sábado, 15 de enero de 2022

Valentine To RR - Charlotte Richardson - Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day - Valentine To RR - Charlotte Richardson

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Poems in English - Poesías en inglés San Valentín

Valentine To RR

Custom, whose laws we all allow,
And bow before his shrine,
Has so ordained, my friend, that you
Are now my Valentine.
Ah, could my humble Muse aspire
To catch the flame divine!
These are the gifts that I’d require
For thee, my Valentine!
May virtue o’er thy steps preside
And in thy conduct shine;
May truth and wisdom ever guide
And guard my Valentine.
May piety, seraphic maid,
Her influence divine
Shed on thy head, and ever lead,
And bless my Valentine.
Life’s dangerous paths safe may’st thou tread,
Shielded by Grace divine;
And when these artless lines are read,
Think on my Valentine!

By Charlotte Richardson

regalos san valentin

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viernes, 14 de enero de 2022

The Dragon's Tears - Children's tales of peace

stories about peace, peace stories, tales about peace, The Dragon's Tears

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English

Cuentos en inglés sobre la paz - Peace Stories

The Dragon's Tears - Stories for children peace day

Far, far away, in the deep cavern of a strange country, there lived a dragon whose eyes flashed like burning blights.

The surrounding people were frightened and all hoped that someone would be able to kill it. Mothers trembled when they heard about him, and children cried silently for fear that the dragon would hear them.

But there was one child who was not afraid:

- Taró, who should I invite to your birthday party?

- Mum, I want you to invite the dragon.

- Are you kidding," said the mother.

- No, I want you to invite the dragon," repeated the boy.

The mother shook her head in despair - what strange ideas her child had! It was not possible!

But on the day of his birthday, Taró disappeared from home. He walked through the mountains, across streams and through forests, until he came to the mountain where the dragon lived.

- Lord dragon, Lord dragon," he cried in a vibrant voice.

- What's the matter, who's calling me," thought the dragon, sticking his head out of his huge cavern.

- Today is my birthday and my mother will prepare a lot of sweets," cried the boy. I've come to invite you.

The dragon could not believe his ears and looked at the boy growling in a cavernous voice. But Taró was not afraid and continued shouting:

- Lord dragon, are you coming to my birthday party?

When the dragon understood that the boy meant what he said, he was moved and began to think:

- Everyone hates and fears me. No one has ever invited me to a birthday party. Nobody loves me. What a good boy he is!

And as he thought this, tears began to fall from his eyes. First a few, then so many and so many that they became a river flowing down the valley.

- Come, get on my back," said the dragon, sobbing, "I'll take you home.

The boy saw the dragon come out of the burrow. It was a beautiful reptile, with subtle coloured scales, sinuous like a snake, but with very sturdy legs.

Taró mounted on the back of the ferocious animal and the dragon began to swim in the river of its tears. And as he swam, by a strange magic, the animal's body changed shape and size and the boy arrived happily at his home, driving a beautifully decorated dragon-shaped boat.

♦ Canciones día de la Paz en Inglés - Songs Peace's Day

♦ The Seven Coloured Knights - Diversity and Tolerance

♦ Seeking Peace - Children's tales of peace

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jueves, 13 de enero de 2022

In the Ribera of Oka - Children's tales of peace

stories about peace, peace stories, tales about peace, In the Ribera of Oka

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English

Cuentos en inglés sobre la paz - Peace Stories

In The Ribera Of Oka - Stories for children peace day

On the banks of the Oka many peasants lived happily; the land was not fertile, but if tilled steadily, it produced enough to live on, and there was still enough to keep a little in reserve.

Ivan, one of the farmers, was once at the fair in Tula and bought a beautiful pair of hounds to guard his house. The little animals soon became known all over the fields of the Oka valley for their constant raids, in which they would wreak havoc on the crops; sheep and calves did not usually fare well.

Ivan's neighbour Nicolai bought another pair of dogs at the first fair in Tula to defend his house, fields and land.

But as each peasant increased the number of dogs to better defend himself, the dogs became more demanding. They were no longer content with the bones and other leftovers from the house, but had to be reserved for the best parts of the slaughter, and covered enclosures had to be built for them and more time had to be devoted to their care.

At first, the new keepers quarrelled with the old ones, but they soon became friends and the four of them went on the rounds together.

The other neighbours, when they saw the danger increase, also got hounds, and so, after a few years, each farmer owned a pack of ten or fifteen dogs. As soon as it got dark, at the slightest noise, the hounds would run furiously and make such a racket that it seemed as if an army of bandits were about to attack the house. The frightened masters locked their doors and said:

- My God, what would become of us without these brave hounds who self-sacrificingly defend our houses?

In the meantime, misery had settled in the village; the children, covered in rags, grew pale with cold and hunger, and the men, no matter how hard they worked from morning till night, could not find enough food for their families. One day, they complained about their fate to the oldest and wisest man in the place, and as they blamed it on heaven, the old man said to them:

- It is you who are to blame; you lament that your house lacks bread for your children, who languish thin and faded, and I see that you all keep dozens of fat and lustrous dogs.

- They are the defenders of our homes," exclaimed the husbandmen.

- Defenders? of whom do they defend you?

- Sir, if it were not for them, the strange dogs would wipe out our cattle and even ourselves.

- Blind, blind! -Do you not understand that the dogs defend each one of you from the dogs of others, and that if no one had dogs you would not need defenders who eat all the bread that should feed your children? Suppress the hounds, and peace and plenty will return to your homes.

And following the old man's advice, they got rid of their defenders, and a year later their granaries and larders were not enough to contain their provisions, and on the faces of their children smiled health and prosperity.

León Tolstoi

♦ Canciones día de la Paz en Inglés - Songs Peace's Day

♦ The Seven Coloured Knights - Diversity and Tolerance

♦ Seeking Peace - Children's tales of peace

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Seeking Peace - Children's tales of peace

stories about peace, peace stories, tales about peace, Seeking Peace

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English

Cuentos en inglés sobre la paz - Peace Stories

Seeking Peace - Stories for children peace day

Once upon a time there was a king who offered a great prize to the artist who could capture perfect peace in a painting. Many artists tried. The king looked at and admired all the paintings, but there were only two that he really liked and he had to choose between them.

The first was a very peaceful lake. This lake was a perfect mirror with placid mountains surrounding it. Above them was a very blue sky with faint white clouds. Everyone who looked at this painting thought it reflected perfect peace.

The second painting also had mountains. But these were rugged and bare. Above them was a raging sky from which fell an impetuous downpour of thunder and lightning. Down the mountain there seemed to rumble a foaming torrent of water. All this did not appear at all peaceful.

But when the King looked carefully, he saw behind the waterfall a delicate bush growing in a crevice of the rock. In this bush was a nest. There, amidst the roar of the violent waterfall, sat placidly a little bird in its nest....

Perfect peace...?

Which do you think was the winning painting?

The King chose the second one.

Do you know why?

"Because," explained the King, "Peace does not mean being in a place without noise, trouble, hard work or pain. Peace means that in spite of being in the midst of all these things we remain calm in our hearts. This is the true meaning of peace".

♦ Canciones día de la Paz en Inglés - Songs Peace's Day

♦ The Seven Coloured Knights - Diversity and Tolerance

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How to organize a romantic dinner?

How to organize a romantic dinner?

Ideas for a magical candlelight dinner!

Romance can be a simple little gesture that shows you care without necessarily getting out the tissues and violins.

If you've landed on this post, it's because you've decided to organise a dinner for someone you care about. Nice attention!

So whether you're a romantic at heart, or a die-hard who might be tempted to have a candlelit dinner this year, here are some tips and tricks for an unforgettable romantic evening. A truly romantic dinner at home!

1. How do I decorate for a romantic dinner?

Decorating your home for a dinner party will help you create an atmosphere conducive to a romantic, intimate or complicit moment, depending on what you are looking for. Because you should know that not everyone sees a romantic dinner in the same way! When some people want a rather simple atmosphere (haaa the beginnings it's hard to let go!), others will prefer to live a moment of complicity for two, or even passion for those who want to declare their love!

The important thing is to know what kind of decoration you can use to create a romantic atmosphere:

  • Flowers: they always have an effect! They can be offered in a bouquet but can also be part of the decoration. On the table, hanging from the chairs, scattered in petals...
  • Balloons: well chosen, they can be very cute. In the shape of a red heart for passion or to form the word "Love"... Or even by the dozen to declare your love!
  • Candles: no romance without candles! Candlesticks and mood candles... Don't forget to dim the light for a cosy touch.
  • Music: a small playlist of soul, jazz, acoustic...

2. Decorating a table for a romantic dinner

To organise the perfect romantic dinner, the table decoration must not be neglected. It's all about the details and even more so for the love feast, which must be absolutely perfect! The aim is to make this dinner an unforgettable moment, so the colours must be well chosen in order to create a romantic atmosphere that your other half won't forget.

A white tablecloth, a pink table runner and a few touches of red on your romantic table, nothing could be easier to make your Juliette. fall in love with you. For the colours, you should know that total white is also a good idea. It's not only women who love this atmosphere, so don't hesitate to organise a romantic evening for your man that will make a huge impact!

For a chic romantic table:

To make a romantic decoration worthy of the greatest restaurants, you need a few essentials! A white tablecloth, a beautiful candlestick, cloth napkins, plain white dishes, pretty stemware... For the bouquet of flowers, you can opt for red passion flowers like red roses or softer pastel-coloured flowers like peonies. Place your bouquet in a pretty vase.

Tip: If you don't have a vase, scatter your flowers on the table, or turn your stemware upside down and put a flower in it like a flower under a bell!

For a romantic table setting:

Go for red, the colour of passion! Dare to use red rose petals scattered here and there... Place candles everywhere for a sensual atmosphere. You can also use a scented candle that will awaken your senses.

The organisation of a romantic dinner for two also involves the choice of crockery, which should be selected with the greatest care. Bring out a beautiful tableware or, failing that, white crockery (which is perfectly suitable for the occasion).

Quickly! An example of a quick romantic table!

Simple and efficient, that's what you need because your loved one is going to arrive any minute! No time to go and buy anything, it's panic...

Here is what you need to make a romantic table in 10 minutes:

  • a table
  • a tablecloth if you have one
  • two plain plates
  • two glasses of champagne or two wine glasses
  • two or three tea lights
  • a bouquet of flowers, if the florist or local shop is still open!

Place your tablecloth or table runner on the table.

Place the plates, cutlery and champagne glasses.

At the centre of your table, place three glasses of different sizes upside down and place your candles on top.

If you have flowers, put some in the upside down glasses or put them in a vase in the middle of the table.

Light your candles just before your host arrives (not too early, otherwise they will burn out too quickly).

Play the romantic playlist!

3. What recipes for a romantic dinner?

When organising a romantic dinner, it's important not to take too many risks! Go for easy but well-presented recipes. You don't want them to keep you in the kitchen too long if you want to organise everything and have time to prepare!

There are plenty of quick and easy recipes for a romantic dinner. Remember, taste is important, but so is appearance! There's nothing like a beautiful, well-prepared plate on a tastefully decorated table to further surprise you with a romantic dinner idea at home.

You can start with a variety of plates, but in small quantities, such as :

  • sushi
  • pan-fried prawns
  • spaghetti
  • pan-fried foie gras
  • tiramisu
  • fish en papillotte
  • chocolate fondant

Avoid strong-smelling dishes such as cheese-based dishes or dishes that are too heavy to digest!

4. What should I wear for my romantic dinner?

Yes, the organisation of your romantic dinner will not be finalised until you have chosen your outfit! The question has been on your mind for several weeks now. The outfit is even more important than the meal and it has to be more delicious than your chocolate dessert and more explicit than any Marvin Gaye song!

But be careful! The idea is to remain classy and chic without being tacky, beautiful and elegant without overdoing it, sensual without being vulgar. So we're going for a pretty black dress, a classic that always appeals. Choose a dress with a low neckline in the back, for example, with a veil that only partially covers the skin. You can also try a strapless suit that reveals the shoulders. Make up the shoulders with light sequins that will sparkle on your skin thanks to the candlelight. In red, to symbolise passion, you are sure to drive your other half completely crazy!

Finally, for the make-up, make up your eyes with a nice dark smokey eye instead of your mouth. Indeed, it's through your eyes that all the emotions come through, and then, the kisses will multiply all evening; the lipstick won't last long for sure!

For you gentlemen, if you are comfortable with the shirt, go ahead! Out with the short-sleeved shirt though... You'll wear it during the holidays! If you are not comfortable with dressing up, don't overdo it, but do it enough so that we can watch your little efforts with pleasure ;)

A nice well-trimmed beard, a shirt, a touch of perfume... It's the details that count!

Recursos en inglés para San Valentín

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Blizzard - William Carlos Williams

Poesías invierno en inglés para niños, Poems about the Fall Season, winter Poems for Kids

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Poems in English

Winter Poems for Kids - Poesías invierno en inglés estaciones del año


years of anger following
hours that float idly down —
the blizzard
drifts its weight
deeper and deeper for three days
or sixty years, eh? Then
the sun! a clutter of
yellow and blue flakes —
Hairy looking trees stand out
in long alleys
over a wild solitude.
The man turns and there —
his solitary track stretched out
upon the world.

By William Carlos Williams

William Carlos Williams was an American writer associated with modernism and imagism. He is especially known for his poetry.

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After Apple-Picking - Robert Lee Frost

Poesías invierno en inglés para niños, Poems about the Fall Season, winter Poems for Kids

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Poems in English

Winter Poems for Kids - Poesías invierno en inglés estaciones del año

After Apple-Picking

My long two-pointed ladder's sticking through a tree
Toward heaven still,
And there's a barrel that I didn't fill
Beside it, and there may be two or three
Apples I didn't pick upon some bough.
But I am done with apple-picking now.
Essence of winter sleep is on the night,
The scent of apples: I am drowsing off.
I cannot rub the strangeness from my sight
I got from looking through a pane of glass
I skimmed this morning from the drinking trough
And held against the world of hoary grass.
It melted, and I let it fall and break.
But I was well
Upon my way to sleep before it fell,
And I could tell
What form my dreaming was about to take.
Magnified apples appear and disappear,
Stem end and blossom end,
And every fleck of russet showing clear.
My instep arch not only keeps the ache,
It keeps the pressure of a ladder-round.
I feel the ladder sway as the boughs bend.
And I keep hearing from the cellar bin
The rumbling sound
Of load on load of apples coming in.
For I have had too much
Of apple-picking: I am overtired
Of the great harvest I myself desired.
There were ten thousand thousand fruit to touch,
Cherish in hand, lift down, and not let fall.
For all
That struck the earth,
No matter if not bruised or spiked with stubble,
Went surely to the cider-apple heap
As of no worth.
One can see what will trouble
This sleep of mine, whatever sleep it is.
Were he not gone,
The woodchuck could say whether it's like his
Long sleep, as I describe its coming on,
Or just some human sleep.

By Robert Frost

Robert Lee Frost was an American poet, considered one of the founders of modern American poetry for expressing, with philosophical simplicity and sentimental depth, the life and emotions of rural New Englanders.

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