martes, 1 de febrero de 2022

Beautiful Life - Michael Kiwanuka - Lyrics - Letra y video

Letra y video de Beautiful Life - Michael Kiwanuka - Lyrics

Letra en inglés y Vídeo de la canción, Beautiful Life - Michael Kiwanuka


Colors fool my brain as daylight fills my window
What a fool I was to sit and watch you go
Falling through my arms like whispers through my heartstrings
On and on, it goes

Only know so far from days that left me lonely
People come sometimes and then they let you go
I don't know myself, but boy you really showed me
On and on, it goes

You give me life
Beautiful life

All my chains are gone and all the guns are loaded
I need someone close to never let me go
Someone's crawling and I hear it like an echo
On and on, it goes

You give me life
Beautiful life

But it's a beautiful good life
I had the feeling my whole life
I was caught in a nightmare
Now we're breathing the same air
I live my life in a daydream
All the colors are so clean
And it's a beautiful good life
It's a beautiful good life

Someone love me 'cause I feel like I could explode
You made peace, I start a war all on my own
Falling through my arms like whispers through my heartstrings
On and on, it goes

You give me life
Beautiful life

But it's a beautiful good life
I had the feeling my whole life
I was caught in a nightmare
Now we're breathing the same air
I live my life in a daydream
All the colors are so clean
And it's a beautiful good life
It's a beautiful good life
It's a beautiful good life
It's a beautiful good life
You know the world as it comes, though
But you don't have to crumble
'Cause it's a beautiful good life
It's a beautiful good life
It's a beautiful good life


Cursos de inglés niveles básico, intermedio, avanzado

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Love & Hate - Michael Kiwanuka - Lyrics - Letra y video

Letra y video de Love & Hate - Michael Kiwanuka - Lyrics

Letra en inglés y Vídeo de la canción, Love & Hate - Michael Kiwanuka


Standing now
Calling all the people here to see the show
Calling for my demons now to let me go
I need something, give me something wonderful

I believe
She won't take me somewhere I'm not supposed to be
You can't steal the things that god has given me
No more pain and no more shame and misery

You can't take me down
You can't break me down
You can't take me down

You can't take me down
You can't break me down
You can't take me down

Love and hate
How much more are we supposed to tolerate
Can't you see there's more to me than my mistakes
Sometimes I get this feeling - makes me hesitate

I believe
She won't take me somewhere I'm not supposed to be
You can't steal the things that god has given me
No more pain and no more shame and misery

You can't take me down
You can't break me down
You can't take me down

You can't break me down
You can't take me down
You can't break me down

I can see a place of trouble
And I'm on the verge
For the love of everybody
I need something more

Now I feel some days of trouble
I'm in the house of war
For the love of everybody
Look behind the wall

Standing now
Calling all the people here to see the show
Calling for my demons now to let me go
I need something, give me something wonderful


Cursos de inglés niveles básico, intermedio, avanzado

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February - Dibujos Meses del año para Colorear en Inglés

February - Dibujos Profesiones para Colorear en Inglés

Recursos Educativos en inglés - Coloring Pages Months of the Year

Láminas para Colorear en Inglés
Meses del año

02. February - Febrero

Para Imprimir la lámina, se recomienda, guardarla primero en el PC.

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lunes, 31 de enero de 2022

Bucket List: Ideas for writing it

Bucket List: Ideas for writing it

Skydiving, going around the world or starting your own business... all these things we'd like to do "before we die" pile up in a corner of our heads. And then, as time goes by, we start to regret not having achieved our dreams or goals...

To make your plans a reality, many psychologists attest to the usefulness of writing a list to start a new dynamic within yourself. Writing this list, called a Bucket List, is exciting, and allows you to get to know yourself better. To help you write it, here are ideas that may awaken your own dreams. Get inspired, formulate your wishes and make the great decision to make them come true. You can use the article How to create a Bucket List to help you write it.

Go on a long bike ride
Long-distance cycling
Dog sledding in Lapland
Participate in the festival of colours in India
Cross a desert by camel
Roadtrip in Iceland
Horseback riding in the pampas of Argentina
Floating in the Dead Sea
Celebrate St Patrick's Day in Ireland
Take a gondola ride
Seeing rice fields
See the Northern Lights
See penguins in their natural habitat
Cycling in the Netherlands
Picking rice
Digging for gold in the Yukon
Sending a message to the sea from the North Pole
Treading on grapes during the harvest
Seeing a sunset in the desert
Dive into a cenote
Set foot on the equator
Sleeping in a hut over the water
Taste parmeggiano cheese in Italy
Explore Quebec
Discovering Tibet
Discover the steppes of Mongolia
Climb an active volcano
Try to spot the Loch Ness monster in Scotland
Climb Kilimanjaro
Touch the glaciers in New Zealand
Sailing on Lake Titicaca
Explore the Amazon jungle
See the midnight sun in Norway
Visit a redwood forest


Star gazing with a guide
Build a hut
Sleep in a yurt
Take photography classes
Doing humanitarian missions
Learning a dance with my partner
Make fire with wood, flint
Building a raft
Harpoon fishing
Sleeping in an igloo
Learning to sew
Taking a mud bath
Keeping friends
Telling your loved ones you love them
Diving under the ice
Riding a steam train
Raising dogs
Experience eco-volunteering
Eat pizza in Italy
Tango dancing in Argentina
Party in Las Vegas
Visit Yellowstone Park
Experience the Thai Festival of Lights
Walk a little piece of the Great Wall of China
Attend the Rio carnival
Visit the Taj-Mahal
Throw tomatoes at the La Tomatina festival in Spain
Make a wish at the Trevi Fountain in Rome
Cross the USA from east to west
See the Kremlin
Visit Easter Island
Party in Cancun
Crossing Russia on the Trans-Siberian Railway
Cross Australia in a van
Travelling through South America on two wheels


Writing a children's book
Writing a short story and entering it in a competition
Go paragliding
Go skydiving
Go surfing
Take a hot air balloon ride
Open a shop
Open a restaurant
Open a gîte
Start a family
Go scuba diving
Start my own business
Change someone's life
Learn to rescue
Get a boat licence
Get a motorbike licence
Attend a flying lantern release
Volunteer in an association
Plant a tree
Learn a language
See an aurora borealis
Give a lecture
Sleep under the stars on a beach
Set foot on each of the continents
Go skydiving
Bungee jumping
Have my own show
Learn a musical instrument
Keep a diary
Run a marathon
Climb Mont Blanc
Go on an expedition to the North Pole
Learn to draw
Buy a bus and refurbish it
Live like a shepherd
Make a film
See a geyser
Take a bath in a natural pool
Teaching abroad


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Ep 132: Expresiones para call center/servicio al cliente en inglés.

 En el día de , tenemos un tema que es muy solicitado por los oyentes del podcast en youtube. Y es sobre las expresiones para call center, esas frases que necesitas para ir desde cómo responder la llamada, ofrecer asistencia, dar respuesta a la resolución del problema y terminar la llamada Y eso vamos a hablar hoy.

Este tema del vocabulario para call center si que ha sido muy pedido y considero que es un tema que sera de mucha ayuda, dado que en esa área tanto tu como yo, llevamos muchos años de experiencia, pero antes de iniciar con nuestra tema vamos a escuchar la frase del dia, the quote of the day:

One customer well taken care of could be more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertising. – Jim Rohn


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Lee el articulo sobre este episodio aqui:

Empecemos con algunas frases Para darle la bienvenida al cliente: 

Thank you for calling customer service. My name is starlin. May I have your name please? 

Algunas compañías piden que digas el nombre de la compañía al abrir la llamada, ejemplo: Thank you for calling ATT, May I have your name please? 

Seguimos con Frases alternativas para ofrecer ayuda: 

How can I help you? ¿Cómo puedo ayudarle?

What can I help you with today? ¿Cómo le puedo ayudar hoy?

Si tienes que  hacer esperar a un cliente, estas expresiones te serán de ayuda: 

A veces, antes de solucionar el problema de un cliente tendrás que hacer alguna comprobación y probablemente hacerle esperar, si es así, estas frases te ayudarán:

Are  you able to hold for a moment while I check on that? ¿Puede esperar un momento mientras lo reviso?

I’ll check and be right back. Lo reviso y vuelvo.

Cuando regreses no olvides darle las gracias por esperarte

Thanks for waiting Mr. Smith. Gracias por su espera Sr. Smith.

Si no entiendes a un cliente, que dices? 

Es posible que en un momento dado, no entiendas a un cliente. Tranquilo no te pongas nervioso, si eso sucede pídele que te lo repita:

I’m sorry but I didn’t understand you exactly. Lo siento, pero no lo entendí exactamente.Could you repeat that, please? ¿Puede repetir eso por favor?

Could You say that again? ¿Puedes decir eso otra vez?

Y si llegan las quejas, que debes decir? 

Los clientes acuden en muchas ocasiones a los servicios de atención al cliente cuando tienen alguna queja. ¿Cómo debes responder? En este caso, el cliente espera que tú le des soluciones a su problema, por lo que tu vocabulario debe ser muy positivo:

I will be more than happy to assist you… Estaré más que feliz de ayudarle.

I completely understand your situation… Puedo entender perfectamente su situación…

What can I do for you right now is… Lo que ahora mismo puedo hacer por usted es…

I assure I will try my best… Le aseguró que haré lo mejor que pueda…

Seguimos con expresiones  Para terminar la interacion con el cliente: 

Para cerrar la llamada, luego de que le has dado una resolución al cliente, puedes usar las siguientes expresiones;

Is there anything else I can assist you with today? 

Anything else I can do for you? 

Si el cliente dice no, terminas la llamada diciendo algo como: 

Thank you for calling customer service. Have a good day/Have a great day. 

Únete a una comunidad con tus mismo intereses y practica tu inglés.

Desde los inicios de los tiempos los seres humanos hemos necesitado la comunidad para fortalecernos y crecer juntos y eso no ha cambiado, el ser humano es un ser social y la socialización en torno a un tema de interés común te ayudara a aprender mas rápido, es por esto que te recomiendo que busques una comunidad con tus mismos intereses para que puedas practicar tu inglés, socializar, aprender y compartir lo que sabes, eso de verdad que ayuda mucho.

En EnglishwayRD creemos que la comunidad es importante para el aprendizaje y por eso tenemos nuestro club de inglés en Whatsapp. Únete y comparte y aprende en comunidad.

Conoce a los presentadores del podcast

Starlin santos

Co-fundador de englishwayrd, host del podcast englishwayrd. Profesor de ingles con mas de 5 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del idioma inglés. TEFL certified.

Thomas martinez

Co-fundador de englishwayrd, host del podcast englishwayrd. Profesor de inglés certificado con 4 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del idioma ingles y mas de 1o años en el aprendizaje de inglés. TEFL certified.

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High - The Chainsmokers - Lyrics - Letra y video

Letra y video de High - The Chainsmokers - Lyrics

Letra en inglés y Vídeo de la canción, High - The Chainsmokers


Woah, woah
So far, so good
Mhmm, mhm, mhm, yep

Why? You only say you love me when you're high
It's like we go through the same shit every night
Oh why, oh why?
You always swear that it’s gonna change, but it never does
Why? You'll only say you love me when you're high
It's like we go through the same shit every night
Oh why, oh why?
You always swear that shit's gonna change, but it never does

Tell me that you're gonna change
Then act like this instead
I'm too old to want somebody who's always switching up their friends
I can’t make you love me but at least you could pretend
Scripts gonna leads to fifths until I'm fucked out of my head
You play the same old songs I know that you’re different in your Air Force Ones
Filling my prescription I could bite your tongue
Like I got an addiction yeah
You always say this shit’s gonna change, but it never does

Why? You only say you love me when you're high
It's like we go through the same shit every night
Oh why, oh why?
You always swear that it’s gonna change, but it never does
Why? You'll only say you love me when you're high
It's like we go through the same shit every night
Oh why, oh why?
You always swear that shit's gonna change, but it never does

I know it’s my fault I pick up your phone call
When it’s half past one and you’re halfway drunk
You say you love me and it sounds so dumb
But you're the only one I can run away from the same old songs
I know that you’re different in your Air Force Ones
Filling my prescription I could bite your tongue
Like I got an addiction yeah
You always say this shit’s gonna change, but it never does

Why? You only say you love me when you're high
It's like we go through the same shit every night
Oh why, oh why?
You always swear that it’s gonna change, but it never does
Why? You'll only say you love me when you're high
It's like we go through the same shit every night
Oh why, oh why?
You always swear that shit's gonna change, but it never does

#TheChainsmokers #High #TCS4

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Boys Don’t Cry - Anitta - Lyrics - Letra y video

Letra y video de Boys Don’t Cry - Anitta - Lyrics

Letra en inglés y Vídeo de la canción, Boys Don’t Cry - Anitta


Sometimes I call you when I can’t sleep
Now you keep asking me what that means
Oh no

In your feelings
I can feel it your in your feelings
You won’t admit it but
That’s why I push you away from me

Cause I know I know
It drives you crazy
Try to tame me
But nobody’s taking control all over me

Ooh baby baby you be talking tough
But your boys can’t get enough
When the girls don’t need your love
Who says boys don’t cry

Ooh baby baby you just outta touch
Cause your boys can’t get enough
When the girls don’t need your love
Who says boys don’t cry

Sometimes you call me when you’re too drunk
Oh God
Then you start telling me I’m the one
I’m not
In your feelings
I can feel it your in your feelings
You won’t admit it but
I thought that we was just having fun

Cause I know I know
It drives you crazy
Try to tame me
But nobody’s taking control all over me

Ooh baby baby you be talking tough
But your boys can’t get enough
When the girls don’t need your love
Who says boys don’t cry

Ooh baby baby you just outta touch
Cause your boys can’t get enough
When the girls don’t need your love
Who says boys don’t cry

Who says they don’t cry
Who says they don’t cry
Who says They don’t cry

Who says boys don’t cry

#anitta #boysdontcry

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