miércoles, 13 de julio de 2022

Ep 149: 10 frases idiomáticas en inglés para hablar como un nativo!

En el episodio del dia de hoy de nuestro podcast, te traemos, 10 frases idiomáticas que te ayudaran a hablar ingles como un nativo.

Te preguntaras por que aprender frases idiomáticas? Simple, las frases idiomaticas son propias de la cultura del idioma y aunque sepas toda la gramatica, verbos y palabras, si no entiendes las frases idiomáticas te quedaras boca a abierta cuando te hablan en ingles. Asi que para aliviar esta mal, te dejo 10 frases idiomaticas aqui para que empiezes a aprenderlas.

Keep an eye on

Cuidar, proteger a algo o alguien, mantener la vista sobre algo o alguien.

Ej: I need to keep an eye on what I eat.

Debo de cuidar lo que como.

Joined at the hip

To be exceptionally close to someone
Ser muy cercano a alguien (Hip en ingles es pelvis, osea que esta frase significa unido a la pelvis) Expresa que eres muy cercano.

Ej: My sister and I are joined at the hip.

MI hermana y yo somos muy cercanos.

Pat on the back

Palmada en la espalda, esta frase se usa para felicitar a alguien.

Ej: The teacher pat me on the back because I got good grades.

See eye to eye

Estas de acuerdo.

Ej: My boss and I do not always see eye to eye.

Mi jefe y yo no siempre estamos de acuerdo.

On the nose

Preciso, en el movento exacto.

Ej: She was right on the nose with her comments about the play.

Ella fue exacta con su comentario acerca de la jugada.

Cover a lot of ground

Cubrir mucho terreno, cubrir mucho material en clase o reunion.

Ej: We covered a lot of ground in our last meeting.

Cubrimos mucho terreno en nuestra ultima reunión.

Eager beaver

Ser entusiasta por el trabajo, trabajar mucho,

Ej: Don’t be such an eager beaver, we have time to complete this task.

No quieras trabajar tanto, tenemos tiempo para hacer esta tarea.


Someone who copies the work of another person


Se usa para referirse a alguien que lee mucho.

Ej: She is such a bookworm.

Ella lee mucho.

Brainstorm something

Pensar en nuevas ideas.

Ej: we are brainstorming how to make more sales.

Estamos pensando en como tener mas ventas.

Phrasal verb del día:

Break down

Estropearse, averiarse
Averiarse un mecanismo, un motor, un electrodoméstico, etc.
Romperse, fracasar
Fracasar unas negociaciones, romperse una unión, etc.
Derrumbarse emocionalmente
Venirse abajo, desplomarse anímicamente.

I’m sorry I’m late but my car broke down and I had to get a taxi.
Talks have broken down between the two governments.
She just broke down and cried.


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Únete a una comunidad con tus mismo intereses y practica tu inglés.

Desde los inicios de los tiempos los seres humanos hemos necesitado la comunidad para fortalecernos y crecer juntos y eso no ha cambiado, el ser humano es un ser social y la socialización en torno a un tema de interés común te ayudara a aprender mas rápido, es por esto que te recomiendo que busques una comunidad con tus mismos intereses para que puedas practicar tu inglés, socializar, aprender y compartir lo que sabes, eso de verdad que ayuda mucho.

En EnglishwayRD creemos que la comunidad es importante para el aprendizaje y por eso tenemos nuestro club de inglés en Whatsapp. Únete y comparte y aprende en comunidad.

Conoce a los presentadores del podcast

Starlin santos

Co-fundador de englishwayrd, host del podcast englishwayrd. Profesor de ingles con mas de 5 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del idioma inglés. TEFL certified.

Thomas martinez

Co-fundador de englishwayrd, host del podcast englishwayrd. Profesor de inglés certificado con 4 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del idioma ingles y mas de 1o años en el aprendizaje de inglés. TEFL certified.

Adblock test (Why?)

Past perfect - El pasado perfecto o pluscuamperfecto

¿Cuándo usamos El pluscuamperfecto el pasado perfecto en inglés?

El pasado perfecto o pretérito pluscuamperfecto en inglés

El pasado perfecto, también llamado pluscuamperfecto, es un tiempo pasado que se construye con el auxiliar HAVE. Su construcción es bastante similar a la del presente perfecto, excepto que aquí se utiliza HAD (HAVE en el pretérito) + participio pasado.

Construcción del pasado perfecto en inglés

La construcción de este tiempo es, por tanto, : HAD + participio pasado

Louise had told us not to be late. Louise nos había dicho que no llegáramos tarde.
Somebody had left the window open. Alguien había dejado la ventana abierta.
If I had known, I wouldn’t have come. Si lo hubiera sabido, no habría venido.

¿Cuándo se usa?

El pasado perfecto expresa una conexión entre un momento del pasado y otro momento aún más lejano. Es el "pasado en el pasado".

Es una especie de "tiempo pasado de la narración", que se utiliza cuando toda la historia está en tiempo pasado y se quiere hablar de una acción aún más en el pasado.

Por ejemplo:

Last month, my mother wasn't at home, so I organised a party with my colleagues. My mother HAD TOLD me not to invite colleagues at home, but I didn’t care, and I invited them anyway. - El mes pasado, mi madre no estaba en casa, así que organicé una fiesta con mis amigos. Mi madre me dijo que no invitara a mis amigos, pero no me importó y los invité de todos modos.

“My mother had told me…” es una acción que tuvo lugar más allá de la organización de la fiesta. Por lo tanto, se utiliza el pasado perfecto.

Otro ejemplo: He said that he had never been so happier. - Dijo que nunca había sido tan feliz.

Ten en cuenta que el pasado perfecto no es el tiempo pasado más utilizado en inglés. A diferencia del pretérito y el presente perfecto, se puede mantener una conversación básica sin saberlo de memoria.

🔆 También te puede interesar:

  • Cómo preguntar y expresar la posesión en inglés
  • Cómo usar May y might - Verbos modales
  • Conditionals in English - El condicional en Inglés
  • Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos en Inglés
  • Pronombres Posesivos en inglés - Possessive Pronouns
  • Adjetivos Posesivos en Inglés - Possessive adjectives
  • ¿Cómo aprender inglés fácil y desde casa?
  • Plural de los sustantivos en inglés
  • Many more, a lot more y Much more. Usos en inglés
  • ¿Qué son los phrasal verbs en inglés? Los más usados
  • Cómo expresar opiniones en inglés
  • Uso de whose en inglés - Pronombres relativos
  • Who, which y that - Pronombres Relativos en inglés
  • Was going to - El futuro en el pasado
  • DO y MAKE en inglés ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
  • Cuándo usar Since, For, Ago: ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
  • The Gerund - El gerundio en inglés
  • El Imperativo en Inglés - Imperative
  • El comparativo y el superlativo en inglés
  • Preguntas con WH-Questions 01 - What, where, why, who
  • Preguntas con WH-Questions 02 - When, Which, Whose, How
  • Cómo expresar cantidades en inglés
  • Adjectives - Los Adjetivos en Inglés
  • Uso de some / any acompañando nombres contables/incontables
  • Modal verbs - Verbos modales en inglés
  • El tiempo futuro en inglés
  • Present Perfect Progressive - Presente perfecto progresivo
  • Present perfect - El presente perfecto inglés
  • Pretérito progresivo o continuo en inglés
  • Simple past - El pretérito o pasado simple en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Afirmativa - English grammar
  • Presente continuo - Forma Negativa
  • Puntuación en inglés - All about punctuation in English
  • Los verbos Auxiliares en inglés - Auxiliary Verbs
  • Verbos irregulares en inglés, la lista que debes conocer
  • Cómo decir la fecha en inglés - How to say the date in English
  • Construir frases simples - To build a simple sentence
  • Nombres contables e incontables en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Interrogativa
  • Cómo Preguntar y decir el precio en inglés

Adblock test (Why?)

Present Perfect Progressive - Presente perfecto progresivo

¿Cuándo usamos El presente perfecto progresivo en inglés?

El presente perfecto progresivo o continuo en inglés

El presente perfecto progresivo, o continuo, es un tiempo pasado en inglés, que se forma con el auxiliar to be (en el tiempo presente perfecto) + el verbo terminado en ING. Se utiliza para enfatizar la duración de una acción. ¿Cómo construirlo y cómo utilizarlo?

¿Cómo se construye el presente perfecto progresivo?

BE (presente perfecto) + ING

Después de haber visto el tiempo presente, pudimos ver que hay un tiempo presente continuo en BE + ING.

Después de haber visto el pretérito, pudimos ver que hay un pretérito continuo en BE (pretérito) + ING.

I have been waiting for four hours. Llevo cuatro horas esperando.

Have been= auxiliar BE en el presente perfecto

Waiting = verbo WAIT, esperar, + ING.

¿Qué significa exactamente poner una frase en presente perfecto progresivo?


He (drive) for one day. ⇒ He has been driving for one day. - Lleva un día conduciendo.
They (read) until now. ⇒ They have been reading until now. - Han estado leyendo hasta ahora.

Cómo utilizar el presente perfecto progresivo

Al igual que el presente perfecto, se utiliza para hablar de una acción que tiene un vínculo entre el pasado y el presente. De hecho, el presente perfecto progresivo sigue siendo una forma de presente perfecto.

Su principal diferencia con el presente perfecto normal es que se utiliza más para enfatizar la duración de la acción o la acción en sí misma, mientras que en el presente perfecto queremos ver los resultados de la acción. Esto queda en el ámbito del matiz en comparación con el presente perfecto, así que con un ejemplo, seguramente será más claro:

Si yo digo:

I have cleaned my car (presente perfecto normal). Esto significa que acabo de limpiar mi coche y ahora el resultado visible es que mi coche está limpio. El presente perfecto se centra en el resultado.

Ahora, si digo la misma frase en la forma progresiva:

I have been cleaning my car. (presente perfecto progresivo). Esto significa que he pasado mucho tiempo limpiando mi coche. Por eso solemos añadir una duración, como aquí: for three hours]. Lo que quiero decir no es necesariamente que mi coche está limpio, sino que he pasado mucho tiempo limpiándolo. Así que no estamos seguros de que haya terminado de limpiar mi coche, pero sí de que he pasado algún tiempo haciéndolo.

🔆 También te puede interesar:

  • Cómo preguntar y expresar la posesión en inglés
  • Cómo usar May y might - Verbos modales
  • Conditionals in English - El condicional en Inglés
  • Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos en Inglés
  • Pronombres Posesivos en inglés - Possessive Pronouns
  • Adjetivos Posesivos en Inglés - Possessive adjectives
  • ¿Cómo aprender inglés fácil y desde casa?
  • Plural de los sustantivos en inglés
  • Many more, a lot more y Much more. Usos en inglés
  • ¿Qué son los phrasal verbs en inglés? Los más usados
  • Cómo expresar opiniones en inglés
  • Uso de whose en inglés - Pronombres relativos
  • Who, which y that - Pronombres Relativos en inglés
  • Was going to - El futuro en el pasado
  • DO y MAKE en inglés ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
  • Cuándo usar Since, For, Ago: ¿Cuáles son las diferencias?
  • The Gerund - El gerundio en inglés
  • El Imperativo en Inglés - Imperative
  • El comparativo y el superlativo en inglés
  • Preguntas con WH-Questions 01 - What, where, why, who
  • Preguntas con WH-Questions 02 - When, Which, Whose, How
  • Cómo expresar cantidades en inglés
  • Adjectives - Los Adjetivos en Inglés
  • Uso de some / any acompañando nombres contables/incontables
  • Modal verbs - Verbos modales en inglés
  • El tiempo futuro en inglés
  • Present Perfect Progressive - Presente perfecto progresivo
  • Present perfect - El presente perfecto inglés
  • Pretérito progresivo o continuo en inglés
  • Simple past - El pretérito o pasado simple en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Afirmativa - English grammar
  • Presente continuo - Forma Negativa
  • Puntuación en inglés - All about punctuation in English
  • Los verbos Auxiliares en inglés - Auxiliary Verbs
  • Verbos irregulares en inglés, la lista que debes conocer
  • Cómo decir la fecha en inglés - How to say the date in English
  • Construir frases simples - To build a simple sentence
  • Nombres contables e incontables en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Interrogativa
  • Cómo Preguntar y decir el precio en inglés

Adblock test (Why?)

Present perfect - El presente perfecto inglés

¿Cuándo usamos el presente perfecto en inglés?

En inglés hay un tiempo extraño, a medio camino entre el presente y el pasado... ¡Lo que necesitas saber sobre el presente perfecto inglés!

El presente perfecto es un tiempo pasado que se utiliza a menudo en inglés. Se construye con el auxiliar HAVE y el participio pasado. Se utiliza principalmente para hablar de una acción pasada relacionada con el presente, como una declaración, o una acción que podemos ver la continuidad en el presente.

A continuación te contamos: Cómo construir el presente perfecto y cómo utilizarlo.

Present perfect - ¿Cómo se construye el presente perfecto en inglés?

HAVE + participio pasado

Por ejemplo:

I have drunk all the water. He bebido toda el agua.
He has influenced my decision. Ha influido en mi decisión.

A veces, sobre todo en el discurso, se utilizan contracciones. Siguiendo con los dos ejemplos anteriores, se obtiene :

I’ve drunk all the water.
He’s influenced my decision.

Atención: nos damos cuenta de que suena un poco como is del verbo to be.

He is cool / He’s cool. Él es genial, verbo to be. He’s taken a Kiss Cool

‘s taken significa has taken. Así que ten cuidado de no confundirlos. Cuando hay un participio pasado después de la 's, es el presente perfecto y el auxiliar HAVE en la tercera persona: HAS.

El participio pasado:

En consecuencia, es necesario conocer el participio pasado de los verbos: para los verbos regulares, es sencillo, sólo hay que añadir ED al final del verbo, es lo mismo que para el pretérito. Para los verbos irregulares, en cambio, tendrás que aprenderlos uno a uno con la ayuda de una lista de verbos irregulares. Tomemos por ejemplo el verbo SEE (ver) en el pretérito da SAW y en el participio pasado da SEEN. Así que no puedes adivinarlos, tienes que aprenderlos. Lista de verbos irregulares en inglés

Present perfect - ¿Cómo se utiliza el presente perfecto en inglés?

El presente perfecto se utiliza para hablar de una acción que acaba de ocurrir recientemente, o de una acción pasada que podemos ver un vínculo con el presente (como en una declaración de hecho, por ejemplo). Como su nombre indica, el presente perfecto siempre tiene la idea de una continuidad o un vínculo, aunque sea sutil, con el presente.

Por ejemplo, si digo:

Oh! I’ve lost my book!

Esto implica que ahora veo que lo he perdido. La acción de haberlo perdido está en el pasado, pero la observación de esto es ahora, en el presente. Si tomo el mismo ejemplo en tiempo pretérito para ver la diferencia, sería:

I lost my book yesterday. Ayer perdí mi libro. (Pretérito)

Aquí, hay un marcador de tiempo muy específico, ayer, por lo que ya ha pasado un tiempo desde que lo notamos, es una acción pasada en el pasado.

El presente perfecto también se utiliza para hablar de tu experiencia vital en general, sin entrar en detalles. Por ejemplo, si alguien te dice
I have been through many troubles in my life. He pasado por muchos problemas en mi vida.

Aquí tienes que usar el presente perfecto, porque estás hablando de tu experiencia de forma general, sin entrar en detalles.

¿Cómo diferenciar el pretérito del presente perfecto?

Para decidir, pregúntate lo siguiente: ¿es una acción pasada? ¿Hay un marcador de tiempo? Si es así ⇒ pretérito.

Pregúntate también: ¿hay un vínculo con el presente? ¿Es una observación, un estado presente resultante de una acción pasada? ¿Se trata de una experiencia vital que se cuenta? Si la respuesta es sí a alguna de estas preguntas ⇒ presente perfecto.

Por otra parte, hay una serie de palabras que conducen necesariamente al presente perfecto. Estas palabras son :

Ever, already, yet, just…

Cuando veas estas palabras en un ejercicio, sabrás que es el presente perfecto lo que tienes que utilizar.

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Adblock test (Why?)

martes, 12 de julio de 2022

How to be more efficient in business?

How to be more efficient in business?

Everyday life is made up of unforeseen events that you have to be able to manage at the same time as your working day. These unforeseen events force you to reorganise your agenda and the way you manage your time. It is in this type of habit-breaking situation that your ability to adapt becomes apparent.

If you want to be more efficient in your work and would like to find tips on how to waste less time, this article will interest you! Every entrepreneur wants to improve his or her productivity but there are various obstacles to avoid.

Focusing on one task at a time

When we are pressed for time, we naturally tend to spread ourselves too thin and want to do everything at once in the belief that we are faster. However, this is a common mistake that many people make.

To manage your time in a professional environment, it is advisable to take tasks one by one and to concentrate on each of them. You will be sure that your tasks will be well done first, and that they will be done efficiently. The brain cannot be on all fronts. It needs to focus on one thing. By forcing it to think about several tasks, it will be slower to complete them.

Divide your work time

It's easy to get caught out by putting off until the next day important files that you don't want to deal with. Then Friday afternoon comes around and motivation is at its lowest and the long-avoided task becomes imperative. In order to avoid these mistakes, make sure you anticipate the times when you know you are better able to work. By knowing when you are most productive, you will know when to handle your biggest files so that you can be most effective.

It is common for the morning to be the best part of the day, as opposed to the afternoon, which is often accompanied by a bout of fatigue and a drop in motivation.

Staying focused

We are surrounded by connected tools that constantly send us various notifications. It is therefore difficult to focus on your work. However, there are applications that allow you to block your connection or notifications for a specific period of time. You can be sure that no one will bother you and you can finish your assignment in a flash.

Allow yourself breaks

If you think breaks are a waste of time, think again! On the contrary, taking a break gives your brain a rest and makes it more efficient at work. Forcing yourself to work for hours on end only makes you more tired and less effective.

A healthy lifestyle

This may seem obvious, but it is an often forgotten point. Entrepreneurs often put their work before taking care of their health. Eating well and getting a good night's sleep has a direct impact on productivity. Taking care of yourself is also taking care of your professional success.

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Adblock test (Why?)

Job interview: The keys to success

What are the questions asked during a job interview?

The job interview, these are the two words that candidates dream of hearing, while secretly dreading them. However, they are the sign of a successful first step, since your CV has been well received and your cover letter has convinced you. But nothing can be done about it, the job interview remains one of the most dreaded stages for the vast majority of job seekers. So how do you overcome this fear and go into job interviews with your head held high? Here are essential tips to impress recruiters.

Prepare for it

  1. A job interview is like a test at school: you prepare beforehand to get a good mark. The best thing to do is to take a pen, make some notes and revise.
  2. We cram on the company's product/service: we register on the site, we analyse it, we subscribe to the newsletter. In short, you use all the tools at your disposal once or several times, in order to fully understand the services offered by the company.
  3. We study the environment and the company's competitors. Indeed, to understand a job, there is nothing like knowing its universe, and therefore the companies that do the same job.
  4. We go through the company's press coverage: articles in specialised newspapers, hashtags on social networks, etc.
  5. We write an argument for each mission described in the job description (skills, qualifications). "Yes, this job suits you", point by point, and you can prove it.
  6. Find out about your future contact on LinkedIn. Because this social network will tell you not only about your recruiter's current position, but also about his or her experience, professional interests, etc. (If you want to do this in private mode: go to your profile - preferences and privacy - profile view options).
  7. Stress relief: yoga, stretching, breathing exercises. A little stress can be beneficial and a boost, but too much stress can make you lose your nerve. So a few days before the interview, adopt a healthy lifestyle (diet, exercise), and relax.

Dress to match

In order not to be out of place, determine the company's dress code beforehand. If you are applying to a very large group, a bank or an important administration, you can expect to see many suits and ties. In a start-up or SME, employees will probably be more casual. So it's up to you to adapt your outfit accordingly.

Example of an outfit for a large group:

A suit or dark plain suit, with a white shirt, a touch of discreet colour for the tie or scarf. Brown matte leather shoes or black mid-heeled pumps and opaque tights. A nice navy or mottled grey coat.

Sample outfit for a startup:

A nice pair of well-cut jeans, a nice shirt/blouse, a jacket. Brown matte leather shoes or mid-heeled pumps. You can be more daring with accessories that are a little young and colourful.

In general we avoid :

  • perfume, after shave or deodorant
  • jewellery that is too flashy
  • visible brands, extravagant logos
  • white socks in leather shoes
  • too much make-up
  • Remember to try on your entire outfit before the day of the interview.

How to behave

Here you are, all dressed up and ready to face that dreaded moment! You're ready, and you'll do great. But be sure to follow some of our tips:

  1. Take notes! This gives the impression that you are interested in what you are being told, and it also gives you something to ask questions about at the end of the interview. What's more, it gives you confidence.
  2. Ask questions. Based on your notes taken during the interview and your knowledge of the company, do not hesitate to ask questions at the end of your interview. This shows that you are genuinely interested in the company and the post to be filled, and it shows a certain amount of confidence on your part.
  3. Don't interrupt the interviewer, it is not very popular. Listen to them and show them that you are listening: nod your head, take notes. This enhances what he or she says and will also allow you to build on what he or she has said.
  4. Stand correctly and smile: this is the basis of non-verbal communication. Stand up straight, stay open, with your body facing the person (not the door like someone who wants to run away). Look attentive and smile. A smiling person inspires confidence and sympathy and makes people want to work with them.

Mistakes to avoid

You've read a lot of advice on what to do, but don't miss out on the things you shouldn't do! In an interview, as in any social interaction, there are some faux pas that you should avoid.

  • Dressing inappropriately. As we saw above, all sectors have their own codes, and even for an interview in a start-up company, you show respect and interest by dressing properly.
  • Being arrogant. If you seem to have seen it all, to know it all, to have all the codes already, it can greatly annoy the recruiter sitting in front of you. Knowing things is good, being pretentious is much less so. So there is no point in jargonising or trying to impress your interviewer at all costs.
  • Spread yourself too thin. Always be precise in your answers and be concise. Nothing is worse than a candidate who digresses or tells too much about his or her life. You should be clear, and only elaborate on certain points if the person in front of you requests it.
  • Being overly critical. Even if your former boss was a scoundrel, there is no point in saying anything bad about him or her during your interview. This will only serve to undermine you and make you look vindictive and unsympathetic. Especially as in some professional circles, everyone knows everyone else.
  • Plan an appointment that sticks to the interview. Nothing is more stressful than not having time. If you have several interviews at the moment, don't schedule them back to back. You will just look at your watch and stress, which does not bode well for your performance with the recruiter. Similarly, if you are in a job, avoid scheduling an appointment between lunch and dinner. Take the afternoon off, and take the time!

Questions to expect

Once you have introduced yourself and summarised your experience, the recruiter will probably have questions. While every recruiter is different, and every job has its own specific expectations, there are some questions that remain unchanged. So you are very likely to be asked:

  1. "Tell me about yourself" - according to recruiters, this is the typical question to start an interview. It's a simple, but unsettling, question that can help you focus the conversation on all the positive aspects of your background. Mention your significant experiences, talk about your situation and what you are looking for. Be concise and highlight your strengths.
  2. "Why did you apply for this job and our company in particular? - This question allows recruiters to see from the outset who has applied for no better reason, and who is really motivated. Go back to what attracted you to the job, what you like about the sector of activity, what you like about the company's culture.
  3. "What professional situation caused you the most problems? - With this question, the recruiter wants to know how you overcome obstacles, and if you are easily destabilised. Show that you have been able to show optimism and perseverance in spite of difficulties, that you have overcome a real challenge and that you have learned from it!
  4. "Why are you the best candidate for the job? - Here, be confident and pragmatic. Compare the job description with your past successful experiences and consider each of your strengths for the position. If you are motivated and convincing, the job is yours!
  5. "What are your salary expectations? - This is a question that often makes you feel uncomfortable, yet it is a legitimate one. Don't let yourself be caught off guard, or you risk having your salary expectations lowered. Beforehand, don't hesitate to ask for advice from people around you, or to look up average salaries for a particular type of job in a particular sector on the web.
  6. "Do you have any questions? - This is an essential question to which you must absolutely answer "yes". A candidate who does not have any questions can be seen as lacking enthusiasm or interest in the job. If you have conducted your interview well and prepared it well in advance, you will probably get some questions.

Questions to ask the recruiter

Yes, you do have questions, you have plenty of questions! Because you are motivated, curious, and you have prepared your interview thoroughly! Here are some ideas for questions to ask the recruiter on the day:

  1. "What impact will my work have on the company's overall missions?" - With this question, the recruiter understands that you are looking for a job, but that you also want to join a team, and participate in the success of a company. You show that you are looking beyond your job.
  2. "What are the possibilities for development? - This question clearly shows that if you are hired, your ambition is to stay as long as possible. You show here a desire to invest yourself, to give your best and to progress.
  3. "What do you appreciate in your best employees? Once again you show your team spirit and your desire to know the company's requirements. This question will also allow you to learn more about the qualities expected by your recruiter and to adapt accordingly.
  4. "What is the company culture - This question will show your interest in the company beyond your own work. The company culture is crucial for job satisfaction, and knowing more about it will help you decide whether or not you want to be involved in the long term.
  5. "What are the next steps in the process? - Take the lead and end the interview on an optimistic note. This is where you show your seriousness, your motivation and your structured mind.

The practical details

To avoid last-minute stress, here are some purely practical details to prepare the day before the big day:

  1. Locate the place of the interview, plan the route, look at the access map, note the code if there is one.
  2. Take a notebook and a pen (which writes!).
  3. Set your watch to the right time.
  4. Check that the outfit you plan to wear is clean and ironed.
  5. Make sure there are no transport strikes, diversions or unexpected traffic.
  6. Leave 30 minutes early, just in case.

All the advice you have just read will be very useful. But here is one last one. Be yourself! You have all the necessary qualities since you have come this far. And don't forget, you too are there to be seduced. The person in front of you also has to prove themselves and convince you to come and work with them. Go for it!

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9 Things you can do to improve your CV

How can I improve my CV skills?

Candidates rarely know it, but today's recruiters work with computer tools that allow them to search through thousands of CVs in large databases. These searches are based on key words: for example, a recruitment consultant would search for "SAP logistics engineer".

As you can see, the smartest candidate, who includes a lot of relevant keywords in his or her CV, will move up in the search results... It is exactly the same principle as for a search engine.

Be careful, however: don't play the fool by slipping in all the pompous keywords that pop into your head if they don't correspond to your profile. You will be wasting your time and the time of others.

Take advantage of your hobbies, showcase yourself

Do you play football? Do you build matchboxes? Do you know that this can help you in your job search?

Let's be concrete: unless you are a footballer (or a supporter...), the recruiter doesn't give a damn if you play in the second national division. On the other hand, the fact that you are a team player and a winner ready to take on challenges will not leave him indifferent.

Take advantage of the "Miscellaneous" section of your CV (at the very bottom) to deliver this kind of sweetness that will leave the reader with a nice taste. Every hobby or pastime can be highlighted in this way.

Some examples:

  • Do you make castles out of matches? You are probably patient and meticulous...
  • Do you play sports? You are driven by the value of surpassing yourself!

And so on, be imaginative!

Let only the essential remain!

Candidates often tend to want to say everything, to be as complete as possible, to show the full extent of their skills and know-how. This is a mistake: when reading your CV, the recruiter will try to assess your ability to summarise and your sense of priorities.

Opt for a tidy, useful and efficient style. If you have 10 years' experience, filling in two lines talking about your eighth grade internship in a supermarket is just clumsy.

Solid arguments

The recruiter doesn't care about a "Very good capacity to generate turnover", which is pompous and doesn't mean anything. On the other hand, mentioning that during your time in such and such a company, the turnover of your sales activity has increased by 15% in 1 year is a concrete, meaningful and verifiable argument that will score points.

Give your reader something to go on, put forward solid arguments rather than fall into commonplaces.

The same goes for languages: "Spanish read, spoken and written" is an old, overused and generally meaningless adjective. Instead, say "Spanish: able to conduct a conversation, write technical documentation" or something like that: clear and precise.

Your CV must be airy

It is often said that a recruiter only spends 30 seconds looking at a CV before deciding whether or not to look at it in detail (well, I must admit that this practice seems strange to me, but so be it). So you need a rather airy CV, or at least not too busy.

Indeed, it is not very pleasant to receive a CV with a multitude of information, organised or not!

A CV that is too dense will be difficult to read and the recruiter will find it hard to pick out relevant keywords. This will be detrimental to your application.

One page? Several pages?

It's simple: if your experiences require several pages of CV, put several. There is no point in cutting out your experiences, results and tasks if they are relevant.

It's better to have two pages that are rather light and pleasant to read, than one page where the information is not readable.

Keep it small: don't list all the sports you watch on TV or the books you have read, to gain seniority. Keep it relevant to the job objective and the position you are targeting.

Photo or no photo?

This is a debate that is almost as endless as whether you should have a one-page CV or several!

Regarding the photo, feel free to put one or not. Indeed, some people are more comfortable with their image than others, and this in no way prejudges the quality of the application.

In any case, if you don't have a photo, the recruiter will just have to google you to find out what you look like. If you do put a photo, be aware that photos sent via Snapchat with a unicorn filter, flower crown, etc. should remain on Snapchat. Of course, no austere photos, but too much fantasy may slow down the recruiter in reading your CV.

A clear objective

As far as possible, the recruiter should find the reason for your application directly. Indeed, sometimes it is not clear at first glance what the candidate is getting at.

So I advise you to state your objective very clearly, as this will make it easier to read.

Your objective must be clearly indicated but it can remain vague. Indeed, depending on the company, its sector or the position you are looking for, you can allow yourself not to be too specific in your search objective, so as not to close certain doors if there are several positions to be filled.

Do not lie!

Even if you don't have to tell the whole truth, it is not advisable to lie about your experience or qualifications. Many candidates think they can cheat on their application to get their dream job.

If you can make slight adjustments at the margin, you should remain honest and sincere.

If you don't have all the qualities required for a job, apply anyway and tell the recruiter where you can improve and highlight your qualities. A recruiter will appreciate this (well, not all of them, okay) and they may interview you to review your experience and motivation.


Depending on the position, recruiters will be very sensitive to the indicators provided. For example, if you are applying for a "recruitment officer" position, indicate how many recruitments you have made in your previous experiences (by comparing this number, for example, to the total volume of applications).
For a sales position, indicate the turnover you have generated and the number of clients in your portfolio.

In any case, it is always a good idea to give numerical indicators (not necessarily detailed) so that the recruiter can judge your 'performance' at a glance.

Of course, this advice should be taken with caution because, just as there is a plethora of applications, there is a plethora of recruiters and, depending on their HR marketing strategies, everyone will see through them.

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