jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2021

Advent: 24 easy Christmas activities

Advent: 24 easy Christmas activities

From the end of November onwards, the playgrounds are abuzz with excitement. As the big Christmas Eve approaches, the excitement builds and builds and builds. Here are some suggestions, one per day, to ease your children's wait and share their fun.

1 December: buying the tree

Christmas means a tree! Let's start here. Young and old go on an expedition to find THE tree. Did you know that this tradition was born in Alsace in the 16th century? Mini fir, large fir, frosted fir, natural or artificial, there is something for every taste and price. You can even adopt a tree, have it delivered, enjoy it and return it. So how do you choose the perfect Christmas tree?

2 December: decorating the tree

Put the tree in the middle of the living room and let your children decorate it as they please. Homemade wonders, angel hair, glittering balls, figurines... It takes at least two hours to make it more beautiful than ever. To inspire you, magicmaman has selected the most beautiful Christmas trees on Pinterest.Banish candles, too dangerous, and only light the garlands of light in your presence because of possible short-circuits.

3 December: Letter to Santa

Get out the paper, pencils and all the toy ideas you've collected over the past few weeks! Draw out with your child the ideas that interest him. This is the time to gently guide his choices: is he sure to have fun with this board game? And what about that stuffed toy? And what about that doll? Once the letter to Santa is finished, put it in the letterbox. Every year, the Post Office receives thousands of letters addressed to "Santa in the sky"... and replies to them, so let your child discover Santa reading his mail! In a few days, your child will receive a card from Father Christmas.

4 December: Christmas songs

Why not learn one or two songs that you will enjoy singing with your family on 25 December? ⇒ Villancicos en Inglés - Christmas Songs

5 December: Christmas customs

Describe to your children some of the Christmas customs of foreign countries? In France, we put our shoes in the fireplace, but elsewhere? In England, we hang all the Christmas cards we receive on the walls. In Germany, we eat roast goose with red cabbage and apples. In Ireland, they leave a glass of whisky for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. In Iceland, the disobedient child will find a potato in his shoe...

6 December: the Christmas primer

What if we invented the "Christmas alphabet" game? A for tree or angel, B for ball, C for presents, turkey (Christmas!), shooting star, foliage, garland, holly, illumination, toy... We'll let you guess what happens next. The one who finds the most names wins. To be adapted to the age of your children.

7 December: generosity

Thinking of the most disadvantaged is also the meaning of this holiday. Help your children sort through their toys and donate some.

8 December: the decoration workshop

You have the afternoon ahead of you. Why not start thinking about decorating the tree. Sit your children around a large table and let them create wonders. Think of pine cones sprayed with gold paint.

9 December: Photo with Santa

Father Christmases invade the streets, we don't know where to turn... It's time to have your photo taken with him to keep a nice souvenir of this year's festivities. We pose as a family and why not everyone in a row... Then, we paste the photos in a small notebook. What a pleasure to see him the following year!

10 December: gifts for the ones you love

Gifts are always nice, and gifts from the heart even more so. The little ones don't need money to make them and everyone will find something to make: a drawing for the nanny, a pearl bracelet for the big sister...

11 December: Previous Christmases

Back in time, we try to remember previous Christmases. What was the menu? How was the log? What kind of presents did we get? How was the tree decorated? It's fun to look at the old photos taken around the fireplace... From one year to the next, the children note all the changes!

12 December: the birds

The cold weather has arrived and the birds are not happy to find their food. Show your children how to help them by putting some butter, an apple or some biscuits on the windowsill. They can also build a wooden feeder on the balcony with your help.

13 December: animated shop windows

As Christmas and the festive season approaches, the shop windows make their appearance. Each one is as sparkling and wonderful as the next, and young and old alike can't get enough of them. It is the occasion to walk around and admire the windows and decorations in the street. Ask your children to give their opinion: the most beautiful window display, the funniest or the most tender. Finally, let off steam on the ugliest one! Let yourself be amazed by the magic of Christmas.

14 December: the Christmas truce

We declare "the Christmas truce": no arguments, the rooms are tidied up and we go to bed without a fuss... This holiday is well worth a twenty-four hour effort of wisdom. And why not more...

15 December: a greeting card

Every year it's the same headache to find a nice card, an original idea or to avoid writing the same sentences as in previous years, but it's always a pleasure! Grandparents who can no longer travel, an uncle abroad, a godmother confined to bed with a nasty flu, a boyfriend who has just moved away... This is the time to wish them a happy holiday and to tell them that we love them and are thinking of them. It is also a time to write your wishes for the new year and to convey positive feelings, hope and joy. To celebrate this new year, you can take your best pen to write a few words or your coloured pencils to draw or colour a Santa Claus. You can also model a heart, a tree, a star in salt dough, then paint them. They will be sensitive to this gesture.

16 December: a show or a film

The big day is approaching and your children are getting more and more impatient. Why not take them to a show: concert, cinema, theatre or puppet show? There are plenty of possibilities during the Christmas period. Ask around, there's sure to be an event or show in your town that you won't want to miss.

17 December: a little imagination

Today, let your imagination run wild. Do the children really know who Father Christmas is? Let them embroider and invent his life as they wish... Just ask them the right questions: Where does he live? Does he have a wife? Does he really come down the chimney? Can his sleigh and reindeer fly?

18 December: a walk in the forest

Let's go for a walk in the forest! The day's harvest (branches, pine cones...) painted in gold or silver will be perfect to give the house a festive look.

19 December: the start of the holidays

If your children are in school, this is the beginning of the holidays, which means the beginning of the party. It's time to sing all the lovely nursery rhymes learnt in class and to look at all the beautiful drawings of Father Christmas, sleighs and presents in the notebooks with the family. And why not end the evening by reading a nice Christmas story?

20 December: Christmas crib

A Christmas crib with real characters is a beautiful and emotional spectacle.

21 December: Christmas from your childhood

Tell your children about your own Christmas... when you were little. It's even better if their grandparents do it. Your imps will be very surprised to know that in those days (not so long ago after all!), the Christmas trees were not overflowing with toys as they are today. They will also understand more easily the link between generations.

22 December: choosing an outfit

What do you wear on the big day? You may have already done some shopping, but if not, the whole family will be looking for the nicest outfits in their wardrobes. The children even have a look at their mother's outfit! There is still time to buy the missing ribbon or the pair of socks to match the shirt...

23 December: Christmas shortbread

It smells good in the house. Disguised fruits, logs, shortbread... Children take over the kitchen and turn into little chefs... Tell them about the American custom of giving homemade cupcakes to neighbours.

24 December: preparing the table

The excitement is at its peak and the Christmas story is also about preparing the table. It is important to have a beautiful Christmas table when you receive your family. Preparing and setting the table together for tonight's guests is a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to bond. If you're short on ideas, keep it simple without breaking the bank - it's best to be manual, your decorations will never look as good as the product of your own hands. Then ask your child to paint the pine cones together in gold or silver, glue the glitter on the candles and make the Christmas candle holders from salt dough. When finished, put the shoes in the fireplace and go to bed! Who will hear Father Christmas putting the presents under the tree?

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Christmas games that will guarantee an unforgettable evening

Christmas games that will guarantee an unforgettable evening

Want to add a good dose of fun and laughter to your Christmas parties? These 8 Christmas game ideas will guarantee a memorable evening.

1. Chocolate relay

Form two teams and prepare 2 bowls of wrapped chocolates. Give each team a pair of mittens. The first person in line runs to the bowl of chocolates and has to unwrap one, wearing the mittens, and eat it. The person then runs back to their team and hands over to a second person. The winning team is the first to finish their bowl of chocolates.

2. What does it mean?

Give each guest a piece of paper and a pencil. The host of the evening selects 10 difficult words from the dictionary. The guests have to write down what they think each word means and the person with the closest definition is awarded 1 point. The person with the most points at the end of the game wins.

3. Santa's hat

Everyone must wear a Santa hat. The only rule of the game is that no one can remove their hat until you do. Let the evening unfold and gradually people will look away from you. At that point, take your hat off. Gradually, people will do the same. The last person to have their hat on loses the game.

4. Who is hiding in the hat?

Give everyone slips of paper with names of celebrities on them. Put all the papers in a Santa hat and have one member of the first team draw. This person has to make his team guess the name of the celebrity he has drawn without mentioning his name. The team that finds the most names wins the game.

5. The living Christmas tree

Create two teams. Each team names one person to be the tree. Using paper, ornaments, bows, lights and anything else you can find, dress this person up to create a living Christmas tree. The team with the most beautiful Christmas tree wins.

6. Rudolph's plume

Each team receives a paper bag containing a pair of beige nylon stockings with a five-inch hole at belly height and cut feet, red ribbons, a red bow and 14 small balloons to blow up. One member of each team volunteers to be Rudolph. This person puts the nylon stocking over their head with their face in the hole. The team blows the balloons and threads them through the openings in each leg to create the plume. The ribbons and bow are used for decoration. The team that creates the most beautiful reindeer wins the game.

7. Santa's beard

Fill a bowl with cotton wools and get some Vaseline. Apply Vaseline to the chin of each team member. The first team member runs to the bowl of cotton wools and sticks as many as possible on their chin. He runs back to his team to hand over to another person. The first team to finish wins. Make sure you have a camera so you can keep memories of your guests with their beards!

8. The Christmas maze

Get a ball of wool for each child and attach a small surprise to the end. Hide the surprise somewhere in the house and unravel the ball of wool by passing it through the rooms of the house. Tie a pencil to the other end. Give each child a ball of yarn. They can wrap the string around the pencil until they find the surprise.

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Christmas games for the whole family

Christmas games for the whole family

For years I have been the official game leader at family gatherings, and Christmas games for family play became a challenge for my creativity. I always wanted to do something different to make family Christmas games more exciting and relevant to the season, and where all family members had the opportunity to participate. I find that Christmas is the best time to get in touch with the child in all of us. So here are some ideas for family Christmas games that give everyone the opportunity to play together, learn about each other, reconnect and have fun together. People from 3 to 83 years old can have fun with these special family Christmas games. Some are new and some are popular games that I have modified and could be used at any family gathering.

Christmas games for the whole family

Gift wrapping: divide into pairs. Each pair stands around a table in front of a piece of wrapping paper, a roll of tape, scissors, ribbon and a box. Each pair of players stands with one arm around the other person by the waist. Start the game and the players have to wrap their box with their available hand: one uses the right hand and the other the left hand (the players have to keep their other hand wrapped around the waist of the partner). The first pair to pack their box wins!

Don't lose the ball: one of the funniest Christmas games to play with the family. You need Vaseline, bowls, cotton wools, a stopwatch, a camera (optional). Everyone sits in a circle on their knees or around a table. Place a little Vaseline on the tip of each player's nose. Place a bowl in front of each player with a pile of cotton wools next to the bowl or scattered in front of them on the table. The object of the game is to get them to use their nose to pick up cotton wool, then somehow remove the cotton ball from their nose and drop it into the bowl without using their hands. The hands should always be clasped behind the back. After 1 minute, the player with the most cotton wools in their bowl wins a prize!

Two Truths and a Lie (Christmas version): Two Truths and a Lie is a classic game that doesn't require much work. You can turn this game into a Christmas edition and ask the players to come up with a total of three Christmas presents. Two of the Christmas gifts must be gifts that the player has actually received in the past while the third gift must be a lie. The participants will do their best to guess which Christmas present is a lie.

Cotton ball race: You need a bag of cotton wools, bowls and wooden spoons. Set a start line and a halfway line. Players stand at the start line and are each given cotton wool and a spoon. Ring a bell to start the race. Players must place the cotton ball on their spoon, and run halfway and back to the start without losing their cotton ball. They cannot touch the cotton ball after initially placing it on the spoon. If it falls off, they must return to the start line and start again. The winner is the one who returns to the start line first.

20 Questions for Santa: One player (Santa) chooses a Christmas-themed object but does not reveal it to the others. All other players ask questions that can be answered with a simple "Yes" or "No". If 20 questions are asked by the players without the correct answer, Santa gets another turn, this time with a new object. For Santa: make it difficult for the participants by choosing a Christmas object that is difficult to guess. For the participants, ask specific questions in order to guess the object. The player who finds the object takes the place of Santa.

The Christmas drawing: provide a few paper plates and a pen or marker for each player. Ask the players to put their plates on their heads. One person gives the following instructions which everyone tries to draw on their plate:

  1. Draw a line to make the floor
  2. Draw a Christmas tree
  3. Add a few baubles
  4. Draw a star above your tree
  5. Add two presents under the tree
  6. Draw a chimney next to the tree
  7. Add a stocking to the chimney

Once everyone has finished drawing, ask them to take the plates off their heads and look at their masterpiece. The point system is:

  1. 1 point if the star touches the tree
  2. 1 point for each ball that touches the tree
  3. 1 point if the star is above the tree
  4. 1 point if the chimney does not touch the tree
  5. 2 points if the tree touches the ground
  6. 2 points if the sock touches the chimney
  7. 2 points for each gift under the tree
  8. The player with the most points wins a prize!

Christmas Treasure Hunt: A treasure hunt to find Santa's friends is a great way to have a friendly game where everyone wins. After collecting a variety of plastic elves and reindeer (or printed images), you can hide them around the house. Some of Santa's friends should be easy to find, especially if there are young children playing, while other friends should be more difficult to find. Each player who finds one of Santa's friends will receive a Christmas present.

Christmas Alphabet: This family Christmas game requires only a little movement and a lot of thinking. First, gather some sheets of paper that include the entire alphabet written vertically on each sheet. Teams must then compete to complete the entire alphabet list with a Christmas-related word for each letter. The first team to complete their list wins. Tip: you can simplify the game by removing the most difficult letters like X, Y and Z!

Christmas Story: This is an easy and creative game for any family Christmas party. Everyone stands in a circle and someone starts a Christmas-themed story with one sentence. The next player in the circle verbally adds a spontaneous sentence to the growing story, etc. You'll have lots of laughs and a hilarious story by the time the last person in the circle finishes their sentence.

Human Christmas Tree: Any game that involves decorating a family member provides many photo opportunities at your Christmas party. This is a hilarious and fun game that requires at least two family representatives to serve as a figurative Christmas tree. One team will gather around each representative of a tree and try to decorate it with different Christmas decorations provided for the game. You can give both participants an oversized green cloth to wear over their clothes before decorating them. The best "human Christmas tree" wins the game, determined by the elders of your party.

🎅🏻🎄🤶🏻 🎅🏻🎄🤶🏻

Family Christmas parties are some of the most memorable and enjoyable celebrations of the year. As well as delicious food and drink, Christmas games to play with the family can create a little extra laughter to share. These family Christmas party games are easy to understand and inclusive. Here are two more tips to make your family Christmas party a little more fun:

Incorporate past family traditions

Christmas parties are the perfect opportunity to pass on family Christmas traditions to future generations. Whether it's drinking hot chocolate while playing cards or singing Christmas songs while limboing with the family, make sure you carry on the traditions each year.

Take lots of photos

Capture the moments of your family Christmas party by taking photos during Christmas games to play with your family. Not only will you love seeing how the family has grown over the years, but you'll also enjoy reminiscing about the traditions and stories of Christmas party games for years to come.

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domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2021

The Consul - Richard Harding Davis

The Consul by Richard Harding Davis

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English

Cuentos clásicos en inglés

The Consul - Richard Harding Davis (1864-1916)

For over forty years, in one part of the world or another, old man Marshall had, served his country as a United States consul. He had been appointed by Lincoln. For a quarter of a century that fact was his distinction. It was now his epitaph. But in former years, as each new administration succeeded the old, it had again and again saved his official head. When victorious and voracious place-hunters, searching the map of the world for spoils, dug out his hiding-place and demanded his consular sign as a reward for a younger and more aggressive party worker, the ghost of the dead President protected him. In the State Department, Marshall had become a tradition. "You can't touch Him!" the State Department would say; "why, HE was appointed by Lincoln!" Secretly, for this weapon against the hungry headhunters, the department was infinitely grateful. Old man Marshall was a consul after its own heart. Like a soldier, he was obedient, disciplined; wherever he was sent, there, without question, he would go. Never against exile, against ill-health, against climate did he make complaint. Nor when he was moved on and down to make way for some ne'er-do-well with influence, with a brother-in- law in the Senate, with a cousin owning a newspaper, with rich relatives who desired him to drink himself to death at the expense of the government rather than at their own, did old man Marshall point to his record as a claim for more just treatment.

And it had been an excellent record. His official reports, in a quaint, stately hand, were models of English; full of information, intelligent, valuable, well observed. And those few of his countrymen, who stumbled upon him in the out-of-the-world places to which of late he had been banished, wrote of him to the department in terms of admiration and awe. Never had he or his friends petitioned for promotion, until it was at last apparent that, save for his record and the memory of his dead patron, he had no friends. But, still in the department the tradition held and, though he was not advanced, he was not dismissed.

"If that old man's been feeding from the public trough ever since the Civil War," protested a "practical" politician, "it seems to me, Mr. Secretary, that he's about had his share. Ain't it time he give some one else a bite? Some of us that has, done the work, that has borne the brunt--"

"This place he now holds," interrupted the Secretary of State suavely, "is one hardly commensurate with services like yours. I can't pronounce the name of it, and I'm not sure just where it is, but I see that, of the last six consuls we sent there, three resigned within a month and the other three died of yellow-fever. Still, if you. insist--"

The practical politician reconsidered hastily. "I'm not the sort," he protested, "to turn out a man appointed by our martyred President. Besides, he's so old now, if the fever don't catch him, he'll die of old age, anyway."

The Secretary coughed uncomfortably. "And they say," he murmured, "republics are ungrateful."

"I don't quite get that," said the practical politician.

Of Porto Banos, of the Republic of Colombia, where as consul Mr. Marshall was upholding the dignity of the United States, little could be said except that it possessed a sure harbor. When driven from the Caribbean Sea by stress of weather, the largest of ocean tramps, and even battle-ships, could find in its protecting arms of coral a safe shelter. But, as young Mr. Aiken, the wireless operator, pointed out, unless driven by a hurricane and the fear of death, no one ever visited it. Back of the ancient wharfs, that dated from the days when Porto Banos was a receiver of stolen goods for buccaneers and pirates, were rows of thatched huts, streets, according to the season, of dust or mud, a few iron-barred, jail-like barracks, customhouses, municipal buildings, and the whitewashed adobe houses of the consuls. The backyard of the town was a swamp. Through this at five each morning a rusty engine pulled a train of flat cars to the base of the mountains, and, if meanwhile the rails had not disappeared into the swamp, at five in the evening brought back the flat cars laden with odorous coffeesacks.

In the daily life of Porto Banos, waiting for the return of the train, and betting if it would return, was the chief interest. Each night the consuls, the foreign residents, the wireless operator, the manager of the rusty railroad met for dinner. There at the head of the long table, by virtue of his years, of his courtesy and distinguished manner, of his office, Mr. Marshall presided. Of the little band of exiles he was the chosen ruler. His rule was gentle. By force of example he had made existence in Porto Banos more possible. For women and children Porto Banos was a death-trap, and before "old man Marshall" came there had been no influence to remind the enforced bachelors of other days.

They had lost interest, had grown lax, irritable, morose. Their white duck was seldom white. Their cheeks were unshaven. When the sun sank into the swamp and the heat still turned Porto Banos into a Turkish bath, they threw dice on the greasy tables of the Café Bolivar for drinks. The petty gambling led to petty quarrels; the drinks to fever. The coming of Mr. Marshall changed that. His standard of life, his tact, his worldly wisdom, his cheerful courtesy, his fastidious personal neatness shamed the younger men; the desire to please him, to, stand well in his good opinion, brought back pride and self-esteem.

The lieutenant of her Majesty's gun-boat plover noted the change.

"Used to be," he exclaimed, "you couldn't get out of the Café Bolivar without some one sticking a knife in you; now it's a debating club. They all sit round a table and listen to an old gentleman talk world politics."

If Henry Marshall brought content to the exiles of Porto Banos, there was little in return that Porto Banos could give to him. Magazines and correspondents in six languages kept him in touch with those foreign lands in which he had represented his country, but of the country he had represented, newspapers and periodicals showed him only too clearly that in forty years it had grown away from him, had changed beyond recognition.

When last he had called at the State Department, he had been made to feel he was a man without a country, and when he visited his home town in Vermont, he was looked upon as a Rip Van Winkle. Those of his boyhood friends who were not dead had long thought of him as dead. And the sleepy, pretty village had become a bustling commercial centre. In the lanes where, as a young man, he had walked among wheatfields, trolley-cars whirled between rows of mills and factories. The children had grown to manhood, with children of their own.

Like a ghost, he searched for house after house, where once he had been made welcome, only to find in its place a towering office building. "All had gone, the old familiar faces." In vain he scanned even the shop fronts for a friendly, homelike name. Whether the fault was his, whether he would better have served his own interests than those of his government, it now was too late to determine. In his own home, he was a stranger among strangers. In the service he had so faithfully followed, rank by rank, he had been dropped, until now he, who twice had been a consul-general, was an exile, banished to a fever swamp. The great Ship of State had dropped him overside, had "marooned" him, and sailed away.

Twice a day he walked along the shell road to the Café Bolivar, and back again to the consulate. There, as he entered the outer office, José the Colombian clerk, would rise and bow profoundly.

"Any papers for me to sign, José? " the consul would ask.

"Not to-day, Excellency, "the clerk would reply. Then José would return to writing a letter to his lady-love; not that there was any-thing to tell her, but because writing on the official paper of the consulate gave him importance in his eyes, and in hers. And in the inner office the consul would continue to gaze at the empty harbor, the empty coral reefs, the empty, burning sky.

The little band of exiles were at second break fast when the wireless man came in late to announce that a Red D. boat and the island of Curacao had both reported a hurricane coming north. Also, that much concern was felt for the safety of the yacht SERAPIS. Three days before, in advance of her coming, she had sent a wireless to Wilhelmstad, asking the captain of the port to reserve a berth for her. She expected to arrive the following morning. But for forty-eight hours nothing had been heard from her, and it was believed she had been overhauled by the hurricane. Owing to the presence on board of Senator Hanley, the closest friend of the new President, the man who had made him president, much concern was felt at Washington. To try to pick her up by wireless, the gun-boat NEWARK had been ordered from Culebra, the cruiser RALEIGH, with Admiral Hardy on board, from Colon. It was possible she would seek shelter at Porto Banos. The consul was ordered to report.

As Marshall wrote out his answer, the French consul exclaimed with interest:

"He is of importance, then, this senator?" he asked. "Is it that in your country ships of war are at the service of a senator?"

Aiken, the wireless operator, grinned derisively.

"At the service of THIS senator, they are!" he answered. "They call him the 'king-maker,' the man behind the throne."

"But in your country," protested the Frenchman, "there is no throne. I thought your president was elected by the people?"

"That's what the people think," answered Aiken. "In God's country," he explained, "the trusts want a rich man in the Senate, with the same interests as their own, to represent them. They chose Hanley. He picked out of the candidates for the presidency the man he thought would help the interests. He nominated him, and the people voted for him. Hanley is what we call a 'boss.'"

The Frenchman looked inquiringly at Marshall.

"The position of the boss is the more dangerous," said Marshall gravely, "because it is unofficial, because there are no laws to curtail his powers. Men like Senator Hanley are a menace to good government. They see in public office only a reward for party workers."

"That's right," assented Aiken. "Your forty years' service, Mr. Consul, wouldn't count with Hanley. If he wanted your job, he'd throw you out as quick as he would a drunken cook."

Mr. Marshall flushed painfully, and the French consul hastened to interrupt.

"Then, let us pray," he exclaimed, with fervor, "that the hurricane has sunk the SERAPIS, and all on board."

Two hours later, the serapis, showing she had met the hurricane and had come out second best, steamed into the harbor.

Her owner was young Herbert Livingstone, of Washington. He once had been in the diplomatic service, and, as minister to The Hague, wished to return to it. In order to bring this about he had subscribed liberally to the party campaign fund.

With him, among other distinguished persons, was the all-powerful Hanley. The kidnapping of Hanley for the cruise, in itself, demonstrated the ability of Livingstone as a diplomat. It was the opinion of many that it would surely lead to his appointment as a minister plenipotentiary. Livingstone was of the same opinion. He had not lived long in the nation's capital without observing the value of propinquity. How many men he knew were now paymasters, and secretaries of legation, solely because those high in the government met them daily at the Metropolitan Club, and preferred them in almost any other place. And if, after three weeks as his guest on board what the newspapers called his floating palace, the senator could refuse him even the prize, legation of Europe, there was no value in modest merit. As yet, Livingstone had not hinted at his ambition. There was no need. To a statesman of Hanley's astuteness, the largeness of Livingstone's contribution to the campaign fund was self-explanatory.

After her wrestling-match with the hurricane, all those on board the SERAPIS seemed to find in land, even in the swamp land of Porto Banos, a compelling attraction. Before the anchors hit the water, they were in the launch. On reaching shore, they made at once for the consulate. There were many cables they wished to start on their way by wireless; cables to friends, to newspapers, to the government.

José, the Colombian clerk, appalled by the unprecedented invasion of visitors, of visitors so distinguished, and Marshall, grateful for a chance to serve his fellow-countrymen, and especially his countrywomen, were ubiquitous, eager, indispensable. At José's desk the great senator, rolling his cigar between his teeth, was using, to José's ecstasy, José's own pen to write a reassuring message to the White House. At the consul's desk a beautiful creature, all in lace and pearls, was struggling to compress the very low opinion she held of a hurricane into ten words. On his knee, Henry Cairns, the banker, was inditing instructions to his Wall Street office, and upon himself Livingstone had taken the responsibility of replying to the inquiries heaped upon Marshall's desk, from many newspapers.

It was just before sunset, and Marshall produced his tea things, and the young person in pearls and lace, who was Miss Cairns, made tea for the women, and the men mixed gin and limes with tepid water. The consul apologized for proposing a toast in which they could not join. He begged to drink to those who had escaped the perils of the sea. Had they been his oldest and nearest friends, his little speech could not have been more heart-felt and sincere. To his distress, it moved one of the ladies to tears, and in embarrassment he turned to the men.

"I regret there is no ice," he said, "but you know the rule of the tropics; as soon as a ship enters port, the ice- machine bursts."

"I'll tell the steward to send you some, sir," said Livingstone, "and as long as we're here."

The senator showed his concern.

"As long as we're here?" he gasped.

"Not over two days," answered the owner nervously. "The chief says it will take all of that to get her in shape. As you ought to know, Senator, she was pretty badly mauled."

The senator gazed blankly out of the window. Beyond it lay the naked coral reefs, the empty sky, and the ragged palms of Porto Banos.

Livingstone felt that his legation was slipping from him.

"That wireless operator," he continued hastily, "tells me there is a most amusing place a few miles down the coast, Las Bocas, a sort of Coney Island, where the government people go for the summer. There's surf bathing and roulette and cafes chantants. He says there's some Spanish dancers--"

The guests of the SERAPIS exclaimed with interest; the senator smiled. To Marshall the general enthusiasm over the thought of a ride on a merry-go-round suggested that the friends of Mr. Livingstone had found their own society far from satisfying.

Greatly encouraged, Livingstone continued, with enthusiasm:

"And that wireless man said," he added, "that with the launch we can get there in half an hour. We might run down after dinner." He turned to Marshall.

"Will you join us, Mr. Consul?" he asked, "and dine with us, first?"

Marshall accepted with genuine pleasure. It had been many months since he had sat at table with his own people. But he shook his head doubtfully.

"I was wondering about Las Bocas," he explained, "if your going there might not get you in trouble at the next port. With a yacht, I think it is different, but Las Bocas is under quarantine."

There was a chorus of exclamations.

"It's not serious," Marshall explained. "There was bubonic plague there, or something like it. You would be in no danger from that. It is only that you might be held up by the regulations. Passenger steamers can't land any one who has been there at any other port of the West Indies. The English are especially strict. The Royal Mail won't even receive any one on board here without a certificate from the English consul saying he has not visited Las Bocas. For an American they would require the same guarantee from me. But I don't think the regulations extend to yachts. I will inquire. I don't wish to deprive you of any of the many pleasures of Porto Banos," he added, smiling, "but if you were refused a landing at your next port I would blame myself."

"It's all right," declared Livingstone decidedly. "It's just as you say; yachts and warships are exempt. Besides, I carry my own doctor, and if he won't give us a clean bill of health, I'll make him walk the plank. At eight, then, at dinner. I'll send the cutter for you. I can't give you a salute, Mr. Consul, but you shall have all the side boys I can muster."

Those from the yacht parted from their consul in the most friendly spirit.

"I think he's charming!" exclaimed Miss Cairns. "And did you notice his novels? They were in every language. It must be terribly lonely down here, for a man like that."

"He's the first of our consuls we've met on this trip," growled her father, "that we've caught sober."

"Sober!" exclaimed his wife indignantly.

"He's one of the Marshalls of Vermont. I asked him."

"I wonder," mused Hanley, "how much the place is worth? Hamilton, one of the new senators, has been deviling the life out of me to send his son somewhere. Says if he stays in Washington he'll disgrace the family. I should think this place would drive any man to drink himself to death in three months, and young Hamilton, from what I've seen of him, ought to be able to do it in a week. That would leave the place open for the next man."

"There's a postmaster in my State thinks he carried it." The senator smiled grimly. "He has consumption, and wants us to give him a consulship in the tropics. I'll tell him I've seen Porto Banos, and that it's just the place for him."

The senator's pleasantry was not well received. But Miss Cairns alone had the temerity to speak of what the others were thinking.

"What would become of Mr. Marshall?" she asked. The senator smiled tolerantly.

"I don't know that I was thinking of Mr. Marshall," he said. "I can't recall anything he has done for this administration. You see, Miss Cairns," he explained, in the tone of one addressing a small child, "Marshall has been abroad now for forty years, at the expense of the taxpayers. Some of us think men who have lived that long on their fellow-countrymen had better come home and get to work."

Livingstone nodded solemnly in assent. He did not wish a post abroad at the expense of the taxpayers. He was willing to pay for it. And then, with "ex-Minister" on his visiting cards, and a sense of duty well performed, for the rest of his life he could join the other expatriates in Paris.

Just before dinner, the cruiser raleigh having discovered the whereabouts of the SERAPIS by wireless, entered the harbor, and Admiral Hardy came to the yacht to call upon the senator, in whose behalf he had been scouring the Caribbean Seas. Having paid his respects to that personage, the admiral fell boisterously upon Marshall.

The two old gentlemen were friends of many years. They had met, officially and unofficially, in many strange parts of the world. To each the chance reunion was a piece of tremendous good fortune. And throughout dinner the guests of Livingstone, already bored with each other, found in them and their talk of former days new and delightful entertainment. So much so that when, Marshall having assured them that the local quarantine regulations did not extend to a yacht, the men departed for Las Bocas, the women insisted that he and admiral remain behind.

It was for Marshall a wondrous evening. To foregather with his old friend whom he had known since Hardy was a mad midshipman, to sit at the feet of his own charming countrywomen, to listen to their soft, modulated laughter, to note how quickly they saw that to him the evening was a great event, and with what tact each contributed to make it the more memorable; all served to wipe out the months of bitter loneliness, the stigma of failure, the sense of undeserved neglect. In the moonlight, on the cool quarter-deck, they sat, in a half-circle, each of the two friends telling tales out of school, tales of which the other was the hero or the victim, "inside" stories of great occasions, ceremonies, bombardments, unrecorded "shirt-sleeve" diplomacy.

Hardy had helped to open the Suez Canal. Marshall had assisted the Queen of Madagascar to escape from the French invaders. On the Barbary Coast Hardy had chased pirates. In Edinburgh Marshall had played chess with Carlyle. He had seen Paris in mourning in the days of the siege, Paris in terror in the days of the Commune; he had known Garibaldi, Gambetta, the younger Dumas, the creator of Pickwick.

"Do you remember that time in Tangier," the admiral urged, when I was a midshipman, and got into the bashaw's harem?"

"Do you remember how I got you out? Marshall replied grimly.

"And," demanded Hardy, "do you remember when Adelina Patti paid a visit to the KEARSARGE at Marseilles in '65--George Dewey was our second officer--and you were bowing and backing away from her, and you backed into an open hatch, and she said 'my French isn't up to it' what was it she said?"

"I didn't hear it," said Marshall; "I was too far down the hatch."

"Do you mean the old kearsarge?" asked Mrs. Cairns. "Were you in the service then, Mr. Marshall?"

With loyal pride in his friend, the admiral answered for him:

"He was our consul-general at Marseilles!"

There was an uncomfortable moment. Even those denied imagination could not escape the contrast, could see in their mind's eye the great harbor of Marseilles, crowded with the shipping of the world, surrounding it the beautiful city, the rival of Paris to the north, and on the battleship the young consul-general making his bow to the young Empress of Song. And now, before their actual eyes, they saw the village of Porto Banos, a black streak in the night, a row of mud shacks, at the end of the wharf a single lantern yellow in the clear moonlight.

Later in the evening Miss Cairns led the admiral to one side.

"Admiral," she began eagerly, "tell me about your friend. Why is he here? Why don't they give him a place worthy of him? I've seen many of our representatives abroad, and I know we cannot afford to waste men like that." The girl exclaimed indignantly: " He's one of the most interesting men I've ever met! He's lived everywhere, known every one. He's a distinguished man, a cultivated man; even I can see he knows his work, that he's a diplomat, born, trained, that he's--" The admiral interrupted with a growl.

"You don't have to tell me about Henry," he protested. "I've known Henry twenty-five years. If Henry got his deserts," he exclaimed hotly, "he wouldn't be a consul on this coral reef; he'd be a minister in Europe. Look at me! We're the same age. We started together. When Lincoln sent him to Morocco as consul, he signed my commission as a midshipman. Now I'm an admiral. Henry has twice my brains and he's been a consul-general, and he's HERE, back at the foot of the ladder!"

"Why?" demanded the girl.

"Because the navy is a service and the consular service isn't a service. Men like Senator Hanley use it to pay their debts. While Henry's been serving his country abroad, he's lost his friends, lost his 'pull.' Those politicians up at Washington have no use for him. They don't consider that a consul like Henry can make a million dollars for his countrymen. He can keep them from shipping goods where there's no market, show them where there is a market." The admiral snorted contemptuously. "You don't have to tell ME the value of a good consul. But those politicians don't consider that. They only see that he has a job worth a few hundred dollars, and they want it, and if he hasn't other politicians to protect him, they'll take it." The girl raised her head.

"Why don't you speak to the senator?" she asked. "Tell him you've known him for years, that--"

"Glad to do it!" exclaimed the admiral heartily. "It won't be the first time. But Henry mustn't know. He's too confoundedly touchy. He hates the IDEA of influence, hates men like Hanley, who abuse it. If he thought anything was given to him except on his merits, he wouldn't take it."

"Then we won't tell him, " said the girl. For a moment she hesitated.

"If I spoke to Mr. Hanley," she asked, "told him what I learned to-night of Mr. Marshall, "would it have any effect?"

"Don't know how it will affect Hanley, said the sailor, "but if you asked me to make anybody a consul-general, I'd make him an ambassador."

Later in the evening Hanley and Livingstone were seated alone on deck. The visit to Las Bocas had not proved amusing, but, much to Livingstone's relief, his honored guest was now in good-humor. He took his cigar from his lips, only to sip at a long cool drink. He was in a mood flatteringly confidential and communicative.

"People have the strangest idea of what I can do for them," he laughed. It was his pose to pretend he was without authority. "They believe I've only to wave a wand, and get them anything they want. I thought I'd be safe from them on board a yacht."

Livingstone, in ignorance of what was coming, squirmed apprehensively.

"But it seems," the senator went on, " I'm at the mercy of a conspiracy. The women folk want me to do something for this fellow Marshall. If they had their way, they'd send him to the Court of St. James. And old Hardy, too, tackled me about him. So did Miss Cairns.

And then Marshall himself got me behind the wheel-house, and I thought he was going to tell me how good he was, too! But he didn't."

As though the joke were on himself, the senator laughed appreciatively.

"Told me, instead, that Hardy ought to be a vice-admiral."

Livingstone, also, laughed, with the satisfied air of one who cannot be tricked.

"They fixed it up between them," he explained, "each was to put in a good word for the other." He nodded eagerly. "That's what I think."

There were moments during the cruise when Senator Hanley would have found relief in dropping his host overboard. With mock deference, the older man inclined his head.

"That's what you think, is it?" he asked. "Livingstone," he added, "you certainly are a great judge of men!"

The next morning, old man Marshall woke with a lightness at his heart that had been long absent. For a moment, conscious only that he was happy, he lay between sleep and waking, frowning up at his canopy of mosquito net, trying to realize what change had come to him. Then he remembered. His old friend had returned. New friends had come into his life and welcomed him kindly. He was no longer lonely. As eager as a boy, he ran to the window. He had not been dreaming. In the harbor lay the pretty yacht, the stately, white-hulled war- ship. The flag that drooped from the stern of each caused his throat to tighten, brought warm tears to his eyes, fresh resolve to his discouraged, troubled spirit. When he knelt beside his bed, his heart poured out his thanks in gratitude and gladness.

While he was dressing, a blue-jacket brought a note from the admiral. It invited him to tea on board the war-ship, with the guests of the SERAPIS. His old friend added that he was coming to lunch with his consul, and wanted time reserved for a long talk. The consul agreed gladly. He was in holiday humor. The day promised to repeat the good moments of the night previous.

At nine o'clock, through the open door of the consulate, Marshall saw Aiken, the wireless operator, signaling from the wharf excitedly to the yacht, and a boat leave the ship and return. Almost immediately the launch, carrying several passengers, again made the trip shoreward.

Half an hour later, Senator Hanley, Miss Cairns, and Livingstone came up the waterfront, and entering the consulate, seated themselves around Marshall's desk. Livingstone was sunk in melancholy. The senator, on the contrary, was smiling broadly. His manner was one of distinct relief. He greeted the consul with hearty good-humor.

"I'm ordered home!" he announced gleefully. Then, remembering the presence of Livingstone, he hastened to add: "I needn't say how sorry I am to give up my yachting trip, but orders are orders. The President," he explained to Marshall, " cables me this morning to come back and take my coat off." The prospect, as a change from playing bridge on a pleasure boat, seemed far from depressing him.

"Those filibusters in the Senate," he continued genially, "are making trouble again. They think they've got me out of the way for another month, but they'll find they're wrong. When that bill comes up, they'll find me at the old stand and ready for business!" Marshall did not attempt to conceal his personal disappointment.

"I am so sorry you are leaving," he said; "selfishly sorry, I mean. I'd hoped you all would be here for several days." He looked inquiringly toward Livingstone.

"I understood the SERAPIS was disabled," he explained.

"She is," answered Hanley. "So's the raleigh. At a pinch, the admiral might have stretched the regulations and carried me to Jamaica, but the raleigh's engines are knocked about too. I've GOT to reach Kingston Thursday. The German boat leaves there Thursday for New York. At first it looked as though I couldn't do it, but we find that the Royal Mail is due to-day, and she can get to Kingston Wednesday night. It's a great piece of luck. I wouldn't bother you with my troubles, "the senator explained pleasantly, "but the agent of the Royal Mail here won't sell me a ticket until you've put your seal to this." He extended a piece of printed paper.

As Hanley had been talking, the face of the consul had grown grave. He accepted the paper, but did not look at it. Instead, he regarded the senator with troubled eyes. When he spoke, his tone was one of genuine concern.

"It is most unfortunate," he said. "But I am afraid the royal mail will not take you on board. Because of Las Bocas," he explained. "If we had only known!" he added remorsefully. "It is MOST unfortunate."

"Because of Las Bocas?" echoed Hanley.

"You don't mean they'll refuse to take me to Jamaica because I spent half an hour at the end of a wharf listening to a squeaky gramophone?"

"The trouble," explained Marshall, "is this: if they carried you, all the other passengers would be held in quarantine for ten days, and there are fines to pay, and there would be difficulties over the mails. But," he added hopefully, "maybe the regulations have been altered. I will see her captain, and tell him--"

"See her captain!" objected Hanley. "Why see the captain? He doesn't know I've been to that place. Why tell him? All I need is a clean bill of health from you. That's all HE wants. You have only to sign that paper." Marshall regarded the senator with surprise.

"But I can't," he said.

"You can't? Why not?"

"Because it certifies to the fact that you have not visited Las Bocas. Unfortunately, you have visited Las Bocas."

The senator had been walking up and down the room. Now he seated himself, and stared at Marshall curiously.

"It's like this, Mr. Marshall," he began quietly. "The President desires my presence in Washington, thinks I can be of some use to him there in helping carry out certain party measures--measures to which he pledged himself before his election. Down here, a British steamship line has laid down local rules which, in my case anyway, are ridiculous. The question is, are you going to be bound by the red tape of a ha'penny British colony, or by your oath to the President of the United States?"

The sophistry amused Marshall. He smiled good-naturedly and shook his head.

"I'm afraid, Senator," he said, "that way of putting it is hardly fair. Unfortunately, the question is one of fact. I will explain to the captain--"

"You will explain nothing to the captain!" interrupted Hanley. "This is a matter which concerns no one but our two selves. I am not asking favors of steamboat captains. I am asking an American consul to assist an American citizen in trouble, and, "he added, with heavy sarcasm, "incidentally, to carry out the wishes of his President."

Marshall regarded the senator with an expression of both surprise and disbelief.

"Are you asking me to put my name to what is not so?" he said. "Are you serious?"

"That paper, Mr. Marshall," returned Hanley steadily, "is a mere form, a piece of red tape. There's no more danger of my carrying the plague to Jamaica than of my carrying a dynamite bomb. You know that."

"I DO know that," assented Marshall heartily."I appreciate your position, and I regret it exceedingly. You are the innocent victim of a regulation which is a wise regulation, but which is most unfair to you. My own position," he added, "is not important, but you can believe me, it is not easy. It is certainly no pleasure for me to be unable to help you."

Hanley was leaning forward, his hands on his knees, his eyes watching Marshall closely. "Then you refuse?" he said. "Why?"

Marshall regarded the senator steadily. His manner was untroubled. The look he turned upon Hanley was one of grave disapproval.

"You know why," he answered quietly. "It is impossible."

In sudden anger Hanley rose. Marshall, who had been seated behind his desk, also rose. For a moment, in silence, the two men confronted each other. Then Hanley spoke; his tone was harsh and threatening.

"Then I am to understand," he exclaimed, "that you refuse to carry out the wishes of a United States Senator and of the President of the United States?"

In front of Marshall, on his desk, was the little iron stamp of the consulate. Protectingly, almost caressingly, he laid his hand upon it.

"I refuse," he corrected, "to place the seal of this consulate on a lie."

There was a moment's pause. Miss Cairns, unwilling to remain, and unable to withdraw, clasped her hands unhappily and stared at the floor. Livingstone exclaimed in indignant protest. Hanley moved a step nearer and, to emphasize what he said, tapped his knuckles on the desk. With the air of one confident of his advantage, he spoke slowly and softly.

"Do you appreciate," he asked, "that, while you may be of some importance down here in this fever swamp, in Washington I am supposed to carry some weight? Do you appreciate that I am a senator from a State that numbers four millions of people, and that you are preventing me from serving those people?" Marshall inclined his head gravely and politely. "And I want you to appreciate," he said, "that while I have no weight at Washington, in this fever swamp I have the honor to represent eighty millions of people, and as long as that consular sign is over my door I don't intend to prostitute it for YOU, or the President of the United States, or any one of those eighty millions."

Of the two men, the first to lower his eyes was Hanley. He laughed shortly, and walked to the door. There he turned, and indifferently, as though the incident no longer interested him, drew out his watch.

"Mr. Marshall," he said, "if the cable is working, I'll take your tin sign away from you by sunset."

For one of Marshall's traditions, to such a speech there was no answer save silence. He bowed, and, apparently serene and undismayed, resumed his seat. From the contest, judging from the manner of each, it was Marshall, not Hanley, who had emerged victorious.

But Miss Cairns was not deceived. Under the unexpected blow, Marshall had turned older. His clear blue eyes had grown less alert, his broad shoulders seemed to stoop. In sympathy, her own eyes filled with sudden tears.

"What will you do?" she whispered.

"I don't know what I shall do," said Marshall simply. "I should have liked to have resigned. It's a prettier finish. After forty years--to be dismissed by cable is--it's a poor way of ending it."

Miss Cairns rose and walked to the door. There she turned and looked back.

"I am sorry," she said. And both understood that in saying no more than that she had best shown her sympathy.

An hour later the sympathy of Admiral Hardy was expressed more directly.

"If he comes on board my ship," roared that gentleman, "I'll push him down an ammunition hoist and break his damned neck!"

Marshall laughed delightedly. The loyalty of his old friend was never so welcome.

"You'll treat him with every courtesy," he said. "The only satisfaction he gets out of this is to see that he has hurt me. We will not give him that satisfaction."

But Marshall found that to conceal his wound was more difficult than he had anticipated. When, at tea time, on the deck of the war-ship, he again met Senator Hanley and the guests of the SERAPIS, he could not forget that his career had come to an end. There was much to remind him that this was so. He was made aware of it by the sad, sympathetic glances of the women; by their tactful courtesies; by the fact that Livingstone, anxious to propitiate Hanley, treated him rudely; by the sight of the young officers, each just starting upon a career of honor, and possible glory, as his career ended in humiliation; and by the big war-ship herself, that recalled certain crises when he had only to press a button and war-ships had come at his bidding.

At five o'clock there was an awkward moment. The Royal Mail boat, having taken on her cargo, passed out of the harbor on her way to Jamaica, and dipped her colors. Senator Hanley, abandoned to his fate, observed her departure in silence.

Livingstone, hovering at his side, asked sympathetically: "Have they answered your cable, sir?" "They have," said Hanley gruffly.

"Was it--was it satisfactory?" pursued the diplomat. "It WAS," said the senator, with emphasis.

Far from discouraged, Livingstone continued his inquiries.

"And when," he asked eagerly, "are you going to tell him?"

"Now!" said the senator.

The guests were leaving the ship. When all were seated in the admiral's steam launch, the admiral descended the accommodation ladder and himself picked up the tiller ropes.

"Mr. Marshall," he called, "when I bring the launch broadside to the ship and stop her, you will stand ready to receive the consul's salute."

Involuntarily, Marshall uttered an exclamation of protest. He had forgotten that on leaving the war-ship, as consul, he was entitled to seven guns. Had he remembered, he would have insisted that the ceremony be omitted. He knew that the admiral wished to show his loyalty, knew that his old friend was now paying him this honor only as a rebuke to Hanley. But the ceremony was no longer an honor. Hanley had made of it a mockery. It served only to emphasize what had been taken from him. But, without a scene, it now was too late to avoid it. The first of the seven guns had roared from the bow, and, as often he had stood before, as never he would so stand again, Marshall took his place at the gangway of the launch. His eyes were fixed on the flag, his gray head was uncovered, his hat was pressed above his heart.

For the first time since Hanley had left the consulate, he fell into sudden terror lest he might give way to his emotions. Indignant at the thought, he held himself erect. His face was set like a mask, his eyes were untroubled. He was determined they should not see that he was suffering.

Another gun spat out a burst of white smoke, a stab of flame. There was an echoing roar. Another and another followed. Marshall counted seven, and then, with a bow to the admiral, backed from the gangway.

And then another gun shattered the hot, heavy silence. Marshall, confused, embarrassed, assuming he had counted wrong, hastily returned to his place. But again before he could leave it, in savage haste a ninth gun roared out its greeting. He could not still be mistaken. He turned appealingly to his friend. The eyes of the admiral were fixed upon the war-ship. Again a gun shattered the silence. Was it a jest? Were they laughing at him? Marshall flushed miserably. He gave a swift glance toward the others. They were smiling. Then it was a jest. Behind his back, something of which they all were cognizant was going forward. The face of Livingstone alone betrayed a like bewilderment to his own. But the others, who knew, were mocking him.

For the thirteenth time a gun shook the brooding swamp land of Porto Banos. And then, and not until then, did the flag crawl slowly from the mast-head. Mary Cairns broke the tenseness by bursting into tears. But Marshall saw that every one else, save she and Livingstone, were still smiling. Even the bluejackets in charge of the launch were grinning at him. He was beset by smiling faces. And then from the war-ship, unchecked, came, against all regulations, three long, splendid cheers.

Marshall felt his lips quivering, the warm tears forcing their way to his eyes. He turned beseechingly to his friend. His voice trembled.

"Charles," he begged, "are they laughing at me?"

Eagerly, before the other would answer, Senator Hanley tossed his cigar into the water and, scrambling forward, seized Marshall by the hand.

"Mr. Marshall," he cried, "our President has great faith in Abraham Lincoln's judgment of men. And this salute means that this morning he appointed you our new minister to The Hague. I'm one of those politicians who keeps his word. I told you I'd take your tin sign away from you by sunset. I've done it!"

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The Vertical Fields - Fielding Dawson

The Vertical Fields by Fielding Dawson

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English

Cuentos clásicos en inglés

The Vertical Fields - Fielding Dawson (1930-2002)

On Christmas Eve around 1942, when I was a boy, after having the traditional punch and cookies and after having sung 'round the fire (my Aunty Mary at the piano), I, with my sister, my mother and my aunts, and Emma Jackman and her son, got into Emma Jackman's car and drove down Taylor Avenue to church for the midnight service: I looked out the rear window at passing houses, doors adorned with holly wreaths, I looked into windows--catching glimpses of tinseled trees and men and women and children moving through rooms into my mind and memory forever; the car slowed to the corner stop at Jefferson and the action seemed like a greater action, of Christmas in a cold damp Missouri night; patches of snow lay on the ground and in the car the dark figures of my mother and sister and aunts talked around me and the car began to move along in an air of sky--at bottom dark and cold, seeming to transform the car, my face, and hands, pressed close to the glass as I saw my friends with their parents in their cars take the left turn onto Argonne Drive and look for a parking place near the church; Emma Jackman followed, and I watched heavily coated figures make their exists, and move down the winter walk toward the jewel-like glittering church--up the steps into the full light of the doorway--fathers and sons and mothers and daughters I knew and understood them all, I gazed at them with blazing eyes: light poured from open doors; high arched stained glass windows cast downward slanting shafts of color across the cold churchyard, and the organ boomed inside while we parked and got out and walked along the sidewalk, I holding my mother's right arm, my sister held mother's left arm (mother letting us a little support her)--down the sidewalk to join others at the warmly good noisy familiar threshold: spirits swirled up the steps into the church and Billy Berthold handed out the Christmas leaflets, I gripped mine. I looked at the dominant blue illustration of Birth in white and yellow rays moving outward to form a circle around the Christ child's skull as Mary downward gazed; Joseph; kneeling wisemen downward gazed; I gazed down the long center aisle at the rising altar's dazzling cross and we moved down the aisle, slipped in front of Mr. and Mrs. Sloan and my buddy Lorry, Mr. and Mrs. Dart and my buddy Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Reid and my buddy Gene and his brother Ed--we then knelt away the conscious realization of our selves among music in the House of the Lord, I conscious of a voice that, slowly, coarsely, wandered--the I (eye) in see, hear me (I), we were on our feet singing, and the choir swept down the aisle, their familiar faces moving side to side as collective voices raised in anthem I held the hymnbook open and my mother and sister and I sang in celebration of God the crowded and brightly decorated--pine boughs and holly wreaths hung around the walls with candles high on each pew, I glanced at the gleaming cross--my spine arched, and far beyond the church, beyond the front door, beyond the land of the last sentence in James Joyce's _Dubliners_ a distant door seemed to open away beyond pungent green of pine gathered around rich red hollyberry clusters, red velvet, white-yellow center of candle flame, white of silk, gold of tassle, and gleaming glittering eternally cubistic gold cross and darkness of wooden beams powerfully sweeping upward--apex for the strange smoky penuma that so exhilarated me, I who smiled and reeled in a vast cold cold gaze down at myself listening to Charles Kean's Christian existentialist sermon in time before the plate was passed and the choir had singing, gone, and we were outside, I standing by my sister; my mother and aunts were shaking Charles's hand, I shook that solid hand warmly, and I walked down the steps, my mother and sister and aunts again, again, once again it rushed through me taking my breath, my spine arched toward trees and streets walking slowly breathing deep I moved down the sidewalk, eyes crystallizing streets yards houses and all lives within; my perception forked upward through treetops into the vertical fields of space, and a moment later, in the crowded back seat of the car, as Emma Jackman started the engine, I breathed vapor on the rear window, and with my finger, I signed my name.

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sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2021

Uso de whose en inglés - Pronombres relativos

Whose cuándo se usa - Pronombres Relativos en inglés

Gramática Inglesa - English Grammar - Recursos Educativos en inglés

Whose - Pronombres relativos en inglés

En este artículo, nos centraremos en el uso de whose en inglés. Te recomiendo que antes leas: Who, which y that - Pronombres Relativos en inglés

¿Cuándo utilizar el pronombre relativo whose?

Whose puede usarse como pronombre relativo y también para hacer una pregunta. Aquí sólo veremos whose como pronombre relativo. Si quieres utilizarlo para hacer una pregunta, puedes leerlo en Preguntas con WH-Questions 02 - When, Which, Whose, How.

Como pronombre relativo, whose se traduce como "cuyo". Whose indica una relación de pertenencia o parentesco.

The woman, whose cat is black, is my mother - La mujer, cuyo gato es negro, es mi madre.

WHOSE se utiliza como pronombre relativo en inglés, cuando conecta dos cosas (o personas) que están relacionadas por posesión, parentesco o pertenencia.

Características de whose como pronombre relativo

Whose debe ir seguido del sustantivo al que se refiere. No se pone un artículo o un sujeto, sino directamente el sustantivo (o grupo nominal).

Después de whose simplemente se pone el nombre.

A person whose father…

Sustituir "whose" por " of which" en algunos casos:

Para las cosas, se puede utilizar of which en lugar de whose. La mayor parte de las veces, esto se hace en el lenguaje escrito.

Cuando whose NO es un pronombre relativo: para hacer una pregunta

Cuando no se trata de un pronombre relativo, whose, when, where, why, etc., se utiliza para formular una pregunta. Para saber más sobre este tema, consulta ⇒ Preguntas con WH-Questions 01 - What, where, why, who y Preguntas con WH-Questions 02 - When, Which, Whose, How

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  • Was going to - El futuro en el pasado
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  • Preguntas con WH-Questions 02 - When, Which, Whose, How
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  • Nombres contables e incontables en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Interrogativa
  • Cómo Preguntar y decir el precio en inglés

Adblock test (Why?)

Was going to - El futuro en el pasado

What tense is was going to? Uso de was going to

"Sí, iba a hacer la comida, pero finalmente alguien me vino a visitar".

En esta frase "Iba a hacer la comida", es una acción planificada, una intención. Fue una pequeña frase en la que usaste el tiempo futuro en el pasado.

Ahora, lo que aprenderemos es a expresar el mismo tipo de frases en inglés, especialmente con Was going to.

Was going to y el tiempo futuro en el pasado

Podemos utilizar "was going to" para hablar del futuro a partir de un momento del pasado: cuando hablamos de cosas que estaban previstas o de intenciones:

I was going to visit our London house, but my train was delayed. - Iba a visitar nuestra casa de Londres, pero mi tren se retrasó.

*** Es la intención que está en el pasado y que ha cambiado. El tiempo al que se refiere la intención puede ser tanto en el futuro como en el pasado:

Tomorrow we were going to go to the cinema but our car has broken down. Mañana íbamos a ir al cine pero nuestro coche se ha estropeado.

On Monday I was going to meet Anna, but she didn't show up. El lunes iba a quedar con Anna, pero no apareció.

Esta estructura también se utiliza para explicar por qué no se ha producido un hecho, para pedir una disculpa, para explicar un cambio de proyecto, para explicar un contexto:

I was going to invite Anna tonight. Do you think it’s a good idea? - Iba a invitar a Anna esta noche. ¿Crees que es una buena idea?

Hello Anna, I was going to send you a message today, but I totally forgot. Hola Anna, iba a enviarte un mensaje hoy, pero se me olvidó por completo.

We were going to have breakfast together, but we decided to meet for lunch instead. Íbamos a desayunar juntos, pero decidimos reunirnos para almorzar.

Was going to es una forma fácil de recordar para expresar una intención que tenías, o una acción que habías planeado. Por supuesto, hay otras formas de hablar del futuro en el pasado (veremos dos de ellas a continuación), pero si sólo recuerdas Was going to, ya serás capaz de expresarte en la mayoría de las situaciones.

También podemos utilizar los tiempos perfectos con "going to" para expresar diferentes perspectivas en el pasado:

He has been going to clean the garage for months. I don’t think he ever will.

Hay otras estructuras que pueden utilizarse para hablar del futuro en el pasado. El pretérito continuo puede usarse para arreglos en el pasado:

I was meeting the lawyer at 5pm. He quedado con el abogado a las 17h.

En el estilo más formal, "was/were to" puede utilizarse para hablar de planes y acuerdos:

We were to hold a live interview this day, but some technical problems prevented us from doing so. Este día íbamos a realizar una entrevista en directo, pero algunos problemas técnicos nos lo impidieron.

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Adblock test (Why?)