claves para progresar rápidamente en inglés

1) La primera clave es forzar a tu cerebro a pensar en inglés, y estar en contacto con el idioma que estás aprendiendo cada día, cada semana. Si estás en la fase de aprendizaje, y quieres progresar rápidamente, te recomiendo de 3 a 4 horas semanales en contacto con el inglés. No necesariamente 4 horas de trabajo duro, pero al menos algún contacto: una conversación, una película, un libro, etc. Conoce a gente inglesa, piensa en inglés, lee en inglés, canta en inglés, ve películas, descubre la cultura de los países de habla inglesa que más te interesan.

⇒ Letras de Canciones en Inglés - Lyrics

2) La segunda clave es seguir tus pasiones e intereses.

Apasionarse por el inglés, pero también por los temas que vas a seguir en inglés. Ver películas de los directores que te gustan, con tus actores favoritos. Lee a los autores que te gustan. Sigue blogs, periódicos, podcasts, foros, sobre tus intereses.

Sea cual sea tu interés, si lees, escuchas, escribes en foros sobre temas que te gustan, ¡será mucho más fácil!

3) La tercera clave es darse los medios para conseguirlo.

Empieza ahora, y date 3 o 4 meses para progresar. Puede parecer mucho tiempo, pero en realidad es rápido. Si lo haces, tu progreso será fenomenal. Sin embargo, no se trata de ir a por todas una semana y dejar de hacerlo la siguiente. Busca la mejora continua, trabajando un poco, pero regularmente, cada semana, durante un mínimo de 3 a 4 meses para empezar.
Lo ideal es que le cojas el tranquillo y luego se convierta en algo normal y continúes.
También puedes hacer un pequeño plan de clases personal, anotando las nociones que te gustaría aprender.

Cómo aprender inglés fácilmente - ¿Cómo se ponen en práctica estas tres claves para un aprendizaje eficaz del inglés?

Organizar el entorno para estar en contacto con el inglés todos los días de forma automática

La idea es que utilices la motivación del principio para establecer hábitos que se mantengan, incluso cuando la motivación del principio se haya apagado. Puedes poner el inglés en todas partes de tu vida, de modo que tu cerebro se bañe en el idioma automáticamente, y por tanto sin esfuerzo.

Por ejemplo, ¿sabías que puedes cambiar la configuración de tu cuenta de tus redes sociales para que se muestren en inglés? Es muy fácil, sólo tienes que seleccionarlo en los ajustes. Puedes hacer lo mismo con tu teléfono móvil o tablet, ordenador, videojuegos. Otra idea que pondrá el inglés en tus oídos: Pon una emisora de radio en inglés.

Al principio, esto te obligará a rebuscar en el diccionario para entenderlo todo, ¡pero merece la pena! No te desanimes, si al principio te parece pesado, pronto te acostumbrarás.

Piensa en inglés

Intenta también pensar y hablar contigo mismo en inglés. Todo lo que se te ocurra en tu vida diaria, intenta pensarlo en inglés. Esto puede parecer difícil al principio. Tu pensamiento será más básico en la nueva lengua, porque la domina menos que tu lengua materna. El lenguaje será menos preciso, menos evolucionado, menos matizado. Bueno, ¡qué pena! Hay que mantener el entusiasmo de un principiante, como un niño que descubre y se divierte.

Leer libros y cómics en inglés

¿Hay algún autor de habla inglesa que te guste especialmente? ¿Ken Follett? ¿Arthur Conan Doyle? ¿J.K. Rowling? ¡Léelo directamente en inglés! ⇒ Aquí encontrarás "libros en inglés" para comprar.

Visita también nuestro apartado de Cuentos en Inglés - Stories in English tenemos cientos de historias.

Piensa también en las librerías o bibliotecas. La mayoría tiene estanterías enteras de libros en inglés. Vale la pena.

No te olvides de leer cómics. La ventaja del cómic es que las imágenes facilitan la comprensión. Si eres un fanático, ¡adelante!

Lee y aprende sobre la cultura del país que te interesa. Descubre las costumbres, los hábitos, los deportes nacionales, las fiestas, etc. Es una forma esencial de abrirse a la cultura y entender la forma de pensar de quienes hablan la lengua que estás aprendiendo.

Películas y series en VO

La gran pregunta con las películas y series en VO es si hay que poner subtítulos, y si es así, en qué idioma.

Lo mejor es poner subtítulos para poder entender lo máximo posible. Si no puedes entender nada sin los subtítulos, ponlos. Al principio, siempre será más positivo que no hacer nada. Siempre puedes volver a ver la película o la serie, cambiando el idioma de los subtítulos, e incluso de nuevo sin subtítulos, si puedes hacerlo. Lo importante es hacerlo según tu nivel. Si no entiendes nada, será menos efectivo que si pones los subtítulos. También puede mirar canales de tv ingleses.


Los podcasts son imprescindibles para escuchar inglés todos los días. Hay muchos podcasts en inglés sobre todos los temas, política, historia, cultura, desarrollo personal, deportes, ¡incluso clases de inglés! Haz una búsqueda según tus pasiones y suscríbete. La mayoría de ellos son gratuitos.

Canales de Youtube en inglés

Hay muchos. Suscríbete a los que coinciden con tus intereses. 

Periódicos ingleses

Si le gustan ciertos periódicos, puede leer los artículos directamente en los sitios web de estos periódicos. Por ejemplo, el New York Times,  la revista Time, etc. Si tiene un lector electrónico Kindle (o de cualquier otra marca), puede recibir los artículos de los periódicos que te interesan, de forma gratuita, directamente en tu lector electrónico.


Otra idea original: leer recetas en inglés. Cocinar nuevos platos. Especialidades de otros lugares. Tenemos una sección con recetas de cocina

Haz un curso

¡Se puede tener éxito sin tomar una clase, sin embargo, es una verdadera ayuda! Te dará un marco de trabajo y te hará progresar más rápido. Ahorrarás tiempo, se orientará directamente sobre las nociones útiles para aprender, mantendrá tu motivación a largo plazo. En resumen, con un curso, es más fácil.

Los cursos están dirigidos a todos los niveles y a diferentes problemas de aprendizaje (acento, vocabulario, comprensión, etc.).

Pero sea cual sea el curso que elijas, asegúrate de que lo disfrutas y te entusiasma.

¿Hay que estudiar gramática?

La gramática es útil, hay que saber un mínimo para entender cómo funciona la lengua y saber utilizarla correctamente.

Habla con ingleses

Si puedes conocer a personas de habla inglesa, es genial.

Si no puedes conocer a personas de habla inglesa, busca a alguien que quiera aprender inglés contigo o que ya lo hable. Puedes hablar en inglés regularmente con esta persona y motivaros mutuamente para progresar.

Si tienes amigos en tu círculo que hablan varios idiomas, sal con ellos. Hazles preguntas, pídeles que hablen un poco de inglés contigo.

Planificar un viaje

Si puedes, planifica un viaje o dos durante el año Reino Unido. Te motivará y te ayudará a mejorar.

También hay organizaciones que ofrecen estancias con ingleses.

Supera tu miedo a hablar en inglés y mejora tu pronunciación. Concéntrate en ser entendido, antes de tener un acento perfecto.

¡No te avergüences! Puedes hablar inglés de verdad, sin dominar todo al 100%. Del mismo modo, tu acento no debe ser un obstáculo. Si esperas a pronunciar como un nativo antes de empezar a hablar, tardarás mucho más tiempo y te complicarás las cosas. Pronunciar como un nativo es un gran objetivo, pero no esperes a alcanzarlo para empezar a hablar.

🔆 También te puede interesar:

  • Plural de los sustantivos en inglés
  • Many more, a lot more y Much more. Usos en inglés
  • ¿Qué son los phrasal verbs en inglés? Los más usados
  • Cómo expresar opiniones en inglés
  • Uso de whose en inglés - Pronombres relativos
  • Who, which y that - Pronombres Relativos en inglés
  • Was going to - El futuro en el pasado
  • DO y MAKE en inglés ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
  • Cuándo usar Since, For, Ago: ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
  • The Gerund - El gerundio en inglés
  • El Imperativo en Inglés - Imperative
  • El comparativo y el superlativo en inglés
  • Preguntas con WH-Questions 01 - What, where, why, who
  • Preguntas con WH-Questions 02 - When, Which, Whose, How
  • Cómo expresar cantidades en inglés
  • Adjectives - Los Adjetivos en Inglés
  • Uso de some / any acompañando nombres contables/incontables
  • Modal verbs - Verbos modales en inglés
  • El tiempo futuro en inglés
  • Present Perfect Progressive - Presente perfecto progresivo
  • Present perfect - El presente perfecto inglés
  • Pretérito progresivo o continuo en inglés
  • Simple past - El pretérito o pasado simple en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Afirmativa - English grammar
  • Presente continuo - Forma Negativa
  • Puntuación en inglés - All about punctuation in English
  • Los verbos Auxiliares en inglés - Auxiliary Verbs
  • Verbos irregulares en inglés, la lista que debes conocer
  • Cómo decir la fecha en inglés - How to say the date in English
  • Construir frases simples - To build a simple sentence
  • Nombres contables e incontables en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Interrogativa
  • Cómo Preguntar y decir el precio en inglés

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Conditionals in English - El condicional en Inglés

Uso de condicionales en Inglés

Gramática Inglesa - English Grammar - Recursos Educativos en inglés

 El condicional se expresa utilizando el modal 'would' seguido de la base verbal (el infinitivo sin 'to'). El condicional se utiliza principalmente en tres contextos:

Para indicar cortesía:

I would like the book, please.

Would you have a couple of minutes for me?

Para expresar el "futuro del pasado":

She said she would come to the cinema.

I thought he would arrive before me.

En las construcciones hipotéticas con "si".

Cuando "si" va seguido del pretérito o del subjuntivo, el condicional se espera en la segunda cláusula:

 If I had the time, I would do my homework.

If you told me the truth, I would believe you.

El "si" de la frase hipotética puede ser implícito:

En tu lugar (= sif I were you), I wouldn't stay here.

Cuidado, el verbo en la estructura hipotética (Si...) es un pretérito modal. Usamos WERE y no WAS: If I were you... para enfatizar lo irreal.

🔆 También te puede interesar:

  • Cómo preguntar y expresar la posesión en inglés
  • Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos en Inglés
  • Pronombres Posesivos en inglés - Possessive Pronouns
  • Adjetivos Posesivos en Inglés - Possessive adjectives
  • ¿Cómo aprender inglés fácil y desde casa?
  • Plural de los sustantivos en inglés
  • Many more, a lot more y Much more. Usos en inglés
  • ¿Qué son los phrasal verbs en inglés? Los más usados
  • Cómo expresar opiniones en inglés
  • Uso de whose en inglés - Pronombres relativos
  • Who, which y that - Pronombres Relativos en inglés
  • Was going to - El futuro en el pasado
  • DO y MAKE en inglés ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
  • Cuándo usar Since, For, Ago: ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
  • The Gerund - El gerundio en inglés
  • El Imperativo en Inglés - Imperative
  • El comparativo y el superlativo en inglés
  • Preguntas con WH-Questions 01 - What, where, why, who
  • Preguntas con WH-Questions 02 - When, Which, Whose, How
  • Cómo expresar cantidades en inglés
  • Adjectives - Los Adjetivos en Inglés
  • Uso de some / any acompañando nombres contables/incontables
  • Modal verbs - Verbos modales en inglés
  • El tiempo futuro en inglés
  • Present Perfect Progressive - Presente perfecto progresivo
  • Present perfect - El presente perfecto inglés
  • Pretérito progresivo o continuo en inglés
  • Simple past - El pretérito o pasado simple en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Afirmativa - English grammar
  • Presente continuo - Forma Negativa
  • Puntuación en inglés - All about punctuation in English
  • Los verbos Auxiliares en inglés - Auxiliary Verbs
  • Verbos irregulares en inglés, la lista que debes conocer
  • Cómo decir la fecha en inglés - How to say the date in English
  • Construir frases simples - To build a simple sentence
  • Nombres contables e incontables en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Interrogativa
  • Cómo Preguntar y decir el precio en inglés

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martes, 15 de febrero de 2022

Conjugopathy: when couples share disorders

Conjugopathy: when couples share disorders

It is no secret that being a couple takes a lot of work. It requires trust, patience, compromise and a whole range of life skills. But sometimes turbulence occurs. Conjugation therapy sets in.

The couple as a challenge

The people of the 20th century did not invent the concept of the conjugal couple. In history in general, we see that this notion is extremely old. The couple is a clinical entity in its own right, with its own dynamics, codes and habits. To form a couple is to create a new territory of intimacy around this entity which is beyond us, but at the same time, it is to open up our own individual territory of intimacy to the other and to the couple. This is one of the great challenges of life.

Before committing oneself and being well in a relationship with the other, one must be well with oneself, know how to be alone and not depend on the other. It will then be easier, once in a relationship, to accept the other's difference, his or her freedom of thought... Living as a couple also means learning to negotiate constantly, to experience multiple and sometimes antagonistic feelings. The individual, according to his environment, his difficulties, his age group, his limits, changes. We are in perpetual movement. So it is difficult for the other person in any relationship to find his or her way when behaviour and reactions change. But the first criterion of success for a couple is communication, saying the things we feel rather than burying them and thus avoiding the other person's imagination. It's also about listening to the other person, not taking them as a critic and accepting that sharing their feelings with you is theirs and above all, stop positioning yourself as a victim. Respect for the other is, of course, a golden rule for the success of the couple, it is the basis of healthy relationships with, always, the recognition of one's faults. But life in a couple is not a long, quiet river and there are many obstacles.

Crisis or conjugal therapy

Conjugal therapy is a psychological disorder, close to depression, which is usually severe and is the consequence of unsatisfactory marital relations and can lead to suicide. The couple has reached a point where both partners no longer recognise themselves in it. Each misinterprets the other's words and attitudes and often perceives them negatively. Conflicts, if not expressed, always degenerate into latent resentment and eventually lead to a breakdown in communication.

Whenever a painful event is not made explicit, it becomes like a third party between the partners. There is a risk that it will come back later, in another form, in a more or less violent way. Each person then experiences the slightest word from their partner, the slightest gesture, the slightest look as an aggression. Dialogue breaks down, intimacy no longer exists. The crisis phases multiply to become chronic. The couple is on the verge of separation, even divorce. Some abandon ship, but others stay on in spite of the marital suffering. The couple is in crisis and all the reasons are present to approach a therapist, a neutral and informed eye. A step that responds to the imperative desire to leave a suffering.

The couple in therapy

At the consultation, the couple, a system that is being torn apart, arrives with two individuals who have scores to settle. The logic of giving has been replaced by that of revenge. The first emergency is for the couple to get out of the vicious circle of reproach and silence. Instead of focusing on the intimate aspects of the couple, it is better to widen the gaze and observe not only the interactions between the members of the two people who are there but also their context. Macroscope rather than microscope. Why do we need to widen our view? Because if you have a significant pathology, it is rare, even rare, that conjugality is enough to produce this pathology.

It takes more than a couple relationship to cause serious depression. It is also necessary to seek out the families of origin to broaden the point of view, and even the professional affiliations. The therapist helps to re-establish communication, even if this does not solve the couple's problem, but this is a necessary prerequisite. The therapist sets up a framework that allows each person to have their own space and time. The dialogue also helps to understand, when the failure is consummated, to identify the conflict, to examine what went wrong so as not to experience the same disappointments again.

Being heard by each other, even more in what they feel than in the content of what they experience, helps the partners to reach each other. Taking a step back to understand, having the means to express dissatisfaction with the relationship and not with the other. The couple must regain its health by moving naturally from the "I" to the "we": the partners are at the service of the couple when necessary; and sometimes the couple is in the background, to support individual projects. What is their common sphere, what is their priority, what do they want to share are the questions that the therapist can help the couple to ask themselves. The will to overcome their difficulties is a determining factor in the success of the couple therapy.

The couple sculpture

Couple sculpture is a tool used when verbal communication is no longer sufficient, when words have lost their meaning. This psycho-corporal therapy is a new mode of expression, where each of the protagonists will stage the posture that symbolises their couple today and focus on their feelings. The objective is to release physical tensions in order to resolve, at the same time, psychic blockages.

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Conflicts between brothers and sisters: How to deal with them?

Conflicts between brothers and sisters: How to deal with them?

Siblings always get along more or less well. Managing conflicts between siblings is therefore an almost daily task for parents. There are many solutions for this. Some rely on authority, others on communication.

Take the time to understand each sibling conflict

Conflicts between brothers and sisters are all different. It is therefore necessary to take the time to understand each situation in order to manage it as well as possible. Sometimes the younger siblings annoy the older ones, sometimes the older ones taunt or ignore the younger ones. Children may fight over a toy or simply because they are too tired. In order to understand the conflict, each child needs to give their side of the story and explain why they are angry.

Sibling conflict: jealousy

Children may have difficulty finding their place. They think that parental love is something that is divided between siblings. To reassure children, it is imperative to make them understand that there is no difference between them.

Jealousy must be understood by parents. Younger children envy the freedom of their elders, and older children envy the attention that parents give to younger children. By explaining to each child that his or her age has an important impact on the parents' attitude towards him or her, it is possible to reduce tensions. It is also important to accept that children feel jealousy. It is a very natural feeling that builds up each person.

Age-appropriate conflict management

Dealing with sibling conflict is also about taking into account the age of each child. Many squabbles are age-related. More bickering occurs as a child becomes more independent. With toddlers, the first steps often generate the anger of older children who see their toys and belongings disappear!

Around the age of 6, children leave the kindergarten for the big school. They were the biggest and become the smallest. They also leave childhood and play for learning. This is a difficult period and it is sometimes felt at home. Children abandon their younger siblings, who are considered too young, in favour of their elders. The balance of the siblings becomes fragile.

Entering adolescence is also a difficult stage that can affect understanding between brothers and sisters. It is essential for parents to be patient and to support their children as they enter their adult life.

Staying out of sibling conflicts

Conflicts and bickering can be unpleasant, but they should not be avoided automatically. On the contrary! They help children to find their place, to develop and show their personality, and to gain respect. Most bickering only lasts a short time.

It is imperative to intervene when children get into fights, insult each other, damage their belongings or when the conflict lasts too long. Before punishing, it is important to identify the cause of the conflict and the responsibility of each child. This way the reprimand will be measured!

Conflicts between brothers and sisters: knowing how to punish

The punishment chosen is very important. It is essential to adapt it to the age of the child and the extent of the misbehaviour. Most of the time, you should give the same punishment and remain flexible. For example, you can isolate each child for a few minutes or ask them to tidy up their room or the playroom. Each child should apologise if they have hurt their sibling, but also if they have broken a toy. The apology can be verbal or in the form of a drawing.

Vigilance is required with regard to punishment. When it is impossible to know the truth about a conflict, the punishment should be limited or a simple warning given. Undue punishment can be very negative as it increases tensions between siblings.

Directing activities and praising moments of agreement

To limit conflicts, activities should be directed and those that everyone enjoys should be given priority. In this way, there are more moments of agreement. These moments should be highlighted, congratulated and why not rewarded. Spending time together promotes good understanding between brothers and sisters and also limits conflicts.

Being fair to siblings in case of conflict is essential to ensure good understanding within the sibling group and the family. It is important to let children interact with each other, but also to punish them so that everyone understands their responsibilities.

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How to deal with a conflict in a couple?

How to deal with a conflict in a couple?

After the first euphoric moments, when the partner is idealised, friction inevitably appears. How do you manage a conflict in your relationship? Here are a few tips to limit the unpleasantness of everyday life.

Conflict in a couple: going beyond the impulse

Few couples don't argue. Stress at work, fatigue or loss of patience with the children: many factors can have a negative influence on the relationship. Sometimes, seemingly harmless arguments conceal major points of contention. However, even in this particular case, a calm discussion is much better than a succession of unpleasant words and slamming doors.

The beginning of a conflict situation is shaped by two people. Tone of voice, misplaced thoughts, hasty gestures: the signs of the beginning of a quarrel are easily recognisable. Whether they come from you or your partner, you can defuse them by acting quickly: calmly announce that you do not wish to argue, leave the room, go for a walk. It is important to take some time to reflect on the situation or, on the contrary, to think about something else and put things into perspective. A reaction "on the spot" is often regretted as opposed to a well thought-out reaction.

To overcome the impulse is to forbid oneself to say mean things that one does not mean, to succeed in calming oneself so as not to make things worse.

Do not exaggerate or generalise during a couple's conflict

If a conflict does arise, keep a cool head in all circumstances and do what is necessary to remain fair. If your partner doesn't wash the dishes often, it doesn't mean that he or she never does. This difference in vocabulary is important: if you exaggerate, he will feel unfairly attacked and will react accordingly.

It's better to ask him why he couldn't wash the plates this time. Their answers may help you to understand their behaviour. A partner who is not attacked is more likely to open up to dialogue than one who feels devalued and attacked. With this communication, you will start on a healthy footing and open a dialogue instead of just expressing your annoyance.

Settling scores only in private

Is there tension between you that you need to let out? A good rule of thumb is to never "air your dirty laundry" in public. If you're at a dinner party, or in any social setting, keep up appearances as long as you're around each other, even if it means avoiding each other or moving away if the setting allows.

There are advantages to not reacting on the spot: you may both be calmer when you are alone. You will then be able to address the subject of the attitude or the remark that hurt you more calmly. Moreover, arguing in public tends to encourage you to raise your voice more quickly, or to want others to take sides; especially as there is nothing more hurtful than being humiliated in front of spectators.

Keeping communication open within the couple

The primary cause of conflict is poor communication. It is easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget to spend a little time with your partner. When communication closes down, dissatisfaction only leads to arguments. To prevent conflict, remember to talk, to ask how your partner feels, to find out what he or she is going through. Do not hesitate to verbalise your own insecurities, especially if you are going through a stressful or conflict-prone period.

Apologising after a relationship conflict

Was your tone of voice a bit harsh? Did you interrupt your partner to talk about yourself? Did you completely forget to buy what he or she had asked for? Apologies are not taken for granted and are never tacit: make it clear that you are sorry. This way you can prevent an unintentional thought or a blunder from turning into a big argument. And if the conflict was unavoidable, once the tension has subsided, acknowledge your wrongdoing, possibly admit your bad faith, and multiply your gestures of love. Generally speaking, the more your words have gone beyond your thoughts, the more aggressive you have been, the sooner you need to apologise. Don't wait several days, because then the resentment or hurt has time to build up in your partner.

Kindness is an essential feeling to develop within a couple: it is in its name that many conflicts are aborted. However, unless they are recurrent or violent, arguments in a couple are neither alarming nor dramatic: they allow the tension to be released and a new start to be made.

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5 tips to increase your self-confidence

5 tips to increase your self-confidence

Know yourself well

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, your qualities and faults will enable you to make the most of them and to assert yourself better. This is the first step towards gaining self-confidence. This way, you will be able to put forward your strengths in all everyday situations: at the office, with friends or family. By identifying your weak points, you can work on improving them. Taking stock of your personality and achievements will help you feel unique and confident. In addition, knowing yourself well will allow those around you to get to know and appreciate you better.

Accept compliments

At work, at home, with friends, you perform a variety of tasks every day that may solicit compliments from those around you. Learn to receive and appreciate these positive comments. You can see them as encouragement that you can use to recognise your greatest strengths. You can then use this to boost your self-esteem.

Take care of your posture

Self-confidence is reflected in your posture and in your eyes. Keep your back straight, your shoulders up, your head high and walk with a confident step. Smile more and people will be drawn to you. People who are very self-confident do this kind of non-verbal behaviour. Learn from them. To feel more comfortable, you can look in the mirror to see the difference between your different postures and facial expressions.

Assert yourself!

Self-confidence is not only about how a person perceives themselves, but also about what they think others think of them. It is important to be assertive with others about your choices, values and opinions. It is not good to accept unconstructive criticism, pettiness and hurtful words. If someone hurts your feelings, either through their words or their behaviour, you should politely let them know. Assertiveness is the key to self-esteem.

Go for it!

To increase your confidence, get out of your comfort zone. Your comfort zone can be defined as any place or time where you feel completely at ease, where you are in control. Anything outside of this zone feels like novelty and can feel scary. Taking on new challenges, meeting new people, doing a different activity are all examples of stepping out of your comfort zone. Adapting to a previously unfamiliar environment may allow you to develop other skills and learn more about yourself. The more steps you take, the more pride you will feel.

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jueves, 10 de febrero de 2022

The restless - Les intranquilles - Film premiere

The restless - Les intranquilles - Upcoming Movies - What movies are being released this week?

Original title: Les intranquilles

Country: Bélgica, Francia, Luxemburgo


117 minutes

Premiere in Spain: 11/02/2022

Production company: Canal+, Ciné+, Cofinova 17, Eurimages, KG Productions, Prime Time, Proximus, Radio Télévision Belge Francophone (RTBF), Samsa Film, Shelter Prod, Stenola Productions, Voo & Be tv

Distributor: Cineart

Distributor in Spain: BTEAM Pictures

Director: Joachim Lafosse

Script: Lou Du Pontavice, Juliette Goudot, Joachim Lafosse, Chloé Leonil, Anne-Lise Morin, François Pirot

Cast: Leïla Bekhti, Damien Bonnard, Luc Schiltz, Larisa Faber, Elsa Rauchs, Jules Waringo, Joël Delsaut

Not recommended for children under 12 years.

César Awards 2022: Nominated for Best Leading Actor (Damien Bonnard) and Best Leading Actress (Leïla Bekhti).

Synopsis The restless - Les intranquilles

Leïla and Damien love each other madly. Both fight to keep the family together despite Damien's bipolarity. Neither of them gives up, even though he knows he can never give her what she wants.

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