viernes, 25 de febrero de 2022

World Pistachio Day - 26 February

World Pistachio Day - 26 February

26 February is World Pistachio Day, a food with many good properties for our health.

It is one of the most highly valued nuts in our gastronomy and helps us to regulate our cholesterol levels, maintain good blood pressure, control our weight and eat a healthy, balanced diet.

They contain vegetable proteins, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, and therefore help to reduce blood pressure and heart rate in stressful situations. They are a source of vitamin B6 which helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue. They also contain vitamins K, E and B1.

It is low in fat, it is the nut that contains the fewest calories and it also has a satiating effect, therefore, it is indicated in weight loss diets.

It improves and regulates intestinal transit, and is considered to be one of the most antioxidant foods in existence. It is the best nut for diabetes as it regulates blood glucose levels and improves insulin resistance.

As you can see, there are many advantages of pistachios, although it must also be said that their price is quite high because the plant takes about 7 years to produce the fruit.

This wonderful nut can be the ideal guest at your meetings and celebrations with family and friends. It can be transformed into an aperitif, so that your guests feel like royalty.

If you are on a diet and want to avoid consuming so many sweets and artificial products that damage your health, then take advantage of the benefits of pistachios. In addition, its consumption will calm your anxiety when you feel like eating foods that are harmful to your overall health.

For children, it is great, especially for those who suffer from allergies or are intolerant to certain foods containing fat or lactose.

Another option is to prepare a dish or dessert with this exceptional fruit, considered the food of the gods.

So now you know, World Pistachio Day is the perfect date for you to enjoy this rich and nutritious fruit in the many ways we have already mentioned. In addition, you can prepare a delicious recipe and share it on social networks using the hashtag
#WorldPistachioDay #PistachioDay.

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