viernes, 25 de febrero de 2022

Ep 138: Los usos de la palabra FUCK que debes conocer.

En inglés hay muchas palabras, verbos, adjetivos y sustantivos como en cualquier otro idioma, pero no hay dos palabras tan representativas del idioma inglés como la palabra “FUCK”, esta palabra es parte de la cultura pop del idioma inglés y aunque no es una palabra que te recomiendo usar en situaciones formales como en una entrevista de trabajo o una cena con los padres de tu futura pareja, no debemos pasar por alto sus usos por que es muy frecuente y dominar esta palabra te ayudará a entender mas el ingles, la cultura americana, y la unica que con su sonido puede describir dolor, amor, odio y placer

«Stop fiving a fuck what other people think» – Gaey Vaynerchuck.


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Que aprenderás en este episodio?

  • Los usos mas comunes de la palabra FUCK.


Lee la transcripción de la clase en el episodio:

Starlin: Iniciamos hablando de esta palabrita multiuso que como muchas proviene del Aleman. En la actualidad, la palabra «fuck» tiene una connotación sexual en inglés. Parecida al improperio «chingar»/»follar» que igualmente, es maleable y puede adaptarse de varias formas.

La palabra “fuck” puede describir tanto el acto de copulación como ser usada como insulto, maldición, admiración, calificativo peyorativo o superlativo según la intención del interlocutor.

Thomas: Así es starlin, la palabra “fuck” o the F-word, Puede usarse en forma de adjetivo calificativo, para brindar información sobre las características del sustantivo, ejemplo:

Get your fucking car out of  the way.Saca tu jodido carro de la vía.

Starlin: También usamos la palabra fuck como adverbio, para modificar un verbo y agregar intensidad, ejemplo: 

Maria is so fucking beautiful – Maria es tan jodidamente bella

Thomas: Otro uso de la F-word (fuck) es Como sustantivo en oraciones como: 

I don’t give a fuck – No me importa un carajo.

Starlin: Como agresión la palabra fuck, se usa de diferentes formas, uno de ellos es: Fuck youJódete

También usamos esta palabra para expresar acuerdo, ejemplo: 

Fuck yeahJodidamente si

Y para expresar sorpresa también usamos esta poderosa palabra: 

Fucking amazingjodidamente increíble

Thomas: Otros usos de la palabra fuck, son para: 

Expresar amenaza:

Don’t fuck with me / No jodas conmigo

Cómo muestra de apatía:

Who gives a fuck? / ¿A quién le importa un carajo?

Starlin: cuando tienes que expresar Confusión también puedes hacer uso de esta palabra: What the fuck? o WTF? que es la versión corta y popular de esta frase, comúnmente usada en redes sociales / ¿Qué carajo?

Thomas: Otro uso común de esta palabra son para expresar Negación ejemplo, : I didn’t fucking do it / No lo hice, joder y Para mostrar ignorancia: He is such a fuck head / es un cabeza de mierda

Como te habrás dado cuenta, hay muy pocas palabras con la versatilidad de Fuck. Como en estos ejemplos que describen situaciones como:

Fraude: I got fucked at the used car lot. “Me jodieron en el lote de autos usados”.

Consternación: Aww, fuck it! ¡Ay, a la mierda!

Problema: I guess I’m really fucked now. «Supongo que ahora estoy realmente jodido».

Agresión: Don’t fuck with me, buddy. «No me jodas, amigo».

Starlin: Tambien la podemos usar para expresar: 

Dificultad: I don’t understand this fucking question. «No entiendo esta maldita pregunta».

Consulta: Who the fuck was that? «¿Quién diablos era ese?»

Insatisfacción: I don’t like what the fuck is going on here. «No me gusta lo que está pasando aquí».

Incompetencia:He’s a fuck off. «Está jodido».

Despedida: Why don’t you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself? «¿Por qué no sales y juegas a las escondidas y te vas a la mierda?»

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Únete a una comunidad con tus mismo intereses y practica tu inglés.

Desde los inicios de los tiempos los seres humanos hemos necesitado la comunidad para fortalecernos y crecer juntos y eso no ha cambiado, el ser humano es un ser social y la socialización en torno a un tema de interés común te ayudara a aprender mas rápido, es por esto que te recomiendo que busques una comunidad con tus mismos intereses para que puedas practicar tu inglés, socializar, aprender y compartir lo que sabes, eso de verdad que ayuda mucho.

En EnglishwayRD creemos que la comunidad es importante para el aprendizaje y por eso tenemos nuestro club de inglés en Whatsapp. Únete y comparte y aprende en comunidad.

Conoce a los presentadores del podcast

Starlin santos

Co-fundador de englishwayrd, host del podcast englishwayrd. Profesor de ingles con mas de 5 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del idioma inglés. TEFL certified.

Thomas martinez

Co-fundador de englishwayrd, host del podcast englishwayrd. Profesor de inglés certificado con 4 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del idioma ingles y mas de 1o años en el aprendizaje de inglés. TEFL certified.

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World Pistachio Day - 26 February

World Pistachio Day - 26 February

26 February is World Pistachio Day, a food with many good properties for our health.

It is one of the most highly valued nuts in our gastronomy and helps us to regulate our cholesterol levels, maintain good blood pressure, control our weight and eat a healthy, balanced diet.

They contain vegetable proteins, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, and therefore help to reduce blood pressure and heart rate in stressful situations. They are a source of vitamin B6 which helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue. They also contain vitamins K, E and B1.

It is low in fat, it is the nut that contains the fewest calories and it also has a satiating effect, therefore, it is indicated in weight loss diets.

It improves and regulates intestinal transit, and is considered to be one of the most antioxidant foods in existence. It is the best nut for diabetes as it regulates blood glucose levels and improves insulin resistance.

As you can see, there are many advantages of pistachios, although it must also be said that their price is quite high because the plant takes about 7 years to produce the fruit.

This wonderful nut can be the ideal guest at your meetings and celebrations with family and friends. It can be transformed into an aperitif, so that your guests feel like royalty.

If you are on a diet and want to avoid consuming so many sweets and artificial products that damage your health, then take advantage of the benefits of pistachios. In addition, its consumption will calm your anxiety when you feel like eating foods that are harmful to your overall health.

For children, it is great, especially for those who suffer from allergies or are intolerant to certain foods containing fat or lactose.

Another option is to prepare a dish or dessert with this exceptional fruit, considered the food of the gods.

So now you know, World Pistachio Day is the perfect date for you to enjoy this rich and nutritious fruit in the many ways we have already mentioned. In addition, you can prepare a delicious recipe and share it on social networks using the hashtag
#WorldPistachioDay #PistachioDay.

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jueves, 24 de febrero de 2022

All in good time - Stories for Reflection

All in good time - Stories for Reflection, stories, tales, Stories in English for reflection

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English - Cuentos en inglés

All in good time - Stories to Think About

A man found a butterfly cocoon and took it home with him so that he could watch the butterfly as it emerged from it. One day he saw that there was a small hole and so he sat and watched for several hours. He noticed that the butterfly was struggling to make it bigger so that it could get out.

The man watched as the butterfly struggled hard to get its body through the small hole, until at one point it stopped. Apparently it was stuck.

So the good man decided to help the butterfly and with a small scissors he cut the hole a little to make it bigger, so that the butterfly could get out of the cocoon. However, when it managed to get out, its body was very swollen and its wings were small and bent. The man waited for the wings to open and the swelling of the body to go down, but neither happened and the butterfly could only crawl in circles, its little body swollen and its wings bent. It was never able to fly.

What man, in his kindness, did not understand, was that the restriction of the cocoon opening and the struggle needed to get out of the tiny hole was nature's way of sending fluids from the butterfly's body to its wings, so that they would become big and strong and then it could fly.

Freedom to fly was something that could only come after the struggle.


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World Rare Disease Day

 What are rare diseases? What are the most common rare diseases?

World Rare Disease Day has been celebrated on the last day of February since 2008.

The aim of the commemoration is to raise awareness and to help all people suffering from a so-called rare disease to receive timely diagnosis and treatment and, in the long run, to ensure a better life.

What are rare diseases?

Rare diseases are pathologies or disorders that affect a small part of the population and usually have a genetic component. They are also known as orphan diseases.

The diseases have a particular set of symptoms, and it is very difficult to diagnose the true cause. These disorders or alterations presented by patients have to be evaluated by a specialist, depending on each case.

Today, about 8% of the world's population suffers from them. Translated into numbers, this corresponds to approximately 350 million people affected.

Specific characteristics

  • Many of them are of genetic origin with a risk of transmission to offspring.
  • They are chronic and usually degenerative.
  • They are serious and cause some type of disability.
  • Their manifestation is early, although there are pathologies that manifest themselves in adulthood.
  • As they are little known processes, they take time to be diagnosed and their treatment is delayed.
  • They are of high aetiological and prognostic complexity.
  • Their treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach.

Rare diseases are those that affect a limited number of people out of the general population, less than one in 2,000. However, most of these diseases are even rarer, affecting one in 100,000 people. It is estimated that today there are between 5,000 and 8,000 different rare diseases, affecting between 6% and 8% of the population in total. We have selected 9 of them:

  • Fragile X syndrome
  • Moebius syndrome
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  • Prader Willi Syndrome
  • Schönlein-Henoch purpura
  • Hutchinson-Gilford progeria
  • Marfan syndrome
  • Congenital Insensitivity to Pain
  • Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome

How to celebrate World Rare Disease Day?

There are many contributions that we can make from our community, school or workplace to celebrate World Rare Disease Day. One way to contribute is to support patients and families going through this situation, either by making a donation, or simply documenting the issue by reading about it or attending lectures or symposia.

We also invite you to share your experiences on social media using the hashtag #WorldRareDiseasesDay #RareDiseases #RareDiseaseDay

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The history of the locksmith - Children's tales

stories, tales, Stories in English for reflection

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English - Cuentos en inglés

The history of the locksmith - Stories for children

Once upon a time there was a locksmith who was wrongly accused of crimes and condemned to live in a deep, dark prison. When he had been there for some time, his wife, who loved him dearly, came to the king and begged him to at least allow her to bring her husband a carpet so that he could perform his daily prostrations. The king considered this request just and gave the woman permission to bring him a prayer rug.

The prisoner thanked his wife for the carpet and faithfully performed his prostrations on it every day.

After a while, the man escaped from prison and when asked how he had managed it, he explained that after years of doing his prostrations and praying to get out of prison, he began to see what was right under his nose. One fine day he saw that his wife had woven into the carpet the pattern of the lock that held him prisoner. When he realised this and realised that he already had in his possession all the information he needed to escape, he began to make friends with his guards. And he convinced them that they would all live much better lives if they helped him and escaped from the prison together.

They agreed, for although they were guards, they understood that they were also prisoners. They also wanted to escape, but did not have the means to do so.

So the locksmith and his guards decided on the following plan: they would bring him pieces of metal and he would make useful things out of them to sell in the market. Together they would amass resources for the escape, and from the strongest piece of metal they could acquire, the locksmith would make a key.

One night, when all was ready, the locksmith and his guards opened the lock on the prison door and stepped out into the cool of the night, where his beloved wife was waiting for him.

He left the prayer rug in the prison, so that any other prisoner who was clever enough to interpret the pattern on the rug could also escape. Thus he was reunited with his wife, his former guards became his friends and they all lived in harmony. Love and expertise prevailed.

Traditional Sufi tale

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Panic attacks: what to do?

Panic attacks: what to do?

It is estimated that 21 out of every 100 people will experience a panic attack at some point in their lives. It is therefore worthwhile, especially if you are a person who is highly exposed to stress, to be familiar with the sudden reaction that is a panic attack. It is the symptoms that accompany the attack that aggravate the fear and fuel the attack.

Give yourself a massage

Massages are known to be effective in reducing stress1,2. When you feel panic coming on, think about self-massage. If you are in public or don't want to draw attention to yourself, choose the hands:

To massage your hand, open it and massage the palm with your thumb in a circular motion. Start the massage in the palm of your hand and gradually work your way outwards, applying more and more pressure. Then smooth each finger, pressing gently and without cracking. Then move to the other hand.

At the same time you can repeat soothing phrases to yourself.

Try Autogenic Training

This is a closely related deep relaxation technique that uses suggestion and concentration to eliminate stress. To work at its best, it requires real training that demands regular and sustained practice. Here is the recommended exercise:

Sitting or lying down, close your eyes and repeat inwardly and slowly "my right arm is heavy" while visualizing the arm becoming heavy. Breathe deeply.

The more the body weighs, the more it spreads out and the more it relaxes the muscles.

Now repeat inwardly and slowly "my right arm is warm" while visualising the gentle warmth spreading. Breathe deeply.

This visualization allows a very slight vasodilation of the blood vessels, which promotes better oxygenation of the body.

Always keep your eyes closed and then repeat inwardly and slowly "my heart is beating gently" while paying attention to your heart rate.

This formula calms the heartbeat and leads to general relaxation.

Finally, focus on your breathing and your breathing alone. See how deep, calm and gentle it becomes as you pay attention to it.

Perform a visualisation (guided or not)

Visualisation or guided imagery is a very effective practice for responding to a panic attack, but it requires solid training. It consists of closing your eyes and picturing or constructing an image or scene that calms you.

Use your breath

The next time you feel very stressed, get into the habit of taking deep breaths.

Start by breathing in through your nose and then place one hand on your stomach, which should rise, and another on your chest, which should barely move.

Then breathe out through your mouth and push out as much air as you can, while contracting your abdominal muscles.

Continue to breathe in the same way, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.

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miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2022

Many more, a lot more y Much more. Usos en inglés

Many more, a lot more y Much more. Usos en inglés

Gramática Inglesa - English Grammar - Recursos Educativos en inglés

En inglés decimos "much more" para decir "mucho más". También podemos decir "a lot more". Ambas expresiones son correctas.

Sin embargo, a veces diremos "many more" en lugar de "Much more". El significado es el mismo, pero "many more" se utiliza cuando se habla de un sustantivo contable, mientras que "much more" se utiliza con un sustantivo incontable.

Para explicarlo rápidamente, los incontables son sustantivos que no se pueden contar (como el agua, por ejemplo), mientras que los contables son sustantivos que se pueden contar (como las manzanas, por ejemplo). Te invito a que leas las diferencias entre much y many. Y también Nombres contables e incontables en inglés.

Por ejemplo:

There is much more coffe.
There are many more bananas.

Por otro lado, "a lot more" puede utilizarse tanto para sustantivos contables como incontables.

There is a lot more coffe.
There are a lot more bananas.

Very much

Probablemente conozca la expresión "thank you very much". Así que ya sabes que podemos decir "very much" para decir "mucho". Pero si queremos decir "mucho más", entonces será diferente. Como hemos visto anteriormente, tenemos que decir "much more" o "a lot more" para decir "mucho más".


Recuerda que el error que hay que evitar al decir "mucho más" es decir "very more". Así No se dice en inglés.

  • Much more - mucho más (incontable).
  • Many more - mucho más (contable).
  • A lot more - mucho más (contable e incontable).
  • Very much - Mucho

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  • Nombres contables e incontables en inglés
  • Presente continuo - Forma Interrogativa
  • Cómo Preguntar y decir el precio en inglés

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