sábado, 18 de junio de 2022

International Sushi Day, 18 June

18 June, International Sushi Day

Loved by some, hated by others. Sushi is a dish that generates love and hate; however, many of us love this Japanese dish that comes to our table to delight our palate. June 18 every year is a special date for lovers of Japanese food. It is the celebration of International Sushi Day. It could be a good day for you to make the gastronomic trips you have always wanted to make.

What started as an initiative on a Facebook page run by Chris DeMay in 2009, eventually became an official celebration with the support of the Chase Events Calendar. Since then, on June 18, we always have an excuse to enjoy one of the world's most famous dishes. On this International Sushi Day, we want to share with you the health benefits of this food.

Health benefits of sushi

One of the main reasons to eat this delicious dish is that it is very healthy and nutritious. A delicious way to eat fish, and one that certainly has a lot to do with the longest life expectancy on the planet, the Japanese. Thanks to sushi and other Japanese habits, you will certainly have a longer and better life. But why is sushi so good for our health?

A happy heart

The main ingredient in sushi is fish, which means that it is a low-fat dish that will make your heart happy. As well as containing vitamins and minerals, it also contains omega 3 and 6, which promote circulation. Among the healthiest fish are salmon and tuna, and as they are raw fish, cholesterol levels will drop considerably. That's already a huge benefit to your health, isn't it?

A strong immune system

If you want to strengthen your immune system, sushi is always a great option. Celebrate International Sushi Day by nourishing your body with the best, healthiest and most delicious food. Why is this so? Vinegar and ginger, a very important part of sushi, have bacterial properties that help boost your immune system.

Do you have metabolic problems? Sushi can give you a little boost

Sushi speeds up your metabolism. The fish in this dish is very high in protein, and low in calories and fat. Now you know why the Japanese have such a long life expectancy? A good metabolism will help your body to stay healthy, and sushi has everything to help you.

Sushi can prevent cancer

In fact, this benefit is not directly in the sushi, but in its condiments or accompaniments. Wasabi and ginger have properties that could be very beneficial in preventing cancer. Antioxidant compounds that neutralise free radicals using their anti-cancer properties.

Some reasons to enjoy International Sushi Day

If the health benefits of this Japanese dish have not convinced you at all, here are a few more reasons for you to enjoy one of the most famous dishes in the world.

The combination is endless

It seems that sushi is an infinite dish. There are so many types of sushi, ingredients and combinations, that it is almost impossible for you not to like any of its varieties. Those who hate the dish may not have wanted to explore further, and try other delicious combinations. Sushi is a dish that is not suitable for carnivores or vegetarians, we can all enjoy the multiple presentations of this dish.

It's fashionable

Sushi has become fashionable all over the world. It has given the cuisine of the land of the rising sun an excellent reputation. Don't be left behind and show that you are cool enough to be trendy.

Fun and sharing

There is no more fun dish to share with your friends. A nice dinner with colleagues, an afternoon out, a walk, sushi can be eaten anytime, anywhere and it will certainly be fun. It is one of those dishes that is very easy to prepare, where you can gather your leftovers to make it or you can eat it on the street.

Sushi, an excuse to travel

And why not take advantage of the importance of this day to learn more, taste and have a good memory of sushi in our lives, How many kinds of sushi have you tasted? Let yourself be seduced by the Japanese charm, so that you can take advantage of this International Sushi Day to do what you love most; eating, travelling and relaxing.

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Recipe for Tuna and Salmon Sushi and Makis

For 24 pieces

Japanese sushi rice: 200 g
Water : 22 cl
Rice vinegar: 2.5 cl
Powdered sugar : 6.5 g
Fine salt : 2.5 g
For the rest of the recipe
Salmon fillet(s): 266.5 g
Red tuna: 266.5 g
Nori leaf(s): 2 pieces
Wasabi: 2 g
Soy sauce: 6.5 cl

Preparation of the rice: wash the rice until the water runs clear, then drain it and put it in the pot with the water. Leave to soak for 30 minutes, then cover and bring to the boil. Boil for 2 to 3 minutes, then cook the rice over a low heat for about 12 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the rice to rest for 10 minutes, then spread it out in a dish.

In a bowl, mix the rice vinegar, sugar and salt. Add this mixture to the rice and stir gently. Then fan the rice for a few minutes until it has reached room temperature.

For the makis: cut half the tuna and salmon into 15 cm long sticks. Place ½ sheet of seaweed on a bamboo mat, spread the rice and a little wasabi on top. Place the fish on top and roll up by hand. Then cut the roll into 6 pieces with a wet knife.

For the sushi: cut the fish into thin strips. Wet your hands and form pads of rice, put a little wasabi on top, then place a slice of fish.

Serve the sushi and maki with the soy sauce.

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