jueves, 13 de enero de 2022

How to organize a romantic dinner?

How to organize a romantic dinner?

Ideas for a magical candlelight dinner!

Romance can be a simple little gesture that shows you care without necessarily getting out the tissues and violins.

If you've landed on this post, it's because you've decided to organise a dinner for someone you care about. Nice attention!

So whether you're a romantic at heart, or a die-hard who might be tempted to have a candlelit dinner this year, here are some tips and tricks for an unforgettable romantic evening. A truly romantic dinner at home!

1. How do I decorate for a romantic dinner?

Decorating your home for a dinner party will help you create an atmosphere conducive to a romantic, intimate or complicit moment, depending on what you are looking for. Because you should know that not everyone sees a romantic dinner in the same way! When some people want a rather simple atmosphere (haaa the beginnings it's hard to let go!), others will prefer to live a moment of complicity for two, or even passion for those who want to declare their love!

The important thing is to know what kind of decoration you can use to create a romantic atmosphere:

  • Flowers: they always have an effect! They can be offered in a bouquet but can also be part of the decoration. On the table, hanging from the chairs, scattered in petals...
  • Balloons: well chosen, they can be very cute. In the shape of a red heart for passion or to form the word "Love"... Or even by the dozen to declare your love!
  • Candles: no romance without candles! Candlesticks and mood candles... Don't forget to dim the light for a cosy touch.
  • Music: a small playlist of soul, jazz, acoustic...

2. Decorating a table for a romantic dinner

To organise the perfect romantic dinner, the table decoration must not be neglected. It's all about the details and even more so for the love feast, which must be absolutely perfect! The aim is to make this dinner an unforgettable moment, so the colours must be well chosen in order to create a romantic atmosphere that your other half won't forget.

A white tablecloth, a pink table runner and a few touches of red on your romantic table, nothing could be easier to make your Juliette. fall in love with you. For the colours, you should know that total white is also a good idea. It's not only women who love this atmosphere, so don't hesitate to organise a romantic evening for your man that will make a huge impact!

For a chic romantic table:

To make a romantic decoration worthy of the greatest restaurants, you need a few essentials! A white tablecloth, a beautiful candlestick, cloth napkins, plain white dishes, pretty stemware... For the bouquet of flowers, you can opt for red passion flowers like red roses or softer pastel-coloured flowers like peonies. Place your bouquet in a pretty vase.

Tip: If you don't have a vase, scatter your flowers on the table, or turn your stemware upside down and put a flower in it like a flower under a bell!

For a romantic table setting:

Go for red, the colour of passion! Dare to use red rose petals scattered here and there... Place candles everywhere for a sensual atmosphere. You can also use a scented candle that will awaken your senses.

The organisation of a romantic dinner for two also involves the choice of crockery, which should be selected with the greatest care. Bring out a beautiful tableware or, failing that, white crockery (which is perfectly suitable for the occasion).

Quickly! An example of a quick romantic table!

Simple and efficient, that's what you need because your loved one is going to arrive any minute! No time to go and buy anything, it's panic...

Here is what you need to make a romantic table in 10 minutes:

  • a table
  • a tablecloth if you have one
  • two plain plates
  • two glasses of champagne or two wine glasses
  • two or three tea lights
  • a bouquet of flowers, if the florist or local shop is still open!

Place your tablecloth or table runner on the table.

Place the plates, cutlery and champagne glasses.

At the centre of your table, place three glasses of different sizes upside down and place your candles on top.

If you have flowers, put some in the upside down glasses or put them in a vase in the middle of the table.

Light your candles just before your host arrives (not too early, otherwise they will burn out too quickly).

Play the romantic playlist!

3. What recipes for a romantic dinner?

When organising a romantic dinner, it's important not to take too many risks! Go for easy but well-presented recipes. You don't want them to keep you in the kitchen too long if you want to organise everything and have time to prepare!

There are plenty of quick and easy recipes for a romantic dinner. Remember, taste is important, but so is appearance! There's nothing like a beautiful, well-prepared plate on a tastefully decorated table to further surprise you with a romantic dinner idea at home.

You can start with a variety of plates, but in small quantities, such as :

  • sushi
  • pan-fried prawns
  • spaghetti
  • pan-fried foie gras
  • tiramisu
  • fish en papillotte
  • chocolate fondant

Avoid strong-smelling dishes such as cheese-based dishes or dishes that are too heavy to digest!

4. What should I wear for my romantic dinner?

Yes, the organisation of your romantic dinner will not be finalised until you have chosen your outfit! The question has been on your mind for several weeks now. The outfit is even more important than the meal and it has to be more delicious than your chocolate dessert and more explicit than any Marvin Gaye song!

But be careful! The idea is to remain classy and chic without being tacky, beautiful and elegant without overdoing it, sensual without being vulgar. So we're going for a pretty black dress, a classic that always appeals. Choose a dress with a low neckline in the back, for example, with a veil that only partially covers the skin. You can also try a strapless suit that reveals the shoulders. Make up the shoulders with light sequins that will sparkle on your skin thanks to the candlelight. In red, to symbolise passion, you are sure to drive your other half completely crazy!

Finally, for the make-up, make up your eyes with a nice dark smokey eye instead of your mouth. Indeed, it's through your eyes that all the emotions come through, and then, the kisses will multiply all evening; the lipstick won't last long for sure!

For you gentlemen, if you are comfortable with the shirt, go ahead! Out with the short-sleeved shirt though... You'll wear it during the holidays! If you are not comfortable with dressing up, don't overdo it, but do it enough so that we can watch your little efforts with pleasure ;)

A nice well-trimmed beard, a shirt, a touch of perfume... It's the details that count!

Recursos en inglés para San Valentín

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