martes, 11 de enero de 2022

Things to do on valentine's day

Things to do on valentine's day

Love is something you nurture every day, not just on February 14th. Here's a little list of things to do for each other, to keep the flame alive and to love each other forever. There's no need to wait for Valentine's Day to do something nice for each other.

Here are some suggestions for sprinkling a little love into your daily life:

- Send her a romantic or "caliente" message by email or text.

- Leave a note in his bag or briefcase for him to discover at work.

- Wait for him in a nice outfit.

- Prepare a great evening for him (his favourite restaurant, a match...).

- Take a trip in a hot air balloon.

- Buying/cooking their favourite food/drink/dish (chocolate, sweets...).

- Relieve him/her of a task he/she hates.

- Invite him/her for a surprise lunch during his/her lunch break.

- Give them a massage.

- Spend the day in bed together.

- Cuddle up together after a cuddle.

- Doing an activity or signing up for a class together.

- Do something nice with his mother, his brother...

- Let him/her choose the movie of the evening.

- Welcome him/her like a prince when he/she comes home from work (a drink, a hot bath, ...).

- Offer or create a calendar or mug with your image on it.

- Plan a day dedicated entirely to him or her.

- Dream and talk together about the future (marriage, child...).

- Cover the bed with rose petals, deliver a bouquet or chocolate.

- Order a meal from your favourite caterer to be delivered to your office to give you courage when you have to work late.

- Buying a favourite perfume and placing it in the bathroom for him/her to discover.

- Set aside days to deal only with the couple.

- Introduce him/her to family/friends.

- Ask her/him to marry you.

- Organise a surprise picnic.

- Try new experiences together (bungee jumping, climbing, etc.).

- Designate a place that is part of your history (your favourite restaurant...).

- Share/exercise a keen interest in their passions from time to time, even if it's not really their cup of tea.

- Leave little notes or gifts (scented underwear, etc.) on the cushion when you are not there.

- Organise small weekends or trips for lovers.

- Go tandem riding.

- Go for a walk in nature together, watch the sunset.

Unique gift ideas to personalise for valentine's day

Valentine's Day is a unique date in the year, the perfect time to show your loved one how much you love them. But it's also the opportunity to give him or her a present that he or she will keep for life. Here are some unique Valentine's Day gift ideas for the person in your life.

  1. A blanket with photos of the two of you. All you have to do is select the photos of your fondest memories together to print them out and snuggle up in them on a winter's evening.
  2. An LED lamp with your image. Take your favourite photo, or your wedding photo, for example (if you're married), and turn it into a beautiful lamp that can light up all your romantic evenings.
  3. If you love fine wines and champagnes during your evenings together, then I have thought of the perfect gift for you. Why not adopt a vine for the two of you to taste together its nectar during the year?
  4. A great classic: the rose, yes, but under a bell so that it remains eternal like your love.

I hope this little list has inspired you, and don't hesitate to share it with your other half!

Recursos en inglés para San Valentín

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Apricots: All their health benefits

Apricots: All their health benefits

Characteristics of the apricot

  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Rich in carotenoids
  • Rich in fibre
  • Source of vitamins A and C
  • Low in calories
  • Stimulates intestinal transit

Nutritional and caloric values of apricots

Consumed fresh, dried or in juice, apricots are rich in fibre, antioxidants and vitamin A. Dried, it is appreciated by sportsmen and women for the energy it gives them and for its high iron and copper content.

Dried apricots are sweeter?

The amount of sugar in a dried apricot is the same as in a fresh apricot. But as in all dried fruit, the sugar is more concentrated. The process of dehydrating the fruit reduces its water content, thus concentrating its sugar content, but also various nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. This makes apricots and other dried fruits nutritionally interesting.

Focus on the micronutrients contained in apricots

Among the nutrients contained in good quantities in apricots, we can mention the following:

  • Vitamin A: fresh and dried apricots are excellent sources of vitamin A.
  • Iron: dried apricots are a good source of iron for men and for women. fresh apricots are a source of iron for men.
  • Copper: dried apricots are a good source of copper. Fresh apricots are a source of copper.
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin): dried apricots are a source of vitamin B3.
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): dried apricots are a source of vitamin B5.
  • Vitamin C: fresh apricots are a source of vitamin C.
  • Vitamin K: dried apricots are a source of vitamin K for women.
  • Magnesium: dried apricots are a source of magnesium for women.
  • Phosphorus: dried apricots are a source of phosphorus.
  • Potassium: fresh and dried apricots are sources of potassium.

The benefits of apricots

Several prospective and epidemiological studies have shown that a high consumption of fruit and vegetables reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and other chronic diseases. The presence of antioxidants in fruit and vegetables may play a role in these protective effects. However, very few studies have analysed the specific health effects of apricots.

An excellent source of fibre

Apricots are a source of fibre. In addition to preventing constipation and reducing the risk of colon cancer, a high-fibre diet can help prevent cardiovascular disease, as well as control type 2 diabetes and appetite. A ½ cup (125 ml) serving of fresh apricots provides 5% and 8% of the recommended daily fibre intake for men and women aged 19 to 50 respectively. As for dried apricots, a ¼ cup (60 ml) portion meets 8% and 12% of these same intakes.

Apricots, a natural anti-inflammatory?

According to a study, the daily consumption of 3 dried or pickled Japanese apricots (umeboshi type) could reduce the severity of chronic gastritis. Chronic gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining caused by the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Japanese apricots are said to reduce the inflammatory effects of the H. pylori bacteria in the stomach. Chronic inflammation of the stomach can lead to stomach cancer in some people. However, further studies are needed to confirm whether eating Japanese apricots can reduce this risk.

Apricots are rich in antioxidants

Apricots contain various antioxidants, particularly phenolic compounds of the flavonoid family. These compounds neutralise free radicals in the body and thus prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers and various chronic diseases. The antioxidant content of dried apricots is higher than that of fresh apricots. Apricot purees, jams and juices (nectars) contain much the same antioxidant compounds, but in smaller quantities than in fresh or dried apricots.

A real wealth of carotenoids

Apricots also contain carotenoids, mainly beta-carotene, a carotenoid that contributes greatly to their orange colour, as well as a small amount of lycopene. In the body, beta-carotene has the ability to convert to vitamin A. In general, the total carotenoid content of apricot peel is 2 to 3 times higher than that of the flesh. Even though fresh apricots contain half as much beta-carotene as carrots (one of the best sources), they are still a very interesting source of beta-carotene. Dried apricots contain slightly less.

A word from the nutritionist

Carotenoids, including beta-carotene, are better absorbed by the body when a small amount of fat is consumed at the same time. It is therefore advisable to eat, for example, dried apricots with a few nuts or apricot juice with a piece of cheese.

How to prepare apricots?

Apricots in desserts

Apricots can easily be used in many desserts such as sorbets, ice creams and frozen yoghurts, pancakes and soufflés, rice pudding, cakes, clafoutis, charlottes, tarts and muffins. Don't hesitate to combine it with almonds, its ideal companion.

It can also be simply poached in maple syrup or honey, or dipped in melted chocolate.

Particularly rich in pectin, it can be used to make excellent jams in which grape juice or honey can replace sugar.

An ideal fruit for making dressings, sauces and condiments

  • Vinaigrette. Mix apricot juice with vegetable oil, cider vinegar, mustard and, if desired, a little Tabasco sauce.
  • Mustard Condiment. Mix ½ cup of apricot jam (preferably unsweetened or sweetened with fruit juice) with 2 tbsp of Dijon mustard. Serve with meat or add to a dressing.
  • Chutney sauce. Unripe apricots are particularly suitable for this dish. Puree them with coriander leaves, ginger root, chopped onions, hot pepper and lemon juice.

Apricot and poultry, always a successful combination

  • Apricot stuffing. Mix chopped dried apricots, pecans, onions, cooked wild rice and herbs;
  • Glaze poultry - or a roast - with apricot jam before cooking. Add garlic, soy sauce, olive oil and rosemary to the jam. Reserve some of the mixture as a side sauce and spread the rest over the meat. Leave to marinate for ½ hour before putting in the oven.

Apricot salad

Mix slices of fresh or dried and rehydrated shiitake mushrooms with pieces of dried apricots. Boil green beans, carrots and daikon (or another type of radish) in thinly sliced or chopped form for a few minutes. Refresh them under cold water before adding them to the first two ingredients. Serve with a sauce made from tofu, tahini (sesame paste), soy sauce, rice vinegar and mirin (a Japanese cooking wine), blended in a blender. For decoration, add a few strips of lemon peel.

Contraindications and allergies to apricots

Although apricots are excellent for the health of the body, there are certain contraindications to their consumption. Indeed, in some particularly sensitive people, it can cause digestive disorders and allergies. In case of doubt, it is imperative to consult a health professional.

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Psyllium: The health benefits

How much psyllium should I take daily?

History of psyllium

More than 10 centuries before Christ, Egyptian physicians used psyllium as a laxative and to treat inflammation of the urinary tract. It has also been known for centuries in Europe, Asia and North Africa. In India and China, psyllium was traditionally used to treat diarrhoea, haemorrhoids and hypertension.

In 1998, psyllium had its moment of glory in the United States, when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorised Kellogg to mention the therapeutic virtues of some of its products on its packaging. Food products containing at least 1.7 g of soluble fibre from psyllium are allowed to state on the packaging: "when used in combination with a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet, the soluble fibre from the psyllium seed coatings in this product may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Description of psyllium

Psyllium seeds are tiny (1,000 seeds weigh less than 2 g) and are black, brown or blond, depending on the species, hence the name, which comes from the Greek word psyllia, meaning flea. Psyllium is mainly cultivated in India, but also in several countries in Europe and the former Soviet Union, as well as in Pakistan.

Psyllium belongs to the category of so-called ballast (or bulk) laxatives, which are made up of fibres with the property of absorbing several times their weight in water.

Experts agree that psyllium, whether black or blond, owes its medicinal properties to the mucilage it contains. Mucilage is a plant substance that swells on contact with water to form a viscous liquid. Apart from the Plantago species discussed in this leaflet, it is reasonable to assume that other psyllium species have similar medicinal properties, provided they contain the same amount and type of mucilage.

Note that the food industry uses the mucilage from the husk of blond psyllium as a thickener or stabiliser in some prepared foods, including frozen dairy products.

Common names: psyllium, psyllium blond, psyllium black, ispaghul.
Botanical names: Plantago ovata (or P. ispaghula), P.afra (or P. psyllium), P. arenaria (or P. indica), P. asiatica, family Plantaginaceae.
Chinese name: Che Qian Zi (seeds).

Parts used: seed and seed coat.
Habitat and origin: blond psyllium (Plantago ovata) is native to India and Iran, while black psyllium (P. psyllium and P. indica) is native to the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East. These annual plants are tolerant of cold as well as heat and drought, and are happy with relatively poor soil.

Benefits of psyllium

  • Fights constipation; slightly reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  • Prevents cardiovascular disease.
  • Treating diarrhoea; relieving symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome; reducing blood sugar in diabetes.
  • Relieves symptoms of ulcerative colitis.
  • Treating constipation, diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease; reducing blood cholesterol and glucose levels and preventing coronary heart disease.

Psyllium dosage

When taking psyllium, it is important to drink plenty of water to avoid obstruction of the digestive tract.

When taken in the form of unprocessed seeds, they should be soaked for a few hours in lukewarm water before consumption. When taken as a powder, simply mix it with water or juice and drink it within a few minutes.

Constipation or diarrhoea

  1. Take 2.5 to 7.5 g, 3 times a day, with a large glass of water (at least 30 ml per gram of psyllium).
  2. Start with the smallest dose and increase until the desired effect is achieved. It may be necessary to continue the treatment for 2 to 3 days before an optimal laxative effect is achieved.
  3. If diarrhoea occurs, it may be necessary to increase the dose to 40 g per day (4 doses of 10 g each). Consult a doctor if diarrhoea persists beyond 3 days.


Take 10 g to 20 g per day in 2 or 3 doses.

Irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, duodenal ulcer.

Take 10 g, 2 to 3 times a day.

Diabetes (to reduce blood sugar)

Take 10 g to 20 g per day, with meals.

Warning. Self-medication in diabetes can lead to serious problems. When taking any treatment that changes your blood sugar levels, you should monitor your blood sugar levels very closely. It is also necessary to inform your doctor so that he or she can adjust the dosage of conventional glucose-lowering drugs if necessary.

Precautions with psyllium

Diabetes is a serious disease that requires medical supervision. Self-medication with diabetes can lead to serious problems. When taking a treatment that changes your blood sugar level, you should monitor your blood sugar levels very closely. It is also necessary to inform your doctor so that the dosage of conventional glucose-lowering drugs can be adjusted if necessary.


Intestinal or esophageal strictures or any other type of real or suspected gastrointestinal obstruction.

Adverse reactions

Rare cases of allergic reactions have been reported.

Interactions with psyllium

With herbs or supplements

Some experts have suggested that taking psyllium may cause vitamin and mineral deficiency.

With medication

Regular intake of psyllium may require adjustment of diabetes medication.

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lunes, 10 de enero de 2022

Wes Anderson to adapt another Roald Dahl Classic

Wes Anderson to adapt another Roald Dahl story

After Fantastic Mr. Fox in 2009, filmmaker Wes Anderson will bring another of novelist Roald Dahl's writings to the screen, namely The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, reports Collider.

The film will star British actor Benedict Cumberbatch (The Power of the Dog) in the title role and will be released by Netflix, with whom Wes Anderson will be working for the first time.

The story is about a gambling addict, Henry Sugar, who, upon learning of the existence of a man who can see without his eyes open, approaches him in the hope of cheating at cards and getting rich.

Wes Anderson's latest film, The French Dispatch, is due for release in the fall of 2021 in Quebec. He already has another film completed, Asteroid City starring Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson and Margot Robbie, which is scheduled for release in the coming months.

The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar is expected to start shooting shortly in London. Apart from Benedict Cumberbatch, no other cast members have been revealed.

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79th Golden Globe Awards

79th Golden Globe Awards

With three awards each, Jane Campion's feature film The Power of the Dog and Steven Spielberg's musical West Side Story were the big winners at the 79th Golden Globes ceremony, which was held on Sunday night in the complete absence of Hollywood industry executives and was not broadcast on television.

The main awards

West Side Story won two acting awards (Rachel Zegler and Ariana DeBose) and only one (Kodi Smith-McPhee) for The Power of the Dog, but Jane Campion beat Steven Spielberg to the Best Director prize. British actor, writer and director Kenneth Branagh won the best screenplay award for Belfast, a film inspired by his own childhood. Denis Villeneuve's Dune took home the award for Best Original Score from Hans Zimmer, while the latest James Bond film, No Time to Die, won for Best Original Song, performed by Billie Eilish.

The evening in a vacuum

Plagued by several scandals in recent years, including a lack of diversity among its members and a trip by several voters to Paris, at the expense of the production, to visit the set of Emily in Paris, a series later cited, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) has seen the entire Hollywood industry turn its back on it. No celebrities attended Sunday night's gala, even if only to present a trophy. Former broadcaster NBC also abandoned ship. The association also did not accredit the media for the ceremony held in the International Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton Hotel. The results were communicated through the HFPA's website and social media accounts. The organisation ended the evening by thanking "everyone who made the past year memorable".

Among interpreters

In the acting category, Will Smith (King Richard) and Nicole Kidman (Lucille Ball in Being the Ricardos) won best actor and best actress in the drama category. In the comedy or musical category, the awards went to Andrew Garfield (Tick Tick,... Boom!) and Rachel Zegler (West Side Story). For supporting roles, only two awards are given for all films. They were awarded, as previously mentioned, to Ariana DeBose (West Side Story) and Kodi Smith-McPhee (The Power of the Dog).

Other film awards

The Japanese film Drive my Car, by Ryusuke Hamaguchi, won the award for best film in a language other than English. Since its appearance at Cannes (screenplay award) last summer, this film has won several awards on the festival and gala circuit. The feature film Encanto (Disney) won the award for best animated film.


On the television side, the numerous awards were divided between several series. The popular series Succession won Best Drama, in addition to two acting awards for Jeremy Strong (Best Actor) and Sarah Snook (Best Supporting Actress). Hacks won Best Television Series in the Comedy/Musical category, while Jean Smart won Best Actress in this category. The Underground Railroad won the award for Best Miniseries or TV Movie.

Kate Winslet and Michael Keaton

Michael Keaton won the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Miniseries or Motion Picture made for Television for his work in Disney+'s Dopesick, a drama about the ravages of the drug OxyContin. Kate Winslet won Best Actress in the same category for Mare of Easttown, a series in which she plays a policewoman who investigates the murder of a teenage girl and is plagued by her own personal problems. O Yeong-su (Squid Game), Jason Sudeikis (Ted Lasso) and Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (Pose) also won acting awards.

By distributors

Don't Look Up (4 selections), Licorice Pizza (4), The Lost Daughter (2) and CODA (2) leave empty handed. By distributors, HBO (Succession, Mare of Easttown, Hacks) is ahead of its TV rivals, while on the cinema side, Netflix (The Power of the Dog, Tick Tick,... Boom!) is slightly ahead of 20th Century Fox and its three awards with West Side Story.

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Audrey Hepburn will be played by Rooney Mara in a biopic

Audrey Hepburn will be played by Rooney Mara in a biopic.

American actress Rooney Mara (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Carol) is to play former star Audrey Hepburn in a biopic to be directed by Italian filmmaker Luca Guadagnino, the trade media Puck and Variety report.

Guadagnino (Call Me By Your Name) will work with screenwriter Michael Mitnick on the script and Rooney Mara on production for the film, which will be released by Apple.

British actress Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) is known worldwide, not only for her immense talent, but also for her commitment to humanitarian causes with UNICEF.

The actress (Breakfast at Tiffany's, My Fair Lady) is one of the few people to have won an Oscar, an Emmy, a Tony and a Grammy, the latter posthumously. She won the Best Actress Oscar in 1954 for her role in William Wyler's Roman Holiday.

Rooney Mara has twice been nominated for an Academy Award for the above-mentioned films. She recently starred in Guillermo del Toro's Nightmare Alley.

Finally, in 2020, Netflix released a documentary about Audrey Hepburn. Simply entitled Audrey, the film, available on the Netflix website, is directed by Helena Coan.

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domingo, 9 de enero de 2022

Instagram announces the return of the chronological news feed

Can you change Instagram feed to chronological? Will Instagram bring back chronological order?

Instagram's chronological feed is back

The head of Instagram said that three feed display options would soon be available to users. But the current algorithmic sorting will remain on by default.

Five years on, the chronological news feed will soon be back on Instagram. Criticised for its toxic influence on the mental health of its users, the social network announced on Wednesday 5 January that it would soon offer three different display options to allow its members to change the order in which content appears on their timeline. The change is already available to some users before being rolled out more widely.

Currently, Instagram's feed is controlled by automatic ranking algorithms that determine which photos are most likely to capture the attention and engagement of users based on various criteria. A system that favours, among other things, viral posts and photos from accounts that users interact with most often. The idea is to ensure that users "don't miss out on posts that would have interested them a lot", explained Instagram when the system was introduced in 2016.

In the coming weeks, users will be able to choose between three types of news feed. In addition to the current feed, renamed "Home" for the occasion, the new version of the social network will allow users to select the "Following" feed to display in chronological order all the posts of accounts followed by a person, as was the case until 2016. A third option, called "Favourites", will show posts from accounts selected by the user in chronological order.

The current automated sorting will still be displayed when the app is opened

However, the scope of these changes is likely to be less significant than expected. BFMTV claims to have obtained confirmation from Instagram that these new options will not be saved. Only the algorithmic sorting will be set by default. Users will therefore continue to see posts displayed according to the current automated sort when they log in again. They will have to change the setting manually to see their timeline in a different light. This is a considerable limitation that raises questions about the objectives pursued by Instagram through this measure.

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