martes, 15 de noviembre de 2022

Christmas Eve with your family

Christmas Eve with your family

We all know that Christmas is an occasion for families to get together and have fun. It is a great moment of happiness! In order to enjoy this moment, it is essential to prepare in advance. Discover in this article the secrets to spend a wonderful Christmas with your family!

Tips for decorating your home for Christmas!

Christmas is one of the most important holidays of the year. It's a time for family reunions and good times. To get in the mood, it is imperative to decorate your flat in Christmas colours. The magic of Christmas comes from the interior and exterior decorations of the house. Twinkling lights are a symbol of the festive season. During the Christmas season, city streets are lit up at dusk. Why not do the same at home?

Decorate your interiors as well as your exteriors with wonderful garlands. The symbol of Christmas is the Christmas tree, so make a suitable space for one. You can make your own small wooden decorative trees. You can also decorate the interior of your design with Christmas skis and socks, pine cones, Christmas stars, etc.

The dining room should be the focus of your decoration. Indeed, at the end of the year, especially on Christmas Day, people often gather around a table. So to make these moments pleasant, the presentation of the table is a non-negligible detail. It must be well laid out. Make sure you have enough room for the number of people who will be dining with you on New Year's Eve. Clear the table of clutter. Place only a few plates, glasses, cutlery and install a few candles.

Christmas, an opportunity to dress up your look

Christmas is a great time to treat yourself to new clothes and outfits. On Christmas Day, put on the best outfit in your wardrobe: leave room for chic on this special day, whether on Christmas Eve or the day after. Choose outfits that showcase your personality. Enhance these outfits with fancy accessories, which will give them even more candour.

Combining elegance and comfort is a winning combination! So dress up.

Christmas games for a nice family time

Do you want to spend a nice and original Christmas time with your family? Why not organise a lot of games that will make these moments unforgettable? Let your creativity run wild! Pastry workshop, puppet shows, singing contest, dice hunt, Santa's phone game, Santa's beard, these games will only make your moments more enjoyable. Indeed, the organisation of the board games will make the family reunion a joyful moment. The children will be delighted and everyone will be able to participate in the party in their own way! In short, in order to prolong the tender moment of dinner, board games will do the trick.

Have you heard of the living Christmas tree game? Believe us, it's a great game to play on Christmas Eve. To do this, create two teams. In each team, name one person to be the tree. Use paper, embellishments, lights and any other ornamental objects and have the chosen person dress up to create a living Christmas tree. The team that presents the prettiest human tree will be the winner. Oh what a wonder!!!

Apart from the live Christmas tree game, you can also choose a very fun game: Christmas drawing. The Christmas drawing will give you a great time. To make it, get some paper plates and pencils. Everyone is a player here. Place the plates on your heads and one of you guides the process by giving instructions. First, draw a line to make the floor and then draw a tree. After that, draw a chimney next to the tree, adding a sock on top of it. Remove the plates from the heads and look at everyone's masterpiece.

Finally, if the little ones have gone to bed (dreaming of the presents Santa will put under the tree), why not end the evening with some fun games? Games such as Time's Up, Pictionnary, Court-Circuit (there are lots of others!) will allow the evening to end on a high note while waiting for Santa Claus to arrive.

Photo sessions, a good way to immortalise happy moments

To immortalise moments, take photos. There's nothing more important than immortalising moments of joy, especially those you spend with loved ones. Christmas is the time to take pictures of the family, the presents, the turkey, the cat..., and so on. Take the coolest (not to mention the craziest!) photos during Christmas games, or any other moment you think would be useful to capture.

Get yourself a special Christmas photobooth, and you can take some very funny pictures using themed props: Christmas hats, fancy glasses... All these pictures will give you joy in your heart, because you will see later how your family has grown over the years. And you will also enjoy remembering the traditions and stories of this fabulous Christmas.

Reinforce the magic of Christmas with Santa's footprints

To top it all off, leave traces of Santa's visit. If you are spending Christmas with children, it is important that they feel the magic of the holiday. The existence of Father Christmas is a mystery to children.

Dress up as Father Christmas, listen to Christmas songs together, tell Christmas stories if possible, and... leave footprints in the snow, half-eaten cakes, a red hat on the doorstep... In fact, all sorts of signs that Father Christmas has been around. It will only add to the magic of Christmas!

Gifts, the heart of Christmas!

You can't talk about Christmas without talking about presents! One of the first things people look forward to during Christmas, especially children (but not only!), are presents. Indeed, more than a tradition, gifts are the backbone of Christmas. Treat your loved ones to gifts that meet their wishes. This will prove your love for them.

Giving a present is a wonderful thing: try to personalise these gifts as much as possible! This will show the recipients how much you care.

As for the ideal time to give gifts? There are two schools of thought: give them at midnight or the next day, on Christmas Day. It's up to you: stick to your usual routine and the moment is bound to be pleasant.

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