martes, 9 de noviembre de 2021

Recipe for making Stuffing of the Thanksgiving turkey

recipe for making Stuffing of the Thanksgiving turkey

Cooking recipes - How to make Stuffing of the Thanksgiving turkey?

If you want to cook the turkey in a really traditional way, you have to combine it with the famous stuffing, this preparation that will be used to stuff the turkey and give it its special taste.

Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday with its own set of traditions and codes that are mandatory for the proper conduct of the holiday, and stuffing the turkey is totally part of it! The stuffing will be used to stuff the turkey, but it will also become a side dish of choice if it is prepared according to the rules... That's why I'm giving you the recipe for American-style stuffing today!

Ingredients (For an 8 kg turkey):

  • 125 grams of nuts
  • Hard bread (1 baguette will do)
  • 1 onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 apple (preferably granny)
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 85 grams of butter
  • 5 to 10 olives
  • One chicken stock
  • 5 spoons of fresh parsley
  • Black pepper
  • Salt

Steps for making Stuffing of the Thanksgiving turkey:

  1. Toast the nuts in a frying pan, let them cool before cutting them roughly.
  2. Break the bread into small pieces. Brown the pieces in 40 grams of butter in a pan.
  3. Chop the celery and fry the celery and onions in a separate pan with the remaining 45 grams of butter for about 7/8 minutes.
  4. Once the celery and onions are browned, add the bread, nuts, chopped granny apple, chopped olives, sliced carrots and parsley to the pan.
  5. Add 240ml of chicken stock, salt and pepper.
  6. Cover and cook over a low heat for 1 hour, checking very often that there is still liquid. If the mixture becomes too dry, add more stock.
  7. Recipe for making thanksgiving turkey

🔆Thanksgiving recipes

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