jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2021

Recipe for making Sweet potato puree

recipe for making Sweet potato puree

Cooking recipes - How to make Sweet potato puree?

Just like turkey, or stuffing, mashed sweet potato is an integral part of any self-respecting Thanksgiving... Americans wouldn't consider celebrating Thanksgiving without this sweet side dish, and this tradition dates back to the late 1700's.

To be fair, neither mashed potatoes nor sweet potatoes were part of the first Thanksgiving in history, in 1621... It was not until 150 years later, in the late 1700s, that the first traces of the sweet potato appeared in Thanksgiving recipes. At first, there were plenty of pumpkins, but no sweet potatoes in sight, since the first Thanksgiving meal took place in Boston, Massachusetts, a place not known for growing potatoes! The Indians were already eating sweet potatoes in the south of the USA, since this starch grows really well in a warm and humid climate, but they had not yet brought it north at that time.

At the same time, in the mid-1700s, mashed potatoes were THE dish of the day because white potatoes were easy to produce, cheap and very filling. It appeared at the Thanksgiving table in 1747, and was cooked with butter, milk, salt and cream. About fifty years later, around 1800, the sweet potato was democratised in the United States and the recipe for sweet potato puree became obligatory on the Thanksgiving table, as did turkey or pumpkin pie.


  • 60 g de beurre doux
  • 30 g de crème fraîche épaisse
  • 3 g de sel
  • 6 g de sucre en poudre
  • 500 g de patates douces
  • Sel et poivre pour assaisonnement

Steps for making Sweet potato puree:

  1. Peler les patates douces, les couper en quartier sur la longueur puis les recouper au centre pour en faire des morceaux d’environ 1 cm d’épaisseur
    Mettre le beurre, la crème, le sel, le sucre et les patates douces dans une grande casserole
  2. Couvrir la casserole puis faire cuire le tout à feu doux en mélangeant de temps en temps jusqu’à ce que les patates douces commencent à se détacher avec une fourchette (entre 30 et 45 minutes de cuisson)
    Ôter la casserole du feu et écraser les patates douces dans le contenant avec un presse purée
  3. Si vous souhaitez que la purée soit vraiment onctueuse (sans morceaux), vous pouvez passer le tout dans un mixer de cuisine.
  4. Assaisonner avec le sel et le poivre à la convenance et servir immédiatement

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