miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2022

Tips for preparing a magical and unforgettable Christmas party

Tips for preparing a magical and unforgettable Christmas party

Christmas is undoubtedly the most awaited party of the year. This moment of sharing requires a minimum of organisation. In order to make this evening magical and memorable, here are some tips. Obviously, the most important thing is to have fun in order to end the year in a pleasant way, whether it is with friends or colleagues.

Anticipate and set a date for Christmas Eve

Organising a company Christmas party requires a minimum of organisation. During the festive season, the calendar of reception halls is usually full. Therefore, a quick reservation is essential. It is best to start looking as early as August. Then it is important to decide on a date, whether the reception will take place during the day or in the evening. The Thursday before the holidays is the ideal day, as weekends and school holidays are reserved for the family.

Choosing the theme of the evening

Whether it is a family or corporate Christmas party, the theme is essential to set the tone (evening, cocktail party, gala dinner, tea party, etc.). This theme should be reflected on the invitation, the envelope, the decorations and the gift packages. It is possible to keep it simple and opt for a "white Christmas". It's easy to work around this theme by not forgetting the great classics like eggnog, mulled wine or gingerbread biscuits. Some people go for originality and choose an opposite theme, such as "tropical" for a Christmas in Hawaii. This idea is especially suitable for warmer regions. In any case, it is best to choose a theme that your guests can relate to.

Determining the budget

It is important to keep in mind that a party means spending money. There is no need to go overboard. It is possible to organise a convivial Christmas party without breaking the bank. For companies, this party is an opportunity to thank employees for their efforts. So the event has to be just right. If the budget is tight, here are some tips:

  • Focus on the important things, such as a good meal. A breathtaking setting is not a must.
  • Instead of a formal party, it's better to have a cocktail party in the conference room at midday.
  • Some companies turn the party into a fundraising event to help local organisations. A way to keep the Christmas spirit alive!

Finding the right venue

The choice of venue depends largely on the budget, but also on the theme. For a company Christmas party, it is better to go outside the business environment if the budget allows. If this is the case, it is recommended to :

  • Find out the capacity of each interesting room.
  • Determine the time of the party.
  • Determine the equipment needed, especially for the entertainment.

Thinking about the decoration

The decoration depends on the theme. For a "white Christmas", a tree in this colour with silver or white garlands and baubles is more suitable.

  • To keep the natural Christmas tree longer, put it in a bucket filled with sand and mixed with water.
  • To avoid being pricked by thorns when disposing of the tree, it is advisable to put it in a bag dedicated to this purpose.
  • Turn the small branches of the tree into a table bouquet or a wreath. Then add a candle to create a warm atmosphere.
  • In the other corners of the room, don't hesitate to use (scent-free) candles, baubles and mistletoe.

Next, think about decorating the windows and doors. Simply hang branches of fir on the top of the windows to have garland supports. For the table, holly and fir branches can be used as a centrepiece. Three colours are enough to avoid overdoing it: red candles, green baubles and golden pine cones.

As far as the tablecloth and napkins are concerned, it is best to keep to the same tones as the table decoration. There is nothing like a white tablecloth with golden stars scattered around it. This can be accompanied by red or green napkins with gold or white ribbons! Christmas Eve is the perfect time to bring out the silverware.

Thinking about the music and the meal

At home or at a company Christmas party, music is essential. Depending on the budget, you can hire a DJ, entertainers or a band. When choosing the entertainment, it is important to take into account the age range of the guests. For the meal, there is nothing like hiring a caterer to make the most of the party. A standing aperitif is sufficient for a company Christmas cocktail party. For a family Christmas feast, it is essential to provide a sufficient buffet. Some caterers offer special menus for those on a diet. In any case, an estimate is required before signing a contract. It gives an overview of the menu and the prices charged.

For a Christmas meal with family or friends, it is possible to serve an exotic or country-style meal if the theme is appropriate. However, it would be wrong to skip the traditional turkey, chestnuts, foie gras and log. As far as drinks are concerned, alcohol* is allowed if a shuttle service has been provided. Otherwise, it is better to opt for non-alcoholic drinks or mocktails. In any case, it is best to opt for self-service drinks so that you don't have to play bartender all evening.

Gifts: not to be forgotten

Christmas is above all a time for presents. It would therefore be unlikely to organise a reception without gifts. However, there is no question of ruining yourself or your guests. To avoid this, it is important to specify the maximum amount for gifts on the invitation.

To make the Christmas party unforgettable, you should not forget the photos. It is possible to find professionals on the Internet who rent photo booths. Also, the services of a photographer would not be out of place for a company Christmas party.

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