miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2021

A Thanksgiving Fable - Poesías en inglés Acción de Gracias

Thanksgiving A Thanksgiving Fable

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Poems in English - Thanksgiving Poems

Poesías en inglés Acción de Gracias

Thanksgiving A Thanksgiving Fable

It was a hungry pussy cat,
upon Thanksgiving morn,
And she watched a thankful little mouse,
that ate an ear of corn.

"If I ate that thankful little mouse,
how thankful he should be,
When he has made a meal himself,
to make a meal for me!

"Then with his thanks for having fed,
and his thanks for feeding me,
With all his thankfulness inside,
how thankful I shall be!"
Thus mused the hungry pussy cat,
upon Thanksgiving Day;
But the little mouse had overheard and declined (with thanks) to stay.

Thanks so much to Leo_81, for sending in this poem

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