sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2022

Recipe for making Black forest cake

recipe for making Black forest cake

Cooking recipes - How to make Black forest cake?


For the chocolate cake

  • 150 g flour
  • 50 g potato starch
  • 200 g sugar
  • 100 g bitter cocoa powder
  • 6 eggs

For the filling and decoration

  • 500 ml liquid cream
  • 500 g Cherries or Morello cherries in syrup
  • 100 g chocolate vermicelli
  • 50 ml Kirsch

Steps for making Black forest cake:

Prepare the chocolate cake: put the bitter cocoa powder, potato starch and T 45 flour in a bowl and mix together, then sift well.

Put all the whole eggs in a bowl with the sugar and beat them with electric beaters for at least 10 minutes until they become light and fluffy.

Gradually add the powders and mix with a spatula until the mixture is smooth, taking care not to overcomb.

Butter or oil or line a 22cm diameter cake tin with baking paper and pour in the chocolate cake mixture.

Level the surface well and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C (gas mark 6) for about 35 minutes until it is completely cooked, even on the inside, using a toothpick test.

Take the chocolate cake out and let it cool completely before removing it from the mould.

When it is completely cool remove it from the tin and cut off the top bump so that the surface is perfectly flat but keep the "leftovers" aside because you will need them later.

Prepare the filling: put the liquid cream in a bowl and whip with electric beaters until stiff.

In another bowl put the morello cherries drained from the syrup and in another bowl all the syrup where you will add the kirsch liqueur.

When the chocolate cake is completely cooled, cut it horizontally into three parts.

Brush each layer of the genoise with the syrup and kirsch liqueur mixture and fill it with the whipped cream and morello cherries in syrup.

Fill all the layers in this way and cover the cake completely with the remaining whipped cream.

Decorate the outside of the cake with chocolate vermicelli and decorate the surface with whipped cream, chocolate vermicelli, morello cherries in syrup and the crumbled gingerbread that you have previously cut.

The black forest cake can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of two days.

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