jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2021

Advent: 24 easy Christmas activities

Advent: 24 easy Christmas activities

From the end of November onwards, the playgrounds are abuzz with excitement. As the big Christmas Eve approaches, the excitement builds and builds and builds. Here are some suggestions, one per day, to ease your children's wait and share their fun.

1 December: buying the tree

Christmas means a tree! Let's start here. Young and old go on an expedition to find THE tree. Did you know that this tradition was born in Alsace in the 16th century? Mini fir, large fir, frosted fir, natural or artificial, there is something for every taste and price. You can even adopt a tree, have it delivered, enjoy it and return it. So how do you choose the perfect Christmas tree?

2 December: decorating the tree

Put the tree in the middle of the living room and let your children decorate it as they please. Homemade wonders, angel hair, glittering balls, figurines... It takes at least two hours to make it more beautiful than ever. To inspire you, magicmaman has selected the most beautiful Christmas trees on Pinterest.Banish candles, too dangerous, and only light the garlands of light in your presence because of possible short-circuits.

3 December: Letter to Santa

Get out the paper, pencils and all the toy ideas you've collected over the past few weeks! Draw out with your child the ideas that interest him. This is the time to gently guide his choices: is he sure to have fun with this board game? And what about that stuffed toy? And what about that doll? Once the letter to Santa is finished, put it in the letterbox. Every year, the Post Office receives thousands of letters addressed to "Santa in the sky"... and replies to them, so let your child discover Santa reading his mail! In a few days, your child will receive a card from Father Christmas.

4 December: Christmas songs

Why not learn one or two songs that you will enjoy singing with your family on 25 December? ⇒ Villancicos en Inglés - Christmas Songs

5 December: Christmas customs

Describe to your children some of the Christmas customs of foreign countries? In France, we put our shoes in the fireplace, but elsewhere? In England, we hang all the Christmas cards we receive on the walls. In Germany, we eat roast goose with red cabbage and apples. In Ireland, they leave a glass of whisky for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. In Iceland, the disobedient child will find a potato in his shoe...

6 December: the Christmas primer

What if we invented the "Christmas alphabet" game? A for tree or angel, B for ball, C for presents, turkey (Christmas!), shooting star, foliage, garland, holly, illumination, toy... We'll let you guess what happens next. The one who finds the most names wins. To be adapted to the age of your children.

7 December: generosity

Thinking of the most disadvantaged is also the meaning of this holiday. Help your children sort through their toys and donate some.

8 December: the decoration workshop

You have the afternoon ahead of you. Why not start thinking about decorating the tree. Sit your children around a large table and let them create wonders. Think of pine cones sprayed with gold paint.

9 December: Photo with Santa

Father Christmases invade the streets, we don't know where to turn... It's time to have your photo taken with him to keep a nice souvenir of this year's festivities. We pose as a family and why not everyone in a row... Then, we paste the photos in a small notebook. What a pleasure to see him the following year!

10 December: gifts for the ones you love

Gifts are always nice, and gifts from the heart even more so. The little ones don't need money to make them and everyone will find something to make: a drawing for the nanny, a pearl bracelet for the big sister...

11 December: Previous Christmases

Back in time, we try to remember previous Christmases. What was the menu? How was the log? What kind of presents did we get? How was the tree decorated? It's fun to look at the old photos taken around the fireplace... From one year to the next, the children note all the changes!

12 December: the birds

The cold weather has arrived and the birds are not happy to find their food. Show your children how to help them by putting some butter, an apple or some biscuits on the windowsill. They can also build a wooden feeder on the balcony with your help.

13 December: animated shop windows

As Christmas and the festive season approaches, the shop windows make their appearance. Each one is as sparkling and wonderful as the next, and young and old alike can't get enough of them. It is the occasion to walk around and admire the windows and decorations in the street. Ask your children to give their opinion: the most beautiful window display, the funniest or the most tender. Finally, let off steam on the ugliest one! Let yourself be amazed by the magic of Christmas.

14 December: the Christmas truce

We declare "the Christmas truce": no arguments, the rooms are tidied up and we go to bed without a fuss... This holiday is well worth a twenty-four hour effort of wisdom. And why not more...

15 December: a greeting card

Every year it's the same headache to find a nice card, an original idea or to avoid writing the same sentences as in previous years, but it's always a pleasure! Grandparents who can no longer travel, an uncle abroad, a godmother confined to bed with a nasty flu, a boyfriend who has just moved away... This is the time to wish them a happy holiday and to tell them that we love them and are thinking of them. It is also a time to write your wishes for the new year and to convey positive feelings, hope and joy. To celebrate this new year, you can take your best pen to write a few words or your coloured pencils to draw or colour a Santa Claus. You can also model a heart, a tree, a star in salt dough, then paint them. They will be sensitive to this gesture.

16 December: a show or a film

The big day is approaching and your children are getting more and more impatient. Why not take them to a show: concert, cinema, theatre or puppet show? There are plenty of possibilities during the Christmas period. Ask around, there's sure to be an event or show in your town that you won't want to miss.

17 December: a little imagination

Today, let your imagination run wild. Do the children really know who Father Christmas is? Let them embroider and invent his life as they wish... Just ask them the right questions: Where does he live? Does he have a wife? Does he really come down the chimney? Can his sleigh and reindeer fly?

18 December: a walk in the forest

Let's go for a walk in the forest! The day's harvest (branches, pine cones...) painted in gold or silver will be perfect to give the house a festive look.

19 December: the start of the holidays

If your children are in school, this is the beginning of the holidays, which means the beginning of the party. It's time to sing all the lovely nursery rhymes learnt in class and to look at all the beautiful drawings of Father Christmas, sleighs and presents in the notebooks with the family. And why not end the evening by reading a nice Christmas story?

20 December: Christmas crib

A Christmas crib with real characters is a beautiful and emotional spectacle.

21 December: Christmas from your childhood

Tell your children about your own Christmas... when you were little. It's even better if their grandparents do it. Your imps will be very surprised to know that in those days (not so long ago after all!), the Christmas trees were not overflowing with toys as they are today. They will also understand more easily the link between generations.

22 December: choosing an outfit

What do you wear on the big day? You may have already done some shopping, but if not, the whole family will be looking for the nicest outfits in their wardrobes. The children even have a look at their mother's outfit! There is still time to buy the missing ribbon or the pair of socks to match the shirt...

23 December: Christmas shortbread

It smells good in the house. Disguised fruits, logs, shortbread... Children take over the kitchen and turn into little chefs... Tell them about the American custom of giving homemade cupcakes to neighbours.

24 December: preparing the table

The excitement is at its peak and the Christmas story is also about preparing the table. It is important to have a beautiful Christmas table when you receive your family. Preparing and setting the table together for tonight's guests is a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to bond. If you're short on ideas, keep it simple without breaking the bank - it's best to be manual, your decorations will never look as good as the product of your own hands. Then ask your child to paint the pine cones together in gold or silver, glue the glitter on the candles and make the Christmas candle holders from salt dough. When finished, put the shoes in the fireplace and go to bed! Who will hear Father Christmas putting the presents under the tree?

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