jueves, 26 de mayo de 2022

You can do it - Stories for Reflection

You can do it - Stories for Reflection, stories, tales, Stories in English for reflection

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English - Cuentos en inglés

You can do it - Stories to Think About

If you think you're beaten,
you are.
If you think you don't dare,
you won't.
If you think you'd like to win but you can't,
you won't.
If you think you will lose,
you have already lost.

Because in the world you will find
that success begins
in the will of man
It's all in the state of mind.
For many a race has been lost
Before they have been run.

And many a coward has failed
Before they have begun their work.

Think big
and your achievements will be realised.
Think small
and you will be left behind.
If you think you are ahead,
you already are.

You have to be sure of yourself
before you try to win a prize.
Put your mind and your will
in a positive attitude.

The battle of life,
is not always won
the strongest man
or the lightest.

Because sooner or later
the man who wins
is the one who

C. Barnard

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Carrots, eggs and coffee - Stories for Reflection

Carrots, eggs and coffee - Stories for Reflection, stories, tales, Stories in English for reflection

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English - Cuentos en inglés

Carrots, eggs and coffee - Stories to Think About

A daughter was complaining to her father about her life and how things were so difficult for her, She didn't know how to go on and thought she would give up, She was tired of struggling, it seemed that when she solved one problem, another would appear.

Her father, a chef, took her to his workplace, where he filled three pots with water and placed them over a high flame, soon the water in all three pots was boiling, in one he put carrots, in another he put eggs and in the last he put coffee beans, he let them boil without saying a word.

The daughter waited impatiently, wondering what her father was doing. After twenty minutes the father turned off the fire, took out the carrots and put them in a bowl, took out the eggs and put them in another bowl, put the coffee beans and put them in a third bowl.

Looking at his daughter he said, "My dear, what do you see?" "Carrots, eggs and coffee" was her reply, he made her come closer and asked her to touch the carrots, she did so and noticed that they were soft, then he asked her to take an egg and break it, after taking off the shell, she observed the hard boiled egg, then he asked her to taste the coffee, she smiled as she enjoyed its rich aroma.

Humbly the daughter asked, "What does this mean, Father?" he explained that the three elements had faced the same adversity: boiling water, but had reacted differently.

The carrot had come to the water strong, hard, but after passing through the boiling water it had become weak, easy to break, The egg had come to the water fragile, its thin shell protected its liquid interior, but after being in boiling water, its interior had hardened, The coffee beans however were unique, after being in boiling water, they had changed to water.

What are you, he asked his daughter, "When adversity knocks at your door, how do you respond, are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean? And what are you like, my friend, are you a carrot that looks strong but when adversity and pain touch you, you become weak and lose your strength?

Are you an egg, starting with a malleable heart? You possessed a fluid spirit, but after a death, a separation, a betrayal, a dismissal you have become hard and rigid? On the outside you look the same, but are you bitter and harsh, with a hardened spirit and heart? Or are you like a coffee bean? Coffee changes to boiling water, the element that causes you pain.

When the water reaches boiling point the coffee reaches its best taste, if you are like the coffee bean, when things get worse you react better and make things around you better. How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

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All in good time - Stories for Reflection

All in good time - Stories for Reflection, stories, tales, Stories in English for reflection

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English - Cuentos en inglés

All in good time - Stories to Think About

A man found a butterfly cocoon and took it home with him so that he could watch the butterfly as it emerged from it. One day he saw that there was a small hole and so he sat and watched for several hours. He noticed that the butterfly was struggling to make it bigger so that it could get out.

The man watched as the butterfly struggled hard to get its body through the small hole, until at one point it stopped. Apparently it was stuck.

So the good man decided to help the butterfly and with a small scissors he cut the hole a little to make it bigger, so that the butterfly could get out of the cocoon. However, when it managed to get out, its body was very swollen and its wings were small and bent. The man waited for the wings to open and the swelling of the body to go down, but neither happened and the butterfly could only crawl in circles, its little body swollen and its wings bent. It was never able to fly.

What man, in his kindness, did not understand, was that the restriction of the cocoon opening and the struggle needed to get out of the tiny hole was nature's way of sending fluids from the butterfly's body to its wings, so that they would become big and strong and then it could fly.

Freedom to fly was something that could only come after the struggle.


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miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2022

Geek Pride Day - May 25

Is there a Geek Day? What does a geek mean?

Geek Pride Day is an annual humorous event organised every 25th of May since 2006, claiming the right to be a geek. This holiday was first celebrated in Spain (Día del Orgullo Friki) but it has gained recognition through the Internet and is now celebrated by geeks in several countries.

The date of 25 May was chosen in reference to various emblematic events in geek culture that took place on that day: the first screening of Star Wars in 1977, Towel Day in homage to Douglas Adams, and Terry Pratchett's "Glorious 25 May".

What is the meaning of the word geek?

The meaning of the word geek has been used to describe people who have a somewhat eccentric behaviour and are therefore labelled as weird and quirky.

In the past, this term was used to describe people with a physical defect, but in recent years it is more commonly used to describe individuals with unusual behaviour, particular tastes and unusual hobbies.

Origin of Geek Pride Day

The origin of Geek Pride Day is due to the Spanish blogger Germán Martínez, who is nicknamed Señor Buebo. It all began in 2006 when this character made a series of events and celebrations throughout Spain and that they gave to know all the people of the geek community.

From that date, this day is celebrated in different countries, which brings together thousands of people who identify with this movement and is already part of world culture.

Since 2008, in the United States of America, the official celebration of the day has been made official with the participation of a large number of bloggers, who took part in a big parade, which took place on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

Since 2009 and up to the present day, a series of programmes, festivals and parades have been held to celebrate this date in countries such as Canada, Hungary, Romania, Sweden and Israel.

The world of the Internet and social networks is a gateway for the entire geek community in the world. This is due to the taste and preference that these people have for comics, video games, anime and everything that is linked to the culture of the extravagant and fantastic.

Every year both the social networks and the streets of the big cities are the meeting place to celebrate Friki Pride Day. It is a custom that this community has carried out since its date was officially decreed. #GeekPrideDay

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World Africa Day - May 25

World Africa Day

Few Africans care, but 25 May is World Africa Day, commemorating the founding congress of the Organisation of African Unity, the forerunner of today's African Union.

Why 25 May? Quite simply, this day commemorates the creation of the Organisation of African Union (OAU) on 25 May 1963 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, under the patronage of Negus Haile Selassie. At the time, the aim of the nascent pan-African organisation was to unite the 32 newly independent states. But also to help the peoples who were not yet free to throw off the colonial yoke.

However, the idea had germinated a few years earlier. In 1958, when most of them were still under European domination, the First Congress of Independent African States met in Accra, Ghana, at the invitation of Kwame Nkrumah.

On this occasion, the participants - just a dozen representatives of the future 54 African countries - called for the creation of an "African Freedom Day" to "mark each year the progress of the liberation movement and to symbolise the determination of the peoples of Africa to free themselves from foreign domination and exploitation".

In this perspective, the day of 25 May is intended to symbolically underline the need to "strengthen the unity and solidarity of African states", according to the OAU charter, launched five years later.

This text was written by Sylvanus Olympio, the "father of the Togolese nation", who died a few months earlier, in January 1963, during the coup that brought to power his successor Gnassingbé Eyadema, who would remain in power until 2005.

On 26 May 1963, the OAU Charter was signed by all participants except Morocco. At this meeting, it was decided to change the name of "African Freedom Day" to "African Liberation Day", set for 25 May. Eventually, this day became simply "Africa Day".

Although the OAU disappeared and gave way to the African Union (AU) in 2002, 25 May is still celebrated today.

This "World Day" sees all sorts of initiatives flourish to perpetuate its pan-African character.

Africans, for example, are invited to denounce the injustices that affect them by wearing a red scarf, at the initiative of the South Africans of Africans Rising, a movement that defines itself "for peace, justice and dignity". #AfricaDay.

A changing continent

Africa is a unique continent. The cradle of humanity, it is today a melting pot of peoples, languages, religions and traditions. Unfortunately, this should not hide the sad records Africa has broken: the lowest GDP per capita in the world, a very high debt, water shortages, not to mention AIDS, which affects more than 10% of the population. Today, encouraging signs are beginning to appear and the international community is showing a growing interest in Africa.

Films about Africa not to be missed:

  1. Out of Africa (1985)
  2. Blood Diamonds (2006)
  3. Invictus (2009)

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martes, 24 de mayo de 2022

Panic attacks: what to do?

Panic attacks: what to do?

It is estimated that 21 out of every 100 people will experience a panic attack at some point in their lives. It is therefore worthwhile, especially if you are a person who is highly exposed to stress, to be familiar with the sudden reaction that is a panic attack. It is the symptoms that accompany the attack that aggravate the fear and fuel the attack.

Give yourself a massage

Massages are known to be effective in reducing stress1,2. When you feel panic coming on, think about self-massage. If you are in public or don't want to draw attention to yourself, choose the hands:

To massage your hand, open it and massage the palm with your thumb in a circular motion. Start the massage in the palm of your hand and gradually work your way outwards, applying more and more pressure. Then smooth each finger, pressing gently and without cracking. Then move to the other hand.

At the same time you can repeat soothing phrases to yourself.

Try Autogenic Training

This is a closely related deep relaxation technique that uses suggestion and concentration to eliminate stress. To work at its best, it requires real training that demands regular and sustained practice. Here is the recommended exercise:

Sitting or lying down, close your eyes and repeat inwardly and slowly "my right arm is heavy" while visualizing the arm becoming heavy. Breathe deeply.

The more the body weighs, the more it spreads out and the more it relaxes the muscles.

Now repeat inwardly and slowly "my right arm is warm" while visualising the gentle warmth spreading. Breathe deeply.

This visualization allows a very slight vasodilation of the blood vessels, which promotes better oxygenation of the body.

Always keep your eyes closed and then repeat inwardly and slowly "my heart is beating gently" while paying attention to your heart rate.

This formula calms the heartbeat and leads to general relaxation.

Finally, focus on your breathing and your breathing alone. See how deep, calm and gentle it becomes as you pay attention to it.

Perform a visualisation (guided or not)

Visualisation or guided imagery is a very effective practice for responding to a panic attack, but it requires solid training. It consists of closing your eyes and picturing or constructing an image or scene that calms you.

Use your breath

The next time you feel very stressed, get into the habit of taking deep breaths.

Start by breathing in through your nose and then place one hand on your stomach, which should rise, and another on your chest, which should barely move.

Then breathe out through your mouth and push out as much air as you can, while contracting your abdominal muscles.

Continue to breathe in the same way, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.

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The false master - Stories for Reflection

The false master - Stories for Reflection, stories, tales, Stories in English for reflection

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English - Cuentos en inglés

The false master - Stories to Think About

He was a renowned teacher; one of those teachers who run after fame and like to accumulate more and more disciples. In a huge tent, he gathered several hundred disciples and followers. He stood up, raised his voice and said:

-My beloved, listen to the voice of him who knows.

There was a great silence. You could have heard a gnat flying.

-You must never associate with another man's wife; never. Nor should you ever drink alcohol, or eat meat.

One of the assistants dared to ask:

-The other day, weren't you the one who was hugging Jai's wife?

-Yes, I was," replied the master.

Then another listener asked:

-"Weren't you drinking in the tavern the other night?

-That was me," replied the master.

A third man questioned the master:

-Wasn't it you who were eating meat in the market the other day?

-Yes," said the master.

At that moment, all the people present were indignant and began to protest.

-Then why do you ask us not to do what you do?

And the false teacher replied:

-Because I teach, but I do not practice.

Anonymous Hindu

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