sábado, 15 de enero de 2022

Valentine To RR - Charlotte Richardson - Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day - Valentine To RR - Charlotte Richardson

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Poems in English - Poesías en inglés San Valentín

Valentine To RR

Custom, whose laws we all allow,
And bow before his shrine,
Has so ordained, my friend, that you
Are now my Valentine.
Ah, could my humble Muse aspire
To catch the flame divine!
These are the gifts that I’d require
For thee, my Valentine!
May virtue o’er thy steps preside
And in thy conduct shine;
May truth and wisdom ever guide
And guard my Valentine.
May piety, seraphic maid,
Her influence divine
Shed on thy head, and ever lead,
And bless my Valentine.
Life’s dangerous paths safe may’st thou tread,
Shielded by Grace divine;
And when these artless lines are read,
Think on my Valentine!

By Charlotte Richardson

regalos san valentin

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