lunes, 21 de marzo de 2022

Good Morning - Canciones para Niños en Inglés: Rutinas

Good Morning - Canciones para Niños en Inglés: Rutinas

Canciones para Niños en Inglés: Rutinas - Songs for Children in English: Routines

Good Morning

Good morning,
Good morning.
Good afternoon,
Good afternoon.
Good evening,
Good evening,
Good night!

Hello, hello, hello, hello.
Hello, hello, hello, hello!

Hello, hello, hello, hello.
Hello, hello, hello, hello!

( Repeat Chorus)

Hello, hello, hello, hello.
Hello, hello, hello, hello!

Hello, hello, hello, hello.
Hello, hello, hello, hello!

by Richard Graham & Will Jasprizza

Thanks so much to nany83 for sending in this song!

Canciones para niños en inglés para trabajar las rutinas diarias, vuelta al cole, saludar, recoger, hacer silencio, etc. Ideales para favorecer el aprendizaje del idioma, adquirir vocabulario, practicar la pronunciación, etc.

Canciones infantiles en inglés - Rutinas

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domingo, 20 de marzo de 2022

Spring - Spring flowers - Poems

poesias estaciones del año en ingles

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Poems in English

Poesías en inglés estaciones del año

Spring - Spring flowers

Look, Spring the season of flowers has come.
Look, Spring the season of flowers has come.
Blue flowers, red flowers, yellow flowers and pink.
Blue flowers, red flowers, yellow flowers and pink,
Look, it has come.

Look, Spring the season of flowers has come.
Look, Spring the season of flowers has come.
Purple flowers, green flowers, orange flowers and maroon.
Purple flowers, green flowers, orange flowers and maroon,
Look, it has come.

Look, Spring the season of flowers has come.
Look, Spring the season of flowers has come.

Thanks so much to Dennis. for sending in this poem

🔆 Read more Poems

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Spring - Butterfly, Butterfly - Poems

poesias estaciones del año en ingles

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Poems in English

Poesías en inglés estaciones del año

Spring - Butterfly, Butterfly

Butterfly, butterfly,
Whence do you come?
I know not, I ask not,
Nor ever had a home.

Butterfly, butterfly,
Where do you go?
Where the sun shines,
And where the buds grow.

Thanks so much to Dennis. for sending in this poem

🔆 Read more Poems

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How to help your children be happy?

How to help your children be happy?

We dream of educating our children in the best possible way, to make them balanced and independent and to give them all the keys to blossom in their future life. To help them grow up and become happy adults themselves, it is up to you, the parents, to educate them as much as to love them.

Setting limits for your child to help him or her develop

Although children need to be reassured and encouraged, they also need to be confronted with many limits. Accepting frustration is an essential step for them. With the use of "no" from an early age, the child learns the reality of life and integrates the basics of social rhythms, sharing, relationships with other children but also with adults and becomes aware of his place within the family.

Parents must therefore become guarantors of reality, and keep their place as adults and not as accomplices with the child. While taking into account the child's character, it is their duty to push him or her in a direction that corresponds to him or her, while instilling in him or her the values that are indispensable for life in the community.

The importance of family life for the happiness of children

It is also essential not to sacrifice the couple by giving too much space to the child. For the child to be happy, the parental model must also be happy. It is therefore important for the couple to give themselves time together and not let the children impose their rhythm at home. The family pattern: adults versus children must be clear and respected.

But it does not stop there. In order for them to blossom and therefore to be happy, children need to share moments of joy with their loved ones. Through outings, games or moments of complicity with his parents, he creates anchors to which he can unconsciously cling later. The same applies to meals. By taking part in the family dinner, the child creates reference points and offers himself moments of privileged dialogue necessary for his emotional balance.

Learning to understand your child's emotions to make them happy

Feelings and sentiments are emotional storms for adults and even more so for children. But unlike their parents, children do not know how to step back from their own emotions. It is therefore your role to help them understand and control their emotions. By taking the time to communicate and reassure them, you can help them tame their emotions and get to know themselves better. With simple questions such as "Are you sad or angry?", "Do you know why, or what triggered your reaction?

From now on, they understand and recognise their emotions and adapt to their environment. In a word, he opens up to the world around him. Impulses are better controlled, frustration is tolerated and the child feels better.

Acting calmly, and reassuring your child to help them be happy

With huge upheavals in their bodies and minds, children, especially very young ones, are particularly sensitive to the tone you use and the stress you can communicate to them. Raising your voice to defuse a difficult situation is counterproductive and will only aggravate the situation and generate useless and harmful anxiety in the child, which will remain in the child's subconscious for a long time. The best way to deal with a tantrum is to remain calm and firm in your attitude while explaining why you will not give in. Limits can be set gently and allow the child to integrate the basics that are essential to his future happiness.

If he is afraid, and even if the cause of his anxiety seems silly to you, do not scold him and take it seriously. You need to be benevolent to allow him to set up his emotional and rational neural circuitry in the best possible way.

The child, and even more so the very young child, is a real sponge for the different feelings he or she has, but also for those of his or her parents. To help them master these feelings and integrate into their new environment, they need serene and confident parents who will teach them to become fulfilled and balanced adults.

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jueves, 17 de marzo de 2022

Father's Day - What makes a dad - Poems

Poesías en inglés día del padre

Poesías en inglés día del padre - Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Poems in English

Father's Day - What makes a dad

God took the strength of a mountain, 
The majesty of a tree, 
The warmth of a summer sun, 
The calm of a quiet sea,

The generous soul of nature, 
The comforting arm of night, 
The wisdom of the ages, 
The power of the eagle's flight,

The joy of a morning in spring, 
The faith of a mustard seed, 
The patience of eternity, 
The depth of a family need,

Then God combined these qualities, 
When there was nothing more to add, 
He knew His masterpiece was complete, 
And so, He called it ... Dad

Thanks so much to Marina. for sending in this poem

Recursos y materiales gratis en inglés, para el día del padre.

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miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2022

Cómo Preguntar el tiempo atmosférico en Inglés

clima ingles

What's the weather like? - ¿Qué tiempo hace?

Para responder se utiliza: It's + adjetivo

  1. It's hot - Hace calor
  2. It's cold - Hace frío
  3. It´s sunny - Hace sol
  4. It´s cloudy - Está nublado
  5. It´s a lovely day - Hace un día precioso

Vocabulario - Vocabulary

  • Weather - tiempo (meteorológico)
  • Hot - caluroso
  • Cold - frío
  • Sunny - soleado
  • Cloudy - nuboso
  • Lovely - precioso
  • Breeze - brisa

  • Cloudless - despejado

  • Cool - fresco

  • Damp  - húmedo

  • Dry - seco

  • Fog - niebla

  • Foggy - con niebla

  • Freezing - helado

  • Frost - escarcha

  • Mild - templado

  • Overcast - cubierto

  • Raining - lloviendo

  • Rainy  - lluvioso

  • Snowing - nevando

  • Stormy  - tormentoso

  • Stuffy  - sofocante

  • Windy - ventoso

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Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos en Inglés

Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos en Inglés

Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos en Inglés - Recursos Educativos en inglés

Gramática Inglesa - English Grammar


This - este, ésta, esto (singular).
These - estos, éstas (plural).


That - ése, ésa, eso, aquel, aquella, aquello.
Those - ésos, ésas, aquéllos, aquellas.     

Actúan como adjetivos cuando acompañan al nombre, y como pronombres cuando lo sustituyen

Adjetivos demostrativos en inglés - this, that, these, those

This y that son lo que llamamos adjetivos demostrativos. Tienen el mismo significado, pero se utilizan de forma diferente, como veremos en esta lección.

En el plural, this and that se convierten en these and those.

¿Cuál es el significado de los adjetivos demostrativos?

Los adjetivos demostrativos, this y that (o en plural these y those), se utilizan para mostrar, para indicar, algo o alguien de lo que se habla.

Por ejemplo: This is a cat. 🐱

These are my sunglasses. 👓

This Vs that, ¿Qué diferencia hay?

Sí, aunque su significado sea el mismo, tienen una diferencia. Te daré una pista: es una cuestión de distancia.

Si el objeto del que hablamos está cerca, usaremos THIS (singular) o THESE (plural). Si el objeto está lejos, usamos THAT (singular) o THOSE (plural).

Utilizando el ejemplo anterior:

This is a cat - cerca.
That’s another cat - lejos.

Here is Vs there is

Here is y there is son expresiones que podemos relacionar con esta lección, porque la explicación es la misma que para THIS y THAT. También es una cuestión de distancia. Si el objeto del que hablamos está cerca, diremos Here is, y si está lejos, diremos there is.

Here is my bag - cerca

There is my bag - lejos

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