domingo, 29 de agosto de 2021

Cómo expresar opiniones en inglés

Como expresar una opinión en inglés

Gramática Inglesa - English Grammar - Recursos Educativos en inglés

Saber cómo expresar una opinión en inglés es muy útil en la vida cotidiana. A todos se nos pide con frecuencia que demos nuestra opinión en las conversaciones. Ya sea sobre la última serie que viste, el libro que leíste o cualquier otro tema de la vida diaria, podemos expresarnos -y lo hacemos- sobre cualquier cosa.

Por suerte es bastante sencillo, sólo hay que conocer algunas frases clave para empezar una frase de opinión.

Expresar una opinión en inglés

Con estas tres expresiones, puedes empezar a expresar tu opinión en la mayoría de las conversaciones:

  • In my opinion… - En mi opinión...
  • I think that… - Pienso que...
  • I believe that… - Creo que...

I think that es uno de los más sencillos. I think that it’s true. I think that it’s not true. (Creo que es cierto.Creo que no es cierto).

Para decir que estamos de acuerdo, diríamos:

I agree. (Estoy de acuerdo) Recuerda: No se utiliza así: I am agree.

I disagree. No estoy de acuerdo.

Hay muchas otras muchas expresiones, por ejemplo:

  • I consider that… - Considero que...
  • As far as I’m concerned… En lo que a mí respecta...
  • I must admit that… - Debo admitir que...

*** "According to" se corresponde con "Según". Se utiliza para citar fuentes. Por ejemplo, "According to the lawyer", "según este article", etc.

🔆 También te puede interesar:

  • Uso de whose en inglés - Pronombres relativos
  • Who, which y that - Pronombres Relativos en inglés
  • Was going to - El futuro en el pasado
  • DO y MAKE en inglés ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
  • Cuándo usar Since, For, Ago: ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
  • The Gerund - El gerundio en inglés
  • El Imperativo en Inglés - Imperative
  • El comparativo y el superlativo en inglés
  • Preguntas con WH-Questions 01 - What, where, why, who
  • Preguntas con WH-Questions 02 - When, Which, Whose, How
  • Cómo expresar cantidades en inglés
  • Adjectives - Los Adjetivos en Inglés
  • Uso de some / any acompañando nombres contables/incontables
  • Modal verbs - Verbos modales en inglés
  • El tiempo futuro en inglés
  • Present Perfect Progressive - Presente perfecto progresivo
  • Present perfect - El presente perfecto inglés
  • Pretérito progresivo o continuo en inglés
  • Simple past - El pretérito o pasado simple en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Afirmativa - English grammar
  • Presente continuo - Forma Negativa
  • Puntuación en inglés - All about punctuation in English
  • Los verbos Auxiliares en inglés - Auxiliary Verbs
  • Verbos irregulares en inglés, la lista que debes conocer
  • Cómo decir la fecha en inglés - How to say the date in English
  • Construir frases simples - To build a simple sentence
  • Nombres contables e incontables en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Interrogativa
  • Cómo Preguntar y decir el precio en inglés

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Plural de los sustantivos en inglés

Plural de los sustantivos en inglés

Recursos Educativos en inglés - Gramática Inglesa - English Grammar

Plural de los sustantivos

En inglés, al igual que en español, los sustantivos pueden utilizarse en singular o en plural. El plural de los sustantivos ingleses se forma añadiendo la terminación -s. Pero ten cuidado. Hay algunas excepciones.

La mayoría forman el plural añadiendo s:

Friend - friends
Book - books
Girl - girls

El plural de los sustantivos terminados en s, ss, x, sh, ch, se forma añadiendo es:

Box - boxes
Watch - watches
Bus - busses

El plural de los sustantivos terminados en y, cuando esta va precedida de consonante, se sustituye la y por i y se añade es:

Baby - babies

Pero si la y sigue a una vocal, sólo se añade s:

Boy - boys

Cuando los sustantivos acaban en o, se añade es, salvo algunas excepciones:

Tomato - tomatoes
Potato - potatoes

Radio - radios
Piano - pianos

Cuando los sustantivos terminan en f o fe pierden esta terminación y se le añade ves:

Shelf - shelves
Wife - wives

En el caso de roof - roofs

Plurales irregulares

Algunos sustantivos tienen plurales irregulares, por lo que te recomendamos que los aprendas de memoria. Aquí están los más comunes:

Woman - women
Foot - feet
Child - children
man - men
mouse - mice
person - people

Algunos sustantivos tienen la misma forma en el plural que en el singular. Este es el caso, por ejemplo, de :(crossroads, headquarters, means, series, species).

A species – two species

A sheep – two sheep

🔆 También te puede interesar:

  • Many more, a lot more y Much more. Usos en inglés
  • ¿Qué son los phrasal verbs en inglés? Los más usados
  • Cómo expresar opiniones en inglés
  • Uso de whose en inglés - Pronombres relativos
  • Who, which y that - Pronombres Relativos en inglés
  • Was going to - El futuro en el pasado
  • DO y MAKE en inglés ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
  • Cuándo usar Since, For, Ago: ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
  • The Gerund - El gerundio en inglés
  • El Imperativo en Inglés - Imperative
  • El comparativo y el superlativo en inglés
  • Preguntas con WH-Questions 01 - What, where, why, who
  • Preguntas con WH-Questions 02 - When, Which, Whose, How
  • Cómo expresar cantidades en inglés
  • Adjectives - Los Adjetivos en Inglés
  • Uso de some / any acompañando nombres contables/incontables
  • Modal verbs - Verbos modales en inglés
  • El tiempo futuro en inglés
  • Present Perfect Progressive - Presente perfecto progresivo
  • Present perfect - El presente perfecto inglés
  • Pretérito progresivo o continuo en inglés
  • Simple past - El pretérito o pasado simple en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Afirmativa - English grammar
  • Presente continuo - Forma Negativa
  • Puntuación en inglés - All about punctuation in English
  • Los verbos Auxiliares en inglés - Auxiliary Verbs
  • Verbos irregulares en inglés, la lista que debes conocer
  • Cómo decir la fecha en inglés - How to say the date in English
  • Construir frases simples - To build a simple sentence
  • Nombres contables e incontables en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Interrogativa
  • Cómo Preguntar y decir el precio en inglés

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sábado, 28 de agosto de 2021

The Music on the Hill - Saki - Horror

 The Music on the Hill

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English

Cuentos clásicos en inglés de miedo, suspense, halloween

The Music on the Hill - Saki - Horror

Sylvia Seltoun ate her breakfast in the morning-room at Yessney with a pleasant sense of ultimate victory, such as a fervent Ironside might have permitted himself on the morrow of Worcester fight. She was scarcely pugnacious by temperament, but belonged to that more successful class of fighters who are pugnacious by circumstance. Fate had willed that her life should be occupied with a series of small struggles, usually with the odds slightly against her, and usually she had just managed to come through winning. And now she felt that she had brought her hardest and certainly her most important struggle to a successful issue. To have married Mortimer Seltoun, "Dead Mortimer" as his more intimate enemies called him, in the teeth of the cold hostility of his family, and in spite of his unaffected indifference to women, was indeed an achievement that had needed some determination and adroitness to carry through; yesterday she had brought her victory to its concluding stage by wrenching her husband away from Town and its group of satellite watering-places and "settling him down," in the vocabulary of her kind, in this remote wood-girt manor farm which was his country house.

"You will never get Mortimer to go," his mother had said carpingly, "but if he once goes he'll stay; Yessney throws almost as much a spell over him as Town does. One can understand what holds him to Town, but Yessney--" and the dowager had shrugged her shoulders.

There was a sombre almost savage wildness about Yessney that was certainly not likely to appeal to town-bred tastes, and Sylvia, notwithstanding her name, was accustomed to nothing much more sylvan than "leafy Kensington." She looked on the country as something excellent and wholesome in its way, which was apt to become troublesome if you encouraged it overmuch. Distrust of townlife had been a new thing with her, born of her marriage with Mortimer, and she had watched with satisfaction the gradual fading of what she called "the Jermyn-Street-look" in his eyes as the woods and heather of Yessney had closed in on them yesternight. Her will-power and strategy had prevailed; Mortimer would stay. Outside the morning-room windows was a triangular slope of turf, which the indulgent might call a lawn, and beyond its low hedge of neglected fuschia bushes a steeper slope of heather and bracken dropped down into cavernous combes overgrown with oak and yew. In its wild open savagery there seemed a stealthy linking of the joy of life with the terror of unseen things. Sylvia smiled complacently as she gazed with a School-of-Art appreciation at the landscape, and then of a sudden she almost shuddered.
"It is very wild," she said to Mortimer, who had joined her; "one could almost think that in such a place the worship of Pan had never quite died out."

"The worship of Pan never has died out," said Mortimer. "Other newer gods have drawn aside his votaries from time to time, but he is the Nature-God to whom all must come back at last. He has been called the Father of all the Gods, but most of his children have been stillborn."

Sylvia was religious in an honest, vaguely devotional kind of way, and did not like to hear her beliefs spoken of as mere aftergrowths, but it was at least something new and hopeful to hear Dead Mortimer speak with such energy and conviction on any subject.

"You don't really believe in Pan?" she asked incredulously.

"I've been a fool in most things," said Mortimer quietly, "but I'm not such a fool as not to believe in Pan when I'm down here. And if you're wise you won't disbelieve in him too boastfully while you're in his country."

It was not till a week later, when Sylvia had exhausted the attractions of the woodland walks round Yessney, that she ventured on a tour of inspection of the farm buildings. A farmyard suggested in her mind a scene of cheerful bustle, with churns and flails and smiling dairymaids, and teams of horses drinking knee-deep in duck-crowded ponds. As she wandered among the gaunt grey buildings of Yessney manor farm her first impression was one of crushing stillness and desolation, as though she had happened on some lone deserted homestead long given over to owls and cobwebs; then came a sense of furtive watchful hostility, the same shadow of unseen things that seemed to lurk in the wooded combes and coppices. From behind heavy doors and shuttered windows came the restless stamp of hoof or rasp of chain halter, and at times a muffled bellow from some stalled beast. From a distant comer a shaggy dog watched her with intent unfriendly eyes; as she drew near it slipped quietly into its kennel, and slipped out again as noiselessly when she had passed by. A few hens, questing for food under a rick, stole away under a gate at her approach. Sylvia felt that if she had come across any human beings in this wilderness of barn and byre they would have fled wraith-like from her gaze. At last, turning a corner quickly, she came upon a living thing that did not fly from her. Astretch in a pool of mud was an enormous sow, gigantic beyond the town-woman's wildest computation of swine-flesh, and speedily alert to resent and if necessary repel the unwonted intrusion. It was Sylvia's turn to make an unobtrusive retreat. As she threaded her way past rickyards and cowsheds and long blank walls, she started suddenly at a strange sound - the echo of a boy's laughter, golden and equivocal. Jan, the only boy employed on the farm, a tow-headed, wizen-faced yokel, was visibly at work on a potato clearing half-way up the nearest hill-side, and Mortimer, when questioned, knew of no other probable or possible begetter of the hidden mockery that had ambushed Sylvia's retreat. The memory of that untraceable echo was added to her other impressions of a furtive sinister "something" that hung around Yessney.
Of Mortimer she saw very little; farm and woods and trout- streams seemed to swallow him up from dawn till dusk. Once, following the direction she had seen him take in the morning, she came to an open space in a nut copse, further shut in by huge yew trees, in the centre of which stood a stone pedestal surmounted by a small bronze figure of a youthful Pan. It was a beautiful piece of workmanship, but her attention was chiefly held by the fact that a newly cut bunch of grapes had been placed as an offering at its feet. Grapes were none too plentiful at the manor house, and Sylvia snatched the bunch angrily from the pedestal. Contemptuous annoyance dominated her thoughts as she strolled slowly homeward, and then gave way to a sharp feeling of something that was very near fright; across a thick tangle of undergrowth a boy's face was scowling at her, brown and beautiful, with unutterably evil eyes. It was a lonely pathway, all pathways round Yessney were lonely for the matter of that, and she sped forward without waiting to give a closer scrutiny to this sudden apparition. It was not till she had reached the house that she discovered that she had dropped the bunch of grapes in her flight.

"I saw a youth in the wood today," she told Mortimer that evening, "brown-faced and rather handsome, but a scoundrel to look at. A gipsy lad, I suppose."

"A reasonable theory," said Mortimer, "only there aren't any gipsies in these parts at present."

"Then who was he?" asked Sylvia, and as Mortimer appeared to have no theory of his own she passed on to recount her finding of the votive offering.

"I suppose it was your doing," she observed; "it's a harmless piece of lunacy, but people would think you dreadfully silly if they knew of it."

"Did you meddle with it in any way?" asked Mortimer.

"I - I threw the grapes away. It seemed so silly," said Sylvia, watching Mortimer's impassive face for a sign of annoyance.
"I don't think you were wise to do that," he said reflectively. "I've heard it said that the Wood Gods are rather horrible to those who molest them."

"Horrible perhaps to those that believe in them, but you see I don't," retorted Sylvia.

"All the same," said Mortimer in his even, dispassionate tone, "I should avoid the woods and orchards if I were you, and give a wide berth to the horned beasts on the farm."

It was all nonsense, of course, but in that lonely wood-girt spot nonsense seemed able to rear a bastard brood of uneasiness.

"Mortimer," said Sylvia suddenly, "I think we will go back to Town some time soon."

Her victory had not been so complete as she had supposed; it had carried her on to ground that she was already anxious to quit.

"I don't think you will ever go back to Town," said Mortimer. He seemed to be paraphrasing his mother's prediction as to himself.

Sylvia noted with dissatisfaction and some self-contempt that the course of her next afternoon's ramble took her instinctively clear of the network of woods. As to the horned cattle, Mortimer's warning was scarcely needed, for she had always regarded them as of doubtful neutrality at the best: her imagination

unsexed the most matronly dairy cows and turned them into bulls liable to "see red" at any moment. The ram who fed in the narrow paddock below the orchards she had adjudged, after ample and cautious probation, to be of docile temper; today, however, she decided to leave his docility untested, for the usually tranquil beast was roaming with every sign of restlessness from corner to corner of his meadow. A low, fitful piping, as of some reedy flute, was coming from the depth of a neighbouring copse, and there seemed to be some subtle connection between the animal's restless pacing and the wild music from the wood. Sylvia turned her steps in an upward direction and climbed the heather-clad slopes that stretched in rolling shoulders high above Yessney. She had left the piping notes behind her, but across the wooded combes at her feet the wind brought her another kind of music, the straining bay of hounds in full chase. Yessney was just on the outskirts of the Devon-and-Somerset country, and the hunted deer sometimes came that way. Sylvia could presently see a dark body, breasting hill after hill, and sinking again and again out of sight as he crossed the combes, while behind him steadily swelled that relentless chorus, and she grew tense with the excited sympathy that one feels for any hunted thing in whose capture one is not directly interested. And at last he broke through the outermost line of oak scrub and fern and stood panting in the open, a fat September stag carrying a well-furnished head. His obvious course was to drop down to the brown pools of Undercombe, and thence make his way towards the red deer's favoured sanctuary, the sea. To Sylvia's surprise, however, he turned his head to the upland slope and came lumbering resolutely onward over the heather. "It will be dreadful," she thought, "the hounds will pull him down under my very eyes." But the music of the pack seemed to have died away for a moment, and in its place she heard again that wild piping, which rose now on this side, now on that, as though urging the failing stag to a final effort. Sylvia stood well aside from his path, half hidden in a thick growth of whortle bushes, and watched him swing stiffly upward, his flanks dark with sweat, the coarse hair on his neck showing light by contrast. The pipe music shrilled suddenly around her, seeming to come from the bushes at her very feet, and at the same moment the great beast slewed round and bore directly down upon her. In an instant her pity for the hunted animal was changed to wild terror at her own danger; the thick heather roots mocked her scrambling efforts at flight, and she looked frantically downward for a glimpse of oncoming hounds. The huge antler spikes were within a few yards of her, and in a flash of numbing fear she remembered Mortimer's warning, to beware of horned beasts on the farm. And then with a quick throb of joy she saw that she was not alone; a human figure stood a few paces aside, knee-deep in the whortle bushes.
"Drive it off!" she shrieked. But the figure made no answering movement.

The antlers drove straight at her breast, the acrid smell of the hunted animal was in her nostrils, but her eyes were filled with the horror of something she saw other than her oncoming death. And in her ears rang the echo of a boy's laughter, golden and equivocal.

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The Bowmen - Arthur Machen

The Bowmen

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English

Cuentos clásicos en inglés de miedo, suspense, halloween

The Bowmen - Arthur Machen - Horror

It was during the Retreat of the Eighty Thousand, and the authority of the Censorship is sufficient excuse for not being more explicit. But it was on the most awful day of that awful time, on the day when ruin and disaster came so near that their shadow fell over London far away; and, without any certain news, the hearts of men failed within them and grew faint; as if the agony of the army in the battlefield had entered into their souls.

On this dreadful day, then, when three hundred thousand men in arms with all their artillery swelled like a flood against the little English company, there was one point above all other points in our battle line that was for a time in awful danger, not merely of defeat, but of utter annihilation. With the permission of the Censorship and of the military expert, this corner may, perhaps, be described as a salient, and if this angle were crushed and broken, then the English force as a whole would be shattered, the Allied left would be turned, and Sedan would inevitably follow.

All the morning the German guns had thundered and shrieked against this corner, and against the thousand or so of men who held it. The men joked at the shells, and found funny names for them, and had bets about them, and greeted them with scraps of music-hall songs. But the shells came on and burst, and tore good Englishmen limb from limb, and tore brother from brother, and as the heat of the day increased so did the fury of that terrific cannonade. There was no help, it seemed. The English artillery was good, but there was not nearly enough of it; it was being steadily battered into scrap iron.
There comes a moment in a storm at sea when people say to one another, "It is at its worst; it can blow no harder," and then there is a blast ten times more fierce than any before it. So it was in these British trenches.

There were no stouter hearts in the whole world than the hearts of these men; but even they were appalled as this seven-times-heated hell of the German cannonade fell upon them and overwhelmed them and destroyed them. And at this very moment they saw from their trenches that a tremendous host was moving against their lines. Five hundred of the thousand remained, and as far as they could see the German infantry was pressing on against them, column upon column, a gray world of men, ten thousand of them, as it appeared afterwards.

There was no hope at all. They shook hands, some of them. One man improvised a new version of the battle-song, "Good-by, good-by to Tipperary," ending with "And we shan't get there." And they all went on firing steadily. The officer pointed out that such an opportunity for high-class fancy shooting might never occur again; the Tipperary humorist asked, "What price Sidney Street?" And the few machine guns did their best. But everybody knew it was of no use. The dead gray bodies lay in companies and battalions, as others came on and on and on, and they swarmed and stirred, and advanced from beyond and beyond.

"World without end. Amen," said one of the British soldiers with some irrelevance as he took aim and fired. And then he remembered—he says he cannot think why or wherefore—a queer vegetarian restaurant in London where he had once or twice eaten eccentric dishes of cutlets made of lentils and nuts that pretended to be steak. On all the plates in this restaurant there was printed a figure of St. George in blue, with the motto, "Adsit Anglis Sanctus Georgius"—"May St. George be a present help to the English." This soldier happened to know Latin and other useless things, and now, as he fired at his man in the gray advancing mass—three hundred yards away—he uttered the pious vegetarian motto. He went on firing to the end, and at last Bill on his right had to clout him cheerfully over the head to make him stop, pointing out as he did so that the King's ammunition cost money and was not lightly to be wasted in drilling funny patterns into dead Germans.
For as the Latin scholar uttered his invocation he felt something between a shudder and an electric shock pass through his body. The roar of the battle died down in his ears to a gentle murmur; instead of it, he says, he heard a great voice and a shout louder than a thunder-peal crying, "Array, array, array!"

His heart grew hot as a burning coal, it grew cold as ice within him, as it seemed to him that a tumult of voices answered to his summons. He heard, or seemed to hear, thousands shouting: "St. George! St. George!"

"Ha! Messire, ha! sweet Saint, grant us good deliverance!"

"St. George for merry England!"

"Harow! Harow! Monseigneur St. George, succor us!"

"Ha! St. George! Ha! St. George! a long bow and a strong bow."

"Heaven's Knight, aid us!"

And as the soldier heard these voices he saw before him, beyond the trench, a long line of shapes, with a shining about them. They were like men who drew the bow, and with another shout, their cloud of arrows flew singing and tingling through the air towards the German hosts.

The other men in the trench were firing all the while. They had no hope; but they aimed just as if they had been shooting at Bisley.

Suddenly one of them lifted up his voice in the plainest English.

"Gawd help us!" he bellowed to the man next to him, "but we're blooming marvels! Look at those gray ... gentlemen, look at them! D'ye see them? They're not going down in dozens nor in 'undreds; it's thousands, it is. Look! look! there's a regiment gone while I'm talking to ye."
"Shut it!" the other soldier bellowed, taking aim, "what are ye gassing about?"

But he gulped with astonishment even as he spoke, for, indeed, the gray men were falling by the thousands. The English could hear the guttural scream of the German officers, the crackle of their revolvers as they shot the reluctant; and still line after line crashed to the earth.

All the while the Latin-bred soldier heard the cry:

"Harow! Harow! Monseigneur, dear Saint, quick to our aid! St. George help us!"

"High Chevalier, defend us!"

The singing arrows fled so swift and thick that they darkened the air, the heathen horde melted from before them.

"More machine guns!" Bill yelled to Tom.

"Don't hear them," Tom yelled back.

"But, thank God, anyway; they've got it in the neck."

In fact, there were ten thousand dead German soldiers left before that salient of the English army, and consequently there was no Sedan. In Germany, a country ruled by scientific principles, the Great General Staff decided that the contemptible English must have employed shells containing an unknown gas of a poisonous nature, as no wounds were discernible on the bodies of the dead German soldiers. But the man who knew what nuts tasted like when they called themselves steak knew also that St. George had brought his Agincourt Bowmen to help the English.

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viernes, 27 de agosto de 2021

5 Pasos para aprender inglés desde cero.

A todos nos acomoda más un método antes que otro, eso es verdad, pero lo que es cierto es que hay pasos a seguir que
nos facilitarán aprender Inglés ¡desde cero!

Por eso hoy aquí te compartimos 5 Pasos para aprender inglés desde cero:

1.- Comienza Escuchando.

El primer paso es escuchar. Leer y escribir debe llegar más adelante, cuando tu oído esté más entrenado para comprender
acentos, pronunciación, y vocabulario. Muchas personas no han podido hacer esto porque tradicionalmente se ha
enseñado primero la gramática, a leer y a escribir; aprende primero a comunicarte de forma oral y lo demás vendrá más

2.- Ponte Objetivos Medibles.

Decir: Aprender Inglés rápido no es un objetivo que puedas medir…¿qué tanto es rápido? ¿En cuánto tiempo? Mejor ponte
objetivos como: Aprender 10 palabras al día, aprender 5 frases a la semana, leer 10 páginas y comprenderlas en un mes,

3.- Olvida lo que sabes.

La gramática en Inglés es completamente diferente a la española, pero ¡no te espantes! Es mucho más fácil. Olvida lo que
sabes de tu lengua madre y comienza a pensar diferente.

4.- Busca con quien conversar.

La manera más fácil de aprender es realmente sumergirte en ese idioma, y nunca lo lograrás si solamente hablas con tus
amigos y familiares que hablan tú mismo idioma. Busca amigos con quién tomar un café y conversar en Inglés, o ¡únete a
un Club de Conversación!

5.- ¡Diviértete!

Para aprender inglés de forma divertida debes buscar formas que se ajusten a tu forma de aprender y que lo puedas hacer
de forma automática como escuchar una canción en inglés, ¡podcast o leer un anime!

Audio curso de ingles en patreon!

Al unirte a Patreon nos apoyas a seguir creando contenido para todo el que quiera aprender inglés y a la vez obtienes acceso a nuestro audio curso de inglés premium y personalizado para aprender ingles a tu ritmo!

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Puntuación en inglés - All about punctuation in English

Puntuación en inglés - All about punctuation in English

Puntuación en inglés: todos los signos y cómo usarlos. All about punctuation in English

  • Las oraciones comienzan con una letra mayúscula y terminan con un punto.
  • Se utiliza un signo de interrogación [?] al final de una pregunta. Y un signo de exclamación [!] para las frases exclamatorias. No hay espacio entre estos dos signos y la última palabra.
  • Los nombres propios se escriben en mayúsculas como en España.

I live in Spain. (= Vivo en España.)

Where are you going? (= ¿A dónde vas?)

I’m so tired! (= ¡Estoy tan cansada!)

  • La coma [,] se usa para separar dos frases, o para listar artículos.

I met my friend, we went to the museum together, and then she went home.

Me encontré con mi amiga, fuimos juntos al museo, y luego ella se fue a casa.

For lunch I had chicken, french fries, a piece of bread and cheese.

Para el almuerzo comí pollo, papas fritas, un pedazo de pan y queso.

Aún necesitas saber algunas reglas que son diferentes a las españolas:

  • Los días de la semana y los meses se escriben siempre en mayúsculas: Monday - lunes, September - septiembre.
  • Cuando se habla de la nacionalidad de alguien, también hay que ponerla en mayúsculas:

I’m French = soy francés.

I love the Irish = Amo a los irlandeses.

The Israeli and Palestinian people= los pueblos israelí y palestino

Tipos de puntuación en inglés

1. Punto / punto final (.)

El punto final se utiliza para marcar el final de una frase declarativa, simplemente.

  • My name is John and I live in England. Me llamo John y vivo en Inglaterra.

2. Signo de exclamación (!)

Como el punto final, termina una frase, con un toque de sorpresa o una emoción abrupta.

  • It's already 6! ¡Ya son las seis!

3. Signo de interrogación (?)

Es el signo de puntuación que se utiliza para terminar una frase en forma de pregunta directa.

  • Is he awake? ¿Está despierto?

Observa que las preguntas indirectas no llaman al signo de interrogación, sino el punto final.

  • I asked if he was awake. Pregunté si estaba despierto.

4. Coma (,)

La coma, que se coloca dentro de una frase y nunca al final.

La coma se utiliza para separar elementos de la oración, por ejemplo, en una enumeración (con sustantivos, adjetivos, verbos...).

  • One, two, three, four… Uno, dos, tres, cuatro...
  • He ate, drank and went to bed. Comió, bebió y se fue a la cama.

La coma inglesa también se coloca después de ciertos adverbios y conectores lógicos cuando aparecen al principio de una frase (still, in fact, moreover, however, therefore... aún, de hecho, por lo tanto...).

  • Moreover, we can't afford it. Además, no podemos permitírnoslo.

Otros adverbios (no necesariamente colocados al principio de una frase) pueden ir precedidos o seguidos de una coma, aunque no sea obligatorio (too, then, yet, so, instead… también, entonces, sin embargo, por lo tanto, en su lugar...).

  • I want to go too! I want to go, too! ¡Yo también quiero ir!

También hay que tener en cuenta que la coma puede ser utilizada en las fechas.

4.1. Caso especial: Coma de Oxford

Tal vez te has encontrado con este término, sin necesariamente entenderlo bien. Vamos a entrar en más detalles. La coma de Oxford, también llamada coma en serie o coma de Harvard por los americanos consiste en colocar una coma después del último elemento de una enumeración y antes de la conjunción coordinada (and, or ou nor) - (y, o o ni).

Esta coma adicional se recomienda en frases que pueden contener ambigüedad.

Un ejemplo de esto sería:

  • I met the girls, Sarah, and Jessica.

Comparemos con la misma frase, sin la coma de Oxford:

  • I met the girls, Sarah and Jessica.

Estas dos frases pueden ser interpretadas de forma diferente, debido a la coma.

Tomemos el primer caso de nuevo:

  • I met the girls, Sarah, and Jessica.

Aquí el orador dice que conoció a un grupo de chicas y a Sarah y Jessica.

Ahora veamos el segundo caso:

  • I met the girls, Sarah and Jessica.

Esta frase puede ser entendida como la anterior (las chicas Y Sarah Y Jessica), pero no únicamente.

De esta manera, también puede entenderse que el orador ha conocido a las chicas, que son Sarah y Jessica. El elemento las chicas es un grupo del que Sarah y Jessica son miembros. La coma de Oxford, por lo tanto, hace que la frase sea más precisa en la mente del lector y elimina cualquier riesgo de confusión.

En algunas listas más simples, por otra parte, el uso de la coma de Oxford no está necesariamente justificado.

  • I need bread, butter and milk. Necesito pan, mantequilla y leche.

Es posible añadir una coma antes de y (I need bread, butter, and milk.), pero en cualquier caso se entiende que el hablante necesita tres alimentos, sin ninguna ambigüedad posible.

Así que asegúrate de usar la coma de Oxford en las frases que puedan ser interpretadas de varias maneras, para dejar claro su punto.

5. Dos puntos (:)

Los dos puntos tienen varios usos:

  1. Comenzar una enumeración.
  2. Antes de una descripción o una definición.
  3. Para dar una explicación.

We need politicians who are: honest, energetic and relatable. Necesitamos políticos que sean: honestos, enérgicos y afines.

I had an awful day: I lost my car key and had to walk in the rain. Tuve un día horrible: Perdí las llaves del coche y tuve que caminar bajo la lluvia.

6. Punto y coma (;)

El punto y coma tiene dos usos principales.

En primer lugar, permite yuxtaponer dos propuestas independientes, sin necesidad de una conjunción coordinada comme and, but ou or).

  • I went to the theater; I was told the play was canceled. Fui al teatro; me dijeron que la obra estaba cancelada.

El punto y coma también puede ser usado en listas complejas para completar las comas.

  • I’ve visited the following cities: San Diego, California; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Lincoln, Nebraska. He visitado las siguientes ciudades: San Diego, California, Tulsa, Oklahoma y Lincoln, Nebraska.

7. Guión (-)

Ten cuidado, el guión no tiene nada que ver con el guión, representado por un -.

Hay varios tipos de guiones en inglés, aquí están los principales:

  1. El guión largo (—).
  2. El guión corto (-).

El guión (largo o corto) puede utilizarse para aislar un elemento del resto de la frase.

  • You may think it’s easy—it’s not. You may think it’s easy – it’s not. Puede que piense que es fácil. No lo es.

El guión largo tiene dos usos más. Primero, puede usarse para marcar una interrupción en la oración.

  • Leave me alone, or else— Déjeme en paz, o si no...

Por último, puede usarse para indicar quién es el autor de una cita.

For example:

  • I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. — Winston Churchill. No tengo nada que ofrecer salvo sangre, trabajo, lágrimas y sudor. - Winston Churchill.

8. Entre comillas ("o")

Como su nombre lo indica, se utilizan para introducir una cita en la frase.

  • “I’m going to the museum”, he said. "Voy al museo", dijo.

También se pueden usar para marcar una distancia, un matiz de ironía en relación con la declaración.

  • The “best restaurant in town” turned out to be pretty awful. El "mejor restaurante de la ciudad" resultó ser muy malo.

🔆 También te puede interesar:

Cómo decir la fecha en inglés - How to say the date in English

Construir frases simples - To build a simple sentence

Nombres contables e incontables en inglés

Presente continuo - Forma Interrogativa

Cómo Preguntar y decir el precio en inglés

Adblock test (Why?)

Verbos irregulares en inglés, la lista que debes conocer

 Verbos irregulares en inglés

 Suelen asustar a los estudiantes de inglés: aquí está la lista de verbos irregulares en inglés.

Algunos verbos terminan con ED en el pretérito y el participio pasado. Por ejemplo, el verbo To dance tiene la forma pretérita danced (por ejemplo, I danced) y la forma de participio pasado danced (por ejemplo, I have danced).

Esto funciona para todos los verbos REGULARES. Sin embargo, algunos verbos (y hay bastantes) son IRREGULARES en inglés: sus pretéritos y participios pasados no terminan en ED.

¿Cómo aprender los verbos irregulares en inglés?

Esta es una lista alfabética de los principales verbos irregulares en inglés.

Verbo en español Infinitive Simple Past

Past Participle

surgir arise arose arisen
ser be was / were been
golpear beat beat beaten
convertirse become became become
comenzar begin began begun
apostar bet bet/betted bet/betted
morder bite bit bitten
sangrar bleed bled bled
soplar blow blew blown
romper break broke broken
traer bring brought brought
construir build built built
comprar buy bought bought
atrapar catch caught caught
elegir choose chose chosen
venir come came come
costar cost cost cost
arrastrarse creep crept crept
cortar cut cut cut
dar, repartir deal dealt dealt
hacer do did done
dibujar draw drew drawn
soñar dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed
beber drink drank drunk
conducir drive drove driven
comer eat ate eaten
caer fall fell fallen
alimentar feed fed fed
sentir feel felt felt
pelear fight fought fought
encontrar find found found
huir flee fled fled
volar fly flew flown
olvidar forget forgot forgotten
perdonar forgive forgave forgiven
abandonar forsake forsook forsaken
congelar freeze froze frozen
tener, obtener get got got
dar give gave given
ir go went gone
moler grind ground ground
crecer grow grew grown
colgar hang hung hung
tener have had had
oír hear heard heard
esconderse hide hid hidden
golpear hit hit hit
tener, mantener hold held held
herir, doler hurt hurt hurt
guardar keep kept kept
arrodillarse kneel knelt knelt
saber know knew known
encabezar lead led led
aprender learn learnt/learned learnt/learned
dejar leave left left
prestar lend lent lent
dejar let let let
yacer lie lay lain
perder lose lost lost
hacer make made made
significar mean meant meant
conocer, encontrar meet met met
pagar pay paid paid
poner put put put
abandonar quit quit/quitted quit/quitted
leer read read read
montar, ir ride rode ridden
llamar por teléfono ring rang rung
elevar rise rose risen
correr run ran run
decir say said said
ver see saw seen
vender sell sold sold
enviar send sent sent
fijar set set set
coser sew sewed sewn/sewed
sacudir shake shook shaken
brillar shine shone shone
disparar shoot shot shot
mostrar show showed shown/showed
encoger shrink shrank/shrunk shrunk
cerrar shut shut shut
cantar sing sang sung
hundir sink sank sunk
sentarse sit sat sat
dormir sleep slept slept
deslizar slide slid slid
sembrar sow sowed sown/sowed
hablar speak spoke spoken
deletrear spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled
gastar spend spent spent
derramar spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled
partir split split split
estropear spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled
extenderse spread spread spread
estar de pie stand stood stood
robar steal stole stolen
picar sting stung stung
apestar stink stank/stunk stunk
golpear strike struck struck
jurar swear swore sworn
barrer sweep swept swept
nadar swim swam swum
tomar take took taken
enseñar teach taught taught
romper tear tore torn
decir tell told told
pensar think thought thought
lanzar throw threw thrown
pisar tread trode trodden/trod
entender understand understood understood
despertarse wake woke woken
llevar puesto wear wore worn
tejer weave wove woven
llorar weep wept wept
ganar win won won
retorcer wring wrung wrung
escribir write wrote written

Hay muchos más verbos irregulares en inglés, esta lista es incompleta y representa sólo los más comunes.

  • 🔆 También te puede interesar:

    • Cómo preguntar y expresar la posesión en inglés
    • Cómo usar May y might - Verbos modales
    • Conditionals in English - El condicional en Inglés
    • Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos en Inglés
    • Pronombres Posesivos en inglés - Possessive Pronouns
    • Adjetivos Posesivos en Inglés - Possessive adjectives
    • ¿Cómo aprender inglés fácil y desde casa?
    • Plural de los sustantivos en inglés
    • Many more, a lot more y Much more. Usos en inglés
    • ¿Qué son los phrasal verbs en inglés? Los más usados
    • Cómo expresar opiniones en inglés
    • Uso de whose en inglés - Pronombres relativos
    • Who, which y that - Pronombres Relativos en inglés
    • Was going to - El futuro en el pasado
    • DO y MAKE en inglés ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
    • Cuándo usar Since, For, Ago: ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
    • The Gerund - El gerundio en inglés
    • El Imperativo en Inglés - Imperative
    • El comparativo y el superlativo en inglés
    • Preguntas con WH-Questions 01 - What, where, why, who
    • Preguntas con WH-Questions 02 - When, Which, Whose, How
    • Cómo expresar cantidades en inglés
    • Adjectives - Los Adjetivos en Inglés
    • Uso de some / any acompañando nombres contables/incontables
    • Modal verbs - Verbos modales en inglés
    • El tiempo futuro en inglés
    • Present Perfect Progressive - Presente perfecto progresivo
    • Present perfect - El presente perfecto inglés
    • Pretérito progresivo o continuo en inglés
    • Simple past - El pretérito o pasado simple en inglés
    • Presente continuo - Forma Afirmativa - English grammar
    • Presente continuo - Forma Negativa
    • Puntuación en inglés - All about punctuation in English
    • Los verbos Auxiliares en inglés - Auxiliary Verbs
    • Verbos irregulares en inglés, la lista que debes conocer
    • Cómo decir la fecha en inglés - How to say the date in English
    • Construir frases simples - To build a simple sentence
    • Nombres contables e incontables en inglés
    • Presente continuo - Forma Interrogativa
    • Cómo Preguntar y decir el precio en inglés

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